টেমপ্লেট:ব্যবহারকারী অধিকার স্তর

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abusefilter-hidden-logView hidden abuse log entriesOS
abusefilter-hide-logHide entries in the abuse log
abusefilter-logView the abuse logYesY

abusefilter-log-detailView detailed abuse log entriesYesYYesYYesYGR
abusefilter-log-privateView edit filters marked as privateYesY
abusefilter-modifyModify abuse filtersYesY
abusefilter-modify-restrictedModify edit filters with restricted actionsYesY
abusefilter-privatedetailsView private data (IP addresses) in the abuse logCU
abusefilter-privatedetails-logView the AbuseFilter private details access log
abusefilter-viewView non-private abuse filtersYesY
abusefilter-view-privateView edit filters marked as privateYesY
apihighlimitsRequest API queries in batches of 5,000, rather than 500YesYYesY
applychangetagsApply tags along with one's changesYesY
autoconfirmedNot be affected by IP-based rate limitsYesYYesYYesYPCR, GR, IE
autopatrolAutomatically mark all edits made by the user as patrolledYesYYesYAP, GR
autoreviewAutomatically mark all revisions made by the user as "accepted"YesY / ☒না[ঘ]YesYYesYPCR, AR
bigdeleteDelete pages with over 5,000 revisionsStewards
blockBlock an IP address, user account, or range of IP addresses, from editingYesY
blockemailBlock a user from sending emailYesY
botEdit without their edits showing up in recent changesYesYflooder
browsearchiveSearch deleted pagesYesY
centralauth-mergeMerge their accountYesY
changetagsAdd and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entriesYesY
checkuserView all IP addresses used by a user account or show all edits from a given IP addressCU, Ombuds
checkuser-logView the checkuser log
collectionsaveascommunitypageSave books as community page in the book namespaceYesY
collectionsaveasuserpageSave books as user subpageYesY
createaccountCreate a new user account for themselves or another userYesYYesY
createpageCreate a new pageYesYYesY
createtalkCreate a new talk pageYesYYesY
deleteDelete a page with ≤ 5,000 revisionsYesY
deletechangetagsDelete tags from the databaseYesY
deletedhistoryView the history of a deleted page or a user's deleted contributions, provided it is not CSS or JSYesY
deletedtextView the text of deleted revisions, provided the page is not CSS or JSYesY
deletelogentryAccess the RevisionDelete tool and change the public visibility of log entriesYesYOS
deleterevisionAccess the RevisionDelete tool and change the public visibility of edit revisionsYesY

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Registered accounts[খ]Autoconfirmed
and Confirmed
BotsAdministratorsBureaucratsother groups[গ]
editEdit any page which is not protectedYesYYesYIE
editcontentmodelEdit the content model of a pageYesYIE
editinterfaceEdit the MediaWiki namespace to affect the interfaceYesYIA, IE
editmyoptionsEdit your own preferencesYesY
editmyprivateinfoEdit your own private data (e.g. email address, real name)YesY
editmyusercssEdit your own user .css filesYesY
editmyuserjsEdit your own user .js filesYesY
editmyuserjsonEdit your own user .json filesYesY
editmywatchlistEdit your own watchlistYesY
editprotectedEdit fully-protected pagesYesYIE
editsemiprotectedEdit semi-protected pagesYesYYesYYesYPCR, GR, IE
editsitecssEdit sitewide .css filesIA, IE
editsitejsEdit sitewide .js files
editsitejsonEdit sitewide .json filesYesY
editusercssEdit other users' .css filesIA, IE
edituserjsEdit other users' .js files
edituserjsonEdit other users' .json filesYesYIA
globalblock-whitelistDisable global blocks locallyYesY
hideuserBlock a username, hiding it from the publicOS
importImport pages from other wikisYesYIMP, TWI
importuploadImport pages from a locally stored XML fileIMP
ipblock-exemptBe unaffected by blocks applied to the user's IP address or a range (CIDR) containing itYesYIPBE
managechangetagsCreate and (de)activate tagsYesY
markboteditsMark rollback as bot edits, to keep them out of recent changesYesYGR[ঙ]
massmessageSend a message to multiple users at onceYesY
mergehistoryMerge the history of pagesYesY
minoreditMake an edit marked as 'minor'YesY
moveChange the title of a page by moving itYesYYesYGR
move-categorypagesChange the title of a category by moving itYesYYesY
movefileChange the title of a file by moving itYesYFMV
move-rootuserpagesMove root user pagesYesYYesY
move-subpagesMove pages with their subpagesYesY
movestableMove pages under pending changesYesY / ☒না[ঘ]YesYGR
mwoauthmanagemygrantsManage OAuth grantsYesY
nominornewtalkMinor edits by this user to user talk pages do not trigger the "you have new messages" bannerYesY
noratelimitNot be affected by rate limitsYesYYesYYesYACCP, GR[ঙ], Stewards

