
Seba na module şıma şenê yû pela dokumani vırazê Modul:Navbox/dok

---- This module will implement {{Navbox}}-- local p = {} local HtmlBuilder = require('Module:HtmlBuilder')local navbar = require('Module:Navbar')._navbarlocal getArgs -- lazily initialized local argslocal tableRowAdded = falselocal borderlocal listnums = {} local function trim(s)    return (mw.ustring.gsub(s, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))end local function addNewline(s)    if s:match('^[*:;#]') or s:match('^{|') then        return '\n' .. s ..'\n'    else        return s    endend local function addTableRow(tbl)    -- If any other rows have already been added, then we add a 2px gutter row.    if tableRowAdded then        tbl            .tag('tr')                .css('height', '2px')                .tag('td')                .attr('colspan',2)    end     tableRowAdded = true     return tbl.tag('tr')end local function renderNavBar(titleCell)    -- Depending on the presence of the navbar and/or show/hide link, we may need to add a spacer div on the left    -- or right to keep the title centered.    local spacerSide = nil       -- Render the spacer div.    if spacerSide then        titleCell            .tag('span')                .css('float', spacerSide)                .css('width', '6em')                .wikitext('&nbsp;')    endend ----   Title row--local function renderTitleRow(tbl)    if not args.title then return end     local titleRow = addTableRow(tbl)     if args.titlegroup then        titleRow            .tag('th')                .attr('scope', 'row')                .addClass('navbox-group')                .addClass(args.titlegroupclass)                .cssText(args.basestyle)                .cssText(args.groupstyle)                .cssText(args.titlegroupstyle)                .wikitext(args.titlegroup)    end     local titleCell = titleRow.tag('th').attr('scope', 'col')     if args.titlegroup then        titleCell            .css('border-left', '2px solid #fdfdfd')            .css('width', '100%')    end     local titleColspan = 2    if args.imageleft then titleColspan = titleColspan + 1 end    if args.image then titleColspan = titleColspan + 1 end    if args.titlegroup then titleColspan = titleColspan - 1 end     titleCell        .cssText(args.basestyle)        .cssText(args.titlestyle)        .addClass('navbox-title')        .attr('colspan', titleColspan)     renderNavBar(titleCell)     titleCell         .tag('div')             .addClass(args.titleclass)             .css('font-size', '110%')             .wikitext(addNewline(args.title))end ----   Above/Below rows-- local function getAboveBelowColspan()    local ret = 2    if args.imageleft then ret = ret + 1 end    if args.image then ret = ret + 1 end    return retend local function renderAboveRow(tbl)    if not args.above then return end     addTableRow(tbl)        .tag('td')            .addClass('navbox-abovebelow')            .addClass(args.aboveclass)            .cssText(args.basestyle)            .cssText(args.abovestyle)            .attr('colspan', getAboveBelowColspan())            .tag('div')                .wikitext(addNewline(args.above))end local function renderBelowRow(tbl)    if not args.below then return end     addTableRow(tbl)        .tag('td')            .addClass('navbox-abovebelow')            .addClass(args.belowclass)            .cssText(args.basestyle)            .cssText(args.belowstyle)            .attr('colspan', getAboveBelowColspan())            .tag('div')                .wikitext(addNewline(args.below))end ----   List rows--local function renderListRow(tbl, listnum)    local row = addTableRow(tbl)     if listnum == 1 and args.imageleft then        row            .tag('td')                .addClass('navbox-image')                .addClass(args.imageclass)                .css('width', '0%')                .css('padding', '0px 2px 0px 0px')                .cssText(args.imageleftstyle)                .attr('rowspan', 2 * #listnums - 1)                .tag('div')                    .wikitext(addNewline(args.imageleft))    end     if args['group' .. listnum] then        local groupCell = row.tag('th')         groupCell               .attr('scope', 'row')               .addClass('navbox-group')               .addClass(args.groupclass)               .cssText(args.basestyle)         if args.groupwidth then            groupCell.css('width', args.groupwidth)        end         groupCell            .cssText(args.groupstyle)            .cssText(args['group' .. listnum .. 'style'])            .wikitext(args['group' .. listnum])    end     local listCell = row.tag('td')     if args['group' .. listnum] then        listCell            .css('text-align', 'left')            .css('border-left-width', '2px')            .css('border-left-style', 'solid')    else        listCell.attr('colspan', 2)    end     if not args.groupwidth then         listCell.css('width', '100%')    end     local isOdd = (listnum % 2) == 1    local rowstyle = args.evenstyle    if isOdd then rowstyle = args.oddstyle end     local evenOdd    if args.evenodd == 'swap' then        if isOdd then evenOdd = 'even' else evenOdd = 'odd' end    else        if isOdd then evenOdd = args.evenodd or 'odd' else evenOdd = args.evenodd or 'even' end    end     listCell        .css('padding', '0px')        .cssText(args.liststyle)        .cssText(rowstyle)        .cssText(args['list' .. listnum .. 