
local p = {}-- barre horizontale au-dessus des nombres élevéslocal function overline( s )    return mw.ustring.format( '<span style="text-decoration:overline;">%s</span>', s )end-- Gets the Roman numerals for a given numeral table. Returns both the string of-- numerals and the value of the number after it is finished being processed.local function getLetters( num, t )    local ret = {}    for _, v in ipairs( t ) do        local val, letter = unpack( v )        while num >= val do            num = num - val            table.insert( ret, letter )        end    end    return table.concat( ret ), numendfunction p.toRoman( num, default )    num = tonumber( num )    if not num or num < 1 or num == math.huge then        return    end    num = math.floor( num )        -- Return a message for numbers too big to be expressed in Roman numerals.    if num >= 5000000 then        return default or 'N/A'    end        local ret = ''    -- Find the Roman numerals for the large part of numbers 5000 and bigger.    -- The if statement is not strictly necessary, but makes the algorithm     -- more efficient for smaller numbers.    if num >= 5000 then        local bigRomans = {            { 1000000, 'M' },            { 900000, 'CM' }, { 500000, 'D' }, { 400000, 'CD' }, { 100000, 'C' },            { 90000, 'XC' }, { 50000, 'L' }, { 40000, 'XL' }, { 10000, 'X' },            { 5000, 'V' }        }        local bigLetters        bigLetters, num = getLetters( num, bigRomans )        ret = overline( bigLetters )    end        -- Find the Roman numerals for numbers 4999 or less.    local smallRomans = {        {1000, "M"},        {900, "CM"}, {500, "D"}, {400, "CD"}, {100, "C"},        {90, "XC"}, {50, "L"}, {40, "XL"}, {10, "X"},        {9, "IX"}, {5, "V"}, {4, "IV"}, {1, "I"}     }    local smallLetters = getLetters( num, smallRomans )    ret = ret .. smallLetters        return retendfunction p.fromRoman( str, default )local strOrig = strstr = str:upper()if not str:find( '^[MDCLXVI]+$' ) thenreturn tonumber( str ) or default or strOrigendlocal smallRomans = { I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500, M = 1000 }local result = 0local old, n = 0for i = str:len(), 1, -1  don = smallRomans[ str:sub( i, i ) ]if n < old thenresult = result - nelseresult = result + nold = nendendreturn resultend-- compatibility with [[en:Module:Roman]]function p._main(args)return p.toRoman( args[1] )endfunction p.main( frame )return p.nombreEnRomain( frame )end-- functions to call the module from a template (takes the #invoke first arg or the template first arg)function p.nombreEnRomain( frame )local numif frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() thennum = frame.args[1] or frame:getParent().args[1]elsenum = frameendreturn p.toRoman( mw.text.trim( num or '' ) )endfunction p.nombreDepuisRomain( frame )local strif frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() thenstr = frame.args[1] or frame:getParent().args[1]elsestr = frameendreturn p.fromRoman( mw.text.trim( str or '' ) )endreturn p