
--[=[Functies zijn niet "lokaal", andere modules kunnen deze module nodig hebben en deze direct aanroepen.Voor IPv4-adressen wordt "4" teruggegevenVoor IPv6-adressen wordt "6" teruggegevenAlles wat geen IPv4 of IPv6 is geeft een "0" terug.Voor oorspronkelijke code zie]=]function _isIpV6( s )    local dcolon, groups    if type( s ) ~= "string"        or s:len() == 0        or s:find( "[^:%x]" ) -- only colon and hex digits are legal chars        or s:find( "^:[^:]" ) -- can begin or end with :: but not with single :        or s:find( "[^:]:$" )        or s:find( ":::" )    then        return false    end     s, dcolon = s:gsub( "::", ":" )    if dcolon > 1 then return false end -- at most one ::    s = s:gsub( "^:?", ":" ) -- prepend : if needed, upper    s, groups = s:gsub( ":%x%x?%x?%x?", "" ) -- remove valid groups, and count them    return ( ( dcolon == 1 and groups < 8 ) or ( dcolon == 0 and groups == 8 ) )        and ( s:len() == 0 or ( dcolon == 1 and s == ":" ) ) -- might be one dangling : if original ended with ::end function _isIpV4( s )    local function legal( n ) return ( tonumber( n ) or 256 ) < 256  and not n:match("^0%d") end-- in lua 0 is true!     if type( s ) ~= "string" then return false end    local p1, p2, p3, p4 = s:match( "^(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)$" )     return legal( p1 ) and legal( p2 ) and legal( p3 ) and legal( p4 )end function _testip( s )    return _isIpV4( s ) and "4" or _isIpV6( s ) and "6" or "0"end local p = {} function p.isIpV6(frame) return _isIpV6( frame.args[ 1 ] ) and "1" or "0" endfunction p.isIpV4(frame) return _isIpV4( frame.args[ 1 ] ) and "1" or "0" endfunction p.testip(frame) return _testip( frame.args[ 1 ] ) or "" end return p