Timeline of transportation technology

This is a timeline of transportation technology and technological developments in the culture of transportation.


A traditional Polynesian catamaran
Dionysus riding on a small galley-like craft in a painting from the Dionysus cup by Exekias, from c. 530 BC[1]

Middle Ages

Horse collars and cart between 1350 and 1375

17th century

  • 1604 – The world's first recorded overland wagonway, the 2-mile (3.2 km) Wollaton Wagonway, is built by Huntingdon Beaumont in Nottingham, England, for the transport of coal.[6][7][8]
  • 1616 - The first recorded mechanical ropeway was by Croatian Fausto Veranzio who designed a bicable passenger ropeway
  • 1620 – Cornelius Drebbel builds the world's first known submarine, which is propelled by oars (although there are earlier ideas for and depictions of submarines).
  • 1644 - Adam Wybe builds world's first cable car on multiple supports. It was the biggest built until the end of the 19th century.[9]
  • 1655 - Stephan Farffler was a Nuremberg watchmaker of the seventeenth century whose invention of a manumotive carriage in 1655 is widely considered to have been the first self-propelled wheelchair.
  • 1662 – Blaise Pascal invents a horse-drawn public bus which has a regular route, schedule, and fare system.
  • 1672 – Ferdinand Verbiest built what may have been the first steam-powered scale model car.[10][11]

18th century

19th century

Early 19th century

Late 19th century

Late 19th century modes of transport, Japan.
First Zeppelin ascent, 1900

20th century

Early 20th century

Early 20th Century modes of road transport in Dublin, 1929

Late 20th Century

A 0 series Shinkansen high-speed rail set in Tokyo, May 1967
Concorde 001 first flight in 1969
Space shuttle launch
C5 enthusiasts gather at the Brooklands Museum
First fully low floor tram in Bremen

21st century


Transportation technologies in society

Sustainable transport

Autonomous vehicles

Milestones in autonomous sustainable / public transport vehicles are also listed in this section.

See also



Further reading

  • Deboffles, Xavier (2011). Chronologie des transports. Le Cannet: Éd. Tableaux synoptiques de l'histoire, TSH. ISBN 978-2-35972-031-0.
  • Wilson, Anthony (1995). On the Move: A Visual Timeline of Transportation. Dorling Kindersley. ISBN 978-1-56458-880-7.
  • Bruno, Leonard C. (1993). On the Move: A Chronology of Advances in Transportation. Gale Research. ISBN 978-0-8103-8396-8.
  • Berger, Michael L. The automobile in American history and culture: a reference guide (Greenwood, 2001).
  • Condit, Carl W. The railroad and the city: a technological and urbanistic history of Cincinnati (The Ohio State University Press, 1977) online.
  • Eckermann, Erik. World history of the automobile (SAE International, 2001).
  • Gkoumas, Konstantinos, and Anastasios Tsakalidis. "A framework for the taxonomy and assessment of new and emerging transport technologies and trends." Transport 34.4 (2019): 455–466. online
  • Gourvish, Terry. "What kind of railway history did we get? Forty years of research." Journal of Transport History 14.2 (1993): 111–125.
  • Horner, Craig. The Emergence of Bicycling and Automobility in Britain (Bloomsbury Academic, 2021) online review
  • Kellermann, Robin, Tobias Biehle, and Liliann Fischer. "Drones for parcel and passenger transportation: A literature review." Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 4 (2020): 100088. online
  • Knowles, Richard D., Fiona Ferbrache, and Alexandros Nikitas. "Transport's historical, contemporary and future role in shaping urban development: Re-evaluating transit oriented development." Cities 99 (2020): 102607. online
  • Matthews, Jodie. "Canals in nineteenth-century literary history." in Transport and Its Place in History (Routledge, 2020) pp. 136–150.
  • Parissien, Steven. The life of the automobile: the complete history of the motor car (Macmillan, 2014).
  • Schivelbusch, Wolfgang. The railway journey: The industrialization of time and space in the nineteenth century (Univ of California Press, 2014).
  • Takatsu, Toshiji. "The history and future of high-speed railways in Japan." Japan Railway & Transport Review 48 (2007): 6-21. online