Allows user(s) to…All
Registered accounts[খ]Autoconfirmed
and Confirmed
BotsAdministratorsBureaucratsother groups[গ]
nukeMass delete pagesYesY
oathauth-enableEnable two-factor authenticationYesYYesYCU, IMP, IA, OS, TWI
override-antispoofAllows the creation of accounts with mixed-script, confusing and similar usernamesYesYYesY
patrolState that they have checked a page that appeared in Special:NewpagesYesYYesYPCR
protectChange protection levels, edit and move protected pages, and edit cascade-protected pagesYesY
purgePurge a page by adding &action=purge to the URLYesY
readRead pagesYesYYesY
renameuserChange the name of an existing accountGlobal renamers, Stewards
reuploadOverwrite an existing unprotected fileYesYYesY
reupload-ownOverwrite existing files uploaded by oneselfYesY
reupload-sharedOverride files on the shared media repository locallyYesY
reviewMark revisions as being "accepted"YesYPCR
rollbackUse a special link to more easily revert a bad editYesYRBK, GR[ঙ]
sendemailE-mail a user (using Special:EmailUser/username) who have associated an email address with themselvesYesY
skipcaptchaPerform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHAYesYYesYYesYGR
spamblacklistlogView the spam blacklist logYesY
stablesettingsConfigure how the latest accepted revision is selected and displayedYesY
suppressionlogView private logsOS
suppressredirectNot create a redirect from the old name when moving a pageYesYYesYYesYFM, PCR, GR[ঙ], IE
suppressrevisionAccess the RevisionDelete tool and change the public and administrator visibility of edit revisions and logsOS
tboverrideOverride the title blacklistYesYIE
titleblacklistlogView title blacklist logYesY
torunblockedBypass automatic blocks of Tor exit nodesIPBE
transcode-resetReset failed or transcoded videos so they are inserted into the job queue againYesYYesY
transcode-statusView information about the current transcode activityYesYYesY
undeleteUndelete a previously deleted page or specific revisions from it, view deleted revisionsYesY
unwatchedpagesView a list of pages which are not on anyone's watchlistYesY
uploadUpload a media fileYesYYesY
userrightsEdit all user rightsStewards, Jimbo Wales
viewmyprivateinfoView your own private data (e.g. email address, real name)YesY
viewmywatchlistView your own watchlistYesY
viewsuppressedView revisions hidden from any userOS
vipsscaler-testUse the VIPS scaling test interfaceYesY
writeapiUse of the write APIYesYYesYYesY

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Registered accounts[খ]Autoconfirmed
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BotsAdministratorsBureaucratsother groups[গ]
🔥 Top keywords: প্রধান পাতাবিশেষ:অনুসন্ধানরবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর২০২৪ আইসিসি পুরুষ টি২০ বিশ্বকাপকাজী নজরুল ইসলামবাংলাদেশ ডাক বিভাগশেখ মুজিবুর রহমানএক্স এক্স এক্স এক্স (অ্যালবাম)বাংলাদেশছয় দফা আন্দোলনক্লিওপেট্রাবাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধভারতের সাধারণ নির্বাচন, ২০২৪আবহাওয়ামুহাম্মাদব্লু হোয়েল (খেলা)বাংলা ভাষাইন্না লিল্লাহি ওয়া ইন্না ইলাইহি রাজিউনবাংলা প্রবাদ-প্রবচনের তালিকাভারতভূমি পরিমাপবাংলা ভাষা আন্দোলনমহাত্মা গান্ধীমিয়া খলিফামৌলিক পদার্থের তালিকাবঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান টানেলপহেলা বৈশাখপদ্মা সেতুলোকসভা কেন্দ্রের তালিকামাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্তসুনীল ছেত্রীবাংলাদেশের পলিটেকনিক ইনস্টিটিউটের তালিকাবিশেষ:সাম্প্রতিক পরিবর্তনসমূহআসসালামু আলাইকুমপশ্চিমবঙ্গবাংলাদেশে পালিত দিবসসমূহশেখ হাসিনাবাংলাদেশের শিক্ষামন্ত্রীজয়নুল আবেদিন