2027 in public domain

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When a work's copyright expires, it enters the public domain. The following is a list of creators whose works enter the public domain in 2027. Since laws vary globally, the copyright status of some works are not uniform.

The works of Bertolt Brecht will enter the public domain in Europe in 2027.

Entering the public domain in countries with life + 70 years

With the exception of Belarus (Life + 50 years) and Spain (which has a copyright term of Life + 80 years for creators that died before 1987), a work enters the public domain in Europe 70 years after the creator's death, if it was published during the creator's lifetime. For previously unpublished material, those who publish it first will have the publication rights for 25 years. In addition several other countries in the world has a limit of 70 years. The list is sorted alphabetically and includes a notable work of the creator.

NamesCountryBirthDeathOccupationNotable work
Pietro Badoglio  Italy28 September 18711 November 1956GeneralLa guerra d'Etiopia,
L'Italia nella seconda guerra mondiale
Julien Benda  France26 December 18677 June 1956WriterBibliography
Bertold Brecht  Germany10 February 189814 August 1956PlaywrightThe Threepenny Opera,
Mother Courage and Her Children
Ezio Camussi [it]  Italy16 January 187711 August 1956ComposerCompositions
Francisco de Aquino Correia  Brazil2 April 188522 March 1956Writer
Mohammed Hussein Heikal  Egypt20 August 18888 December 1956NovelistZeinab
Irène Joliot-Curie  France12 September 189717 March 1956Chemist
Aino Kallas  Finland  Estonia2 August 18789 November 1956WriterSudenmorsian, The Pastor of Reigi,
Barbara von Tisenhusen
Paul Léautaud  France18 January 187222 February 1956WriterWorks
Guido Leto  Italy5 November 18951956PoliticianPublications
Évariste Lévi-Provençal  France4 January 189427 March 1956OrientalistHistoire de l'Espagne musulmane
A. A. Milne  United Kingdom18 January 188231 January 1956WriterWinnie-the-Pooh
Giovanni Papini  Italy9 January 18818 July 1956WriterPublications
Alex Raymond  United States2 October 19096 September 1956WriterFlash Gordon
Jackson Pollock  United States28 January 191211 August 1956Painter
Jacques Sadoul  France22 May 188118 November 1956PoliticianWorks
Michael Ventris  United Kingdom12 July 19226 September 1956Classics scholar, philologistDocuments in Mycenaean Greek,
Introducing the Minoan Language

Countries with life + 60 years

In Bangladesh, India, and Venezuela a work enters the public domain 60 years after the creator's death.

NamesCountryBirthDeathOccupationNotable work
Ralph Allen  Canada25 August 19132 December 1966Writer, journalistPeace River Country
Lauro Ayestarán  Uruguay9 July 191322 July 1966MusicologistLa música en el Uruguay
André Breton  France19 February 189628 September 1966Writer, poetSurrealist Manifesto
Jan Brzechwa  Poland15 August 18982 July 1966Poet
Deems Taylor  United States22 December 18853 July 1966Composer, music critic
Walt Disney  United States5 December 190115 December 1966Filmmaker
C. S. Forester  United Kingdom27 August 18992 April 1966WriterHoratio Hornblower, The African Queen, The General
Lloyd Garrett  United States2 July 188615 April 1966Tenor, composer
Alberto Giacometti   Switzerland10 October 190111 January 1966Sculptor, painterThe Palace at 4 a.m., L'Homme au doigt, Grande tête mince, L'Homme qui marche I, Large Standing Woman I, Monumental Head
César Batlle Pacheco  Uruguay3 August 18856 January 1966Politician, Journalist
Olhinto María Simoes  Uruguay5 June 19019 October 1966Poet, journalistLa sombra de los plátanos
Cordwainer Smith  United States11 July 19136 August 1966Science fiction writer, professor, military officerPsychological Warfare, Norstrilia, Scanners Live in Vain, Alpha Ralpha Boulevard, A Planet Named Shayol
Evelyn Waugh  United Kingdom28 October 190310 April 1966WriterVile Bodies, A Handful of Dust
Mohamed Fawzi  Egypt15 August 191820 October 1966Singer, MusicianKassaman
Mohamed El Qasabgi  Egypt189225 March 1966MusicianRaq El Habib
Badie' Khayri  Egypt17 August 18931 February 1966PlaywrightHassan wa Murqus wa Cohen
Sayyid Qutb  Egypt9 October 190629 August 1966WriterMa'alim fi al-Tariq, Fi Zilal al-Quran