'style'])        .addClass('navbox-list')        .addClass('navbox-' .. evenOdd)        .addClass(args.listclass)        .tag('div')            .css('padding', (listnum == 1 and args.list1padding) or args.listpadding or '0em 0.25em')            .wikitext(addNewline(args['list' .. listnum]))     if listnum == 1 and args.image then        row            .tag('td')                .addClass('navbox-image')                .addClass(args.imageclass)                .css('width', '0%')                .css('padding', '0px 0px 0px 2px')                .cssText(args.imagestyle)                .attr('rowspan', 2 * #listnums - 1)                .tag('div')                    .wikitext(addNewline(args.image))    endend  ----   Tracking categories-- local function needsHorizontalLists()    if border == 'child' or border == 'subgroup'  or args.tracking == 'no' then return false end     local listClasses = {'plainlist', 'hlist', 'hlist hnum', 'hlist hwrap', 'hlist vcard', 'vcard hlist', 'hlist vevent'}    for i, cls in ipairs(listClasses) do        if args.listclass == cls or args.bodyclass == cls then            return false        end    end     return trueend local function hasBackgroundColors()    return mw.ustring.match(args.titlestyle or '','background') or mw.ustring.match(args.groupstyle or '','background') or mw.ustring.match(args.basestyle or '','background')end local function getTrackingCategories()    local cats = {}    if needsHorizontalLists() then table.insert(cats, 'Navigational boxes without horizontal lists') end    if hasBackgroundColors() then table.insert(cats, 'Navboxes using background colours') end    return catsend local function renderTrackingCategories(builder)    local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()    if title.namespace ~= 10 then return end -- not in template space    local subpage = title.subpageText    if subpage == 'doc' or subpage == 'sandbox' or subpage == 'testcases' then return end     for i, cat in ipairs(getTrackingCategories()) do        builder.wikitext('[[Category:' .. cat .. ']]')     endend ----   Main navbox tables--local function renderMainTable()    local tbl = HtmlBuilder.create('table')        .attr('cellspacing', 0)        .addClass('nowraplinks')        .addClass(args.bodyclass)     if args.title and (args.state ~= 'plain' and args.state ~= 'off') then        tbl            .addClass('collapsible')            .addClass(args.state or 'autocollapse')    end     tbl.css('border-spacing', 0)    if border == 'subgroup' or border == 'child' or border == 'none' then        tbl            .addClass('navbox-subgroup')            .cssText(args.bodystyle)            .cssText(    else -- regular navobx - bodystyle and style will be applied to the wrapper table        tbl            .addClass('navbox-inner')            .css('background', 'transparent')            .css('color', 'inherit')    end    tbl.cssText(args.innerstyle)     renderTitleRow(tbl)    renderAboveRow(tbl)    for i, listnum in ipairs(listnums) do        renderListRow(tbl, listnum)     end    renderBelowRow(tbl)     return tblend function p._navbox(navboxArgs)    args = navboxArgs     for k, v in pairs(args) do        local listnum = ('' .. k):match('^list(%d+)$')        if listnum then table.insert(listnums, tonumber(listnum)) end    end    table.sort(listnums)     border = trim(args.border or args[1] or '')     -- render the main body of the navbox    local tbl = renderMainTable()     -- render the appropriate wrapper around the navbox, depending on the border param    local res = HtmlBuilder.create()    if border == 'none' then        res.node(tbl)    elseif border == 'subgroup' or border == 'child' then        -- We assume that this navbox is being rendered in a list cell of a parent navbox, and is        -- therefore inside a div with padding:0em 0.25em. We start with a </div> to avoid the        -- padding being applied, and at the end add a <div> to balance out the parent's </div>        res            .tag('/div', {unclosed = true})                .done()            .node(tbl)            .tag('div', {unclosed = true})    else        res            .tag('table')                .attr('cellspacing', 0)                .addClass('navbox')                .css('border-spacing', 0)                .cssText(args.bodystyle)                .cssText(                .tag('tr')                    .tag('td')                        .css('padding', '2px')                        .node(tbl)    end     renderTrackingCategories(res)     return tostring(res)end function p.navbox(frame)    if not getArgs then    getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs    end    args = getArgs(frame, {wrappers = 'Template:Navbox'})     -- Read the arguments in the order they'll be output in, to make references number in the right order.    local _    _ = args.title    _ = args.above    for i = 1, 20 do        _ = args["group" .. tostring(i)]        _ = args["list" .. tostring(i)]    end        _ = args.below     return p._navbox(args)end return p