
There are several people I consider to be mis superheroes. Llamo them mis superheroes for the reasons listed.

Tara Goodwin

Don't go there.

Tara Goodwin is the original superhero. She is the funniest person in the estado de Massachusetts; also funnier than todo de Bhutan, Nauru, Senegal, The Gambia, Luxembourg, Latvia, Montenegro, Idaho, Bolivia, and Saint Lucia combined. My advice to her: never move to Paraguay.

Carli Haggerty

But do go here.

Anyone that gives me a reguetón CD is a hero. But Carli Haggerty es una superhero. ¿Por qué? Porque she's just that awesome.

Rachel Fredey

So true!

Oh, come on... Ella es Rachel Fredey. ¿Necesito dicer más? Pues... la vida es como a quality roll of toilet paper: long and useful.

Chris Wilson

Chris could relate this to hummus. Yeah.

The latest addition to the list of superheroes, Chris Wilson is a master of ball-in-a-cup. Come on, that takes mad skills. Él es como hummus. ¿Cómo? No sé, ask Chris, él sabe. A él everything is como hummus, anyone who thinks like that is a superhero.