Wikipedia:Chhiū-á-kha/Chhng-khò͘ 4

Chù-ì: chi̍t-ia̍h ê lōe-iông sī tùi 2006 nî 7 goe̍h kàu 2006 nî 12 goe̍h chhiū-á-kha ê kū thó-lūn soá-lâi chia, chhiáⁿ mài tiàm chi̍t-ia̍h koân-téng pian-chi̍p, siu-kái. Siat-sú ū būn-tê chhiaⁿ tiàm thó-lū-ia̍h thó-lūn.


Chhiáⁿ-mn̄g, what are the POJ of these languages?

  • Ido
  • Norwegian
  • Swedish
  • Interlingua
  • Hungarian
  • Romanian

Please help me in these. If I have them, I can make more entries in Wiktionary. A-yao 08:21, 6 Chhit-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

For countries rarely referenced in Bân-lâm-gú, we are currently borrowing the native country words (in Latin orthography) from those languages and adding the suffix "-gú" or "-gí". Thus Norge-gú, Sverige-gú, Magyar-gú, România-gú. For country-less artificial languages, the only example we have is Sè-kài-gí, literally "World Tongue". But I'd suggest the same suffixing procedure be applied to Ido (Ido-gú) and Interlingua (Interlingua-gú). A-giâu 07:16, 13 Chhit-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)
A-giâu, thanks but I have written Italian as "Í-tāi-lī-gú" because I wanted the languages written in my Hoan-ek8 all in Bân-lâm-gú to avoid mixing with the English language like Interlingua as "Kok-chè-gú". May I consider this? Please see this for more information. This is my source. A-yao 08:33, 13 Chhit-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)
義大利 (like Canada) is one of those borderline cases where one or more Bân-lâm translations has been in circulation but not so widely that everyone has internalized it. That 1930s dictionary you cited also lists Ì-kok (a la Hoat-kok), but that doesn't sound familiar to me. (Also notice the "Ì" in Ì-kok has a different tone cf. "Í-tāi-lī" -- surely a sign of instability. Or typo :) ) A-giâu 09:20, 13 Chhit-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)
I see. I searched this as 意大利, which is the old version. It spells as "Í-tāi-lī" and added the suffix "-gú". I also had searched Norwegian and Swedish in lomaji and added the same prefix. I agree with Ido since Chùn-hiàn has made an entry. Best wishes! A-yao 13:56, 13 Chhit-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

ō͘ kap ō·

Teh siá hiòng-liōng ê sî, ū siá-tio̍h sok-tō·, kiat-kó hoat-kak èng-kai ū tiâu-bo̍k ê sok-tō͘ soah hián-sī bô tiâu-bo̍k ê liân-kiat chōng-tāi. Aū--lâi chiah liáu-kái sī ō͘ kap ō· bô-kâng ê koan-hē. M̄-chai lán chia ū kui-hoān phiau-chún--bô? Ló·-la̍t!--A-kun--a 19:12, 11 Chhit-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

Choè-kīn jú lâi jú sî-kiâⁿ kái-iōng Unicode piau-chún ê hô͘-lô͘-tiám, m̄-koh ū koá būn-tê boē kái-koat, só͘-í bô thiat-té kái tiāu. Àn-sǹg Keyman ē update, í-chá ê kū siá-hoat ē iōng robot sûi-ê keng-sin. A-giâu 07:25, 13 Chhit-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

Chhioh-mn̄g kok-ūi sian-chìn, beh án-choáⁿ chiah ē-tàng phah-chhut chiàⁿ-pêng téng-koân tiám ê O neh? Goá sī iōng pojV0.6 Win XP 2. Kám-siā.--Albert 08:06, 26 Cha̍p-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

