List of Doctor Who supporting characters

(Redirected from White Guardian)

Over the course of its many years on television, the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who has not only seen changes in the actors to play the Doctor, but in the supporting cast as well.


The Doctor is usually accompanied in his travels by one to three companions (sometimes called assistants). These characters provide a surrogate with whom the audience can identify, and further the story by asking questions and getting into trouble, (similar to Dr. Watson in the Sherlock Holmes mysteries.) The Doctor regularly gains new companions and loses old ones; sometimes they return home, or find new causes on worlds they have visited. A few of the companions have died during the course of the series.

Recurring characters

UNIT personnel

Other humans

This list includes characters who appear to be human and who are not known to be anything other than human, even if having originated extra-terrestrially.

Time Lords

Other beings


  1. Lethbridge-Stewart appeared as a regular in Seasons 7 and 8 and more sporadically in many other episodes. Nicholas Courtney, along with his role as Bret Vyon in The Daleks' Master Plan, his appearance in the charity special Dimensions in Time and his participation in the Eighth Doctor audio play Minuet in Hell, has the distinction of having acted with every screen Doctor before the Ninth and also the Tenth (although in adventures before actor David Tennant was cast as the Doctor).
  2. The Inquisitor and The Valeyard appeared in every episode of Season 23, a season that comprised just one story, (albeit split into four segments), The Trial of a Time Lord.
  3. Mickey Smith was a significant recurring character in the 2005 series, prior to briefly becoming a companion in the 2006 series. Similarly, Jackie Tyler appeared in many episodes of the 2005 and 2006 series; in the episodes "Army of Ghosts" and "Doomsday", she briefly travels in the TARDIS and acts like a companion, although she is not generally considered one.
  4. The Master appeared as a regular in Season 8 and has returned numerous times in subsequent seasons and the television movie.

Recurring alien species, monsters, or robots



Characters from Doctor Who spin-off comics, novels, audio dramas and webcasts

The Doctor Who comics, novels and audio dramas have created companions, villains and supporting characters of their own. Some of these originated in one medium and later appeared in another. The lists below indicate where a character has appeared.


with the First Doctor

with the Second Doctor

  • John and Gillian (TV Comic comic strip)

with the Third Doctor

with the Fourth Doctor

with the Fifth Doctor

with the Sixth Doctor

with the Seventh Doctor

with the Eighth Doctor

with the Tenth Doctor

with the Eleventh Doctor

  • Kevin (IDW Comics)
  • Decky Flamboon ("Doctor Who Adventures")
  • Pippa ("Doctor Who Adventures")
  • Alice Obiefune (Titan Comics)

with the Twelfth Doctor

Other recurring or important characters

See also
