Hitler and Mannerheim recording: Difference between revisions

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'''Another voice in the background:''' Without petroleum.
'''Hitler:''' (Interrupting) We had huge German production, however, the demands of the air force, our Panzer divisions - they are really huge. It's a level of consumption that surpasses the imagination. And without the addition of four to five million tons of Romanian petroleum, we could not have fought the war - and would have had to let it be - and that was my big worry. Therefore I aspired to, the bridge the period of negotiations until we would be strong enough to, counter those extortive demands [from Moscow] because - those demands were simply naked extortion'sextortions. They were extortion'sextortions. The Russians knew we were tied up in the west. They could really extort everything from us. Only when Molotov visited - then - I told him frankly that the demands, their numerous demands, weren't acceptable to us. With that the negotiations came to abrupt end that same morning. There were four topics. The one topic that, involved Finland was, the, freedom to protect themselves from the Finnish threat, he said. [I said] You do not want to tell me Finland threatens you! But he said: "In Finland it's - they who take action against the, friends, of the Soviet Union. They would [take action] against [our] society, against us and, a great power cannot be threatened by a minor country. I said: "Your, existence isn't threatened by Finland! That is, you don't mean to tell me.
'''Mannerheim:''' (Interrupting) Laughable!