Countries with life + 50 years

In most countries of Africa and Asia, as well as Belarus, Bolivia, New Zealand, Egypt and Uruguay, a work enters the public domain 50 years after the creator's death.

NamesCountryBirthDeathOccupationNotable work
Agatha Christie  United Kingdom15 September 189012 January 1976AuthorThe Mysterious Affair at Styles
Stuart Cloete  South Africa23 July 189719 March 1976AuthorTurning Wheels
Daniel F. Galouye  United States11 February 19207 September 1976SF AuthorDark Universe
Munro Leaf  United States4 December 190521 December 1976AuthorThe Story of Ferdinand
André Malraux  France3 November 190123 November 1976AuthorLa Condition Humaine
Robert L. May  United States27 July 190511 August 1976RetailerRudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Edgar Pangborn  United States25 February 19091 February 1976SF AuthorA Mirror for Observers
Thomas Burnett Swann  United States12 October 19285 May 1976SF Author, poetThe Minotaur Trilogy

Countries with life + 80 years

Spain has a copyright term of life + 80 years for creators that died before 1987. In Colombia and Equatorial Guinea a work enters the public domain 80 years after the creator's death.

United States

Notable works entering the public domain in the United States in 2027 include Universal Pictures' Frankenstein and Dracula films

Under the Copyright Term Extension Act, books published in 1931, films released in 1931, and other works published in 1931, will enter the public domain in 2027.[1] Sound recordings that were published in 1926 and unpublished works whose authors died in 1956 will also enter the public domain. The Disney animated short The Moose Hunt, featuring the first named appearance of Pluto, enters the public domain. Universal Pictures' Frankenstein and Dracula adaptations will be among the works to enter the public domain. In addition, the character Dick Tracy will enter the public domain.

Other significant films entering the public domain include Charlie Chaplin's City Lights, 1931 Best Picture Oscar-winner Cimarron, Gangster films Little Caesar and The Public Enemy, the Marx Brothers film Monkey Business, Fritz Lang's serial killer drama M, Josef von Sternberg's Dishonored starring Marlene Dietrich, Michael Powell's directorial debut Two Crowded Hours, Otto Preminger's directorial debut The Great Love, Mário Peixoto's Limite, Dave Fleischer's Bimbo's Initiation, the first Canadian sound film The Viking, the first Soviet sound film Road to Life, the first Japanese sound film The Neighbor's Wife and Mine, the first Bollywood-musical Alam Ara (now believed lost) and the first Chinese sound film Sing-Song Red Peony.

Artworks entering the public domain include Salvador Dali's painting The Persistence of Memory, Georgia O'Keeffe's painting Cow's Skull: Red, White, and Blue, Grant Wood's painting The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, Thomas Hart Benton's painting America Today, Paul Landowski's sculpture Christ the Redeemer, Pablo Picasso's sculpture Bust of a Woman (Marie-Thérèse), Edward Weston's photograph Cabbage Leaf, August Sander's photograph Secretary at West German Radio, Cologne and M.C. Escher's early print Atrani, Coast of Amalfi.

Important literary works entering the public domain include Pearl S. Buck's The Good Earth, Virginia Woolf's novel The Waves, Lynn Riggs' play Green Grows the Lilacs, Erich Maria Remarque's novel The Road Back, Winston Churchill's final volume of The World Crisis, Georges Simenon's novel The Strange Case of Peter the Lett (containing the first introduction of inspector Inspector Jules Maigret) in its original French, Hergé's Tintin in the Congo in its original French black-and-white version, and Jean de Brunhoff's The Story of Babar in its original French.

See also
