Human richts in Sudan

Some human richts organisations hae documentit a variety o abuses an atrocities carried oot bi the Sudanese govrenment ower the past several years. The 2009 Human Richts Report bi the Unitit States Department o State notit serious concerns ower human richts violations bi the govrenment an militia groups[1].

Abuses in conflict settings

Conflicts atween the govrenment an rebel groups—the civil war involvin north-sooth tensions, the Darfur conflict involvin Arab-tribesfowk tensions in the Darfur region in the wast—hae resultit in rape, torture, killins, an massive population displacements (estimatit at ower 2 million in 2007), earnin Sudan comparison tae Rwanda in the press. Thare hae an aa been several reportit cases o crucifixions carried oot in Sudan.

Accordin tae the Christian Science Monitor on Mairch 25, 2004:

The Darfur region war boils doun tae this: African tribes hae lang been at odds wi Arab groups in the region ower access tae guid land. Then, last year, twa airmed African groups began a rebellion against the Khartoum regime. The government respondit bi apparently givin military support tae Arab militias. There are reports o Sudanese military planes bombin villages, efter which Arab militias go in an rape an kill survivors.

Ethnic cleansin

The conflict haes been describit bi Mukesh Kapila, UN coordinator for Sudan, as ethnic cleansin, as Black Arab militias cairy oot seestematic massacres o tribesfowk in the Darfur region. Accordin tae Kapila, "The government haes a close knowledge o wha's goin on - an can influence the Arab militia." The UN estimates that 10,000 civilians in the Darfur region hae dee'd sicweys far, an ower 100,000 hae fled intae neighborin Chad.