Chhiáⁿ chng Keyman 0.7 pán. Mā ē-sái chng ToCyrillic. A-giâu 09:53, 26 Cha̍p-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)
Kám-siā, goá í-keng chng hó-sè.--Albert 10:55, 26 Cha̍p-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)
M̄-koh chng liáu Wikipedia ia̍h-bīn ê "B" chho͘-o͘-thé jī-hêng soah hián-sī bē chhut--lâi. Ūi-sím-mi̍h ē án-ne neh?--Albert 12:48, 26 Cha̍p-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

Iah koh ū, kám-sī í-keng khak-tēng tiāu-hō bô bē phah tī u kap o chit-chióng tiong-kài-im jī-bó téng-koân--ah?--Albert 08:06, 26 Cha̍p-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

U+0358 kap Middle dot (kè-sio̍k)

Goá ū chhì-giām iōng User:Holobot kā · kái-chò chèng-khak ê hô͘-lô͘-tiám, khó-sioh tú-tio̍h Windows DOS oh chhú-lí Unicode ê būn-tê. Tio̍h tán goá kā lâng chhéng-kàu. Chìn-chêng ê thó-lūn ū lâu: U+0358 kap Middle dot. A-giâu 09:22, 14 Chhit-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

Sorry for stupid question in English!!

(Ē-kha ùi Talk:Thâu-ia̍h soá--lâi. A-giâu 09:06, 18 Chhit-goe̍h 2006 (UTC))

Hi, I'm very interested in Taiwan. I'm about to start learning Taiwanese.

I was surprised that the Ban-lam-gu pages of Wikipedia are all romanised (no characters!). I think I am starting to understand the issues that are involved in choosing romanisation instead of characters. But I would like to know more.

Please can someone explain this policy? (In English or Japanese please - sorry, my knowledge of Chinese languages (I hope it is not rude to use this term) is still very small :\.)

Thanks very much!!


Well, there are a few characters, but you are essentially correct. The issues, as you probably suspect, are complex and complicated by contemporary politics. But I'll boil it down to this: editing articles collaboratively is very difficult for lack of a standard in writing Ban-lam-gu using Chinese characters. Since no one believes this will change any time soon and some people do want an encyclopedia in the language, we naturally turn to the Latin tradition of writing Ban-lam-gu. This has the advantage of standardization, a body of literature going back 150 years, new learners in the educational system. It is not without problems, but on the whole it is a useful choice. I'll stop here (this PC being very slow). A-giâu 09:37, 18 Chhit-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

Help our friend Michael Everson

Our friend Michael Everson, who has been very helpful in the computer processing of Bân-lâm-gú, needs our help over at the English-language Wikipedia: en:Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Michael Everson (2nd Nomination). Please vote "keep". Cheers. – Kaihsu 19:34, 25 Chhit-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)


Wiktionary tē 2000 phiⁿ chhut-sì--à!!! To-siā tāi-ke táu-saⁿ-kāng, mā sūn-soà chio kok-ūi pêng-iú lâi bóng-siá-kòa. (Chham-khó: Siau-sit, Wikimedia_News) A-yao 11:54, 4 Peh-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)


English Wiktionary says that Minnan-ascii-bot shouldn't be needed, a bot to convert Min Nan with diacritics into ASCII POJ. Comments should be placed here to transfer them into their Beer Parlour. A-yao 14:33, 10 Peh-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

Wikimania 2007

Hi, 各位河洛話語版的Wikipedians,我是zh.wikipedia的管理員虎兒,通知大家:現在Wikimedia基金會正在舉辦明年Wikimania的主辦城市競賽,9/23就會選出下屆主辦城市,台北也有申請主辦,相關頁面請見m:Wikimania 2007/Taipei,歡迎有意協助的朋友參與local team的組織,謝謝!--Theodoranian 01:37, 22 Peh-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

補充,這次是申辦「國際維基年會」,不僅是「中文維基年會」。感謝大家支持!--R.O.C 01:44, 22 Peh-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

Chòe-kūn, góa ū hoat-hiān Holopedia kā planet hoan-chòe he̍k-chheⁿ (惑星). Chhōe jī-tián ê sî-chūn (chhiáⁿ chham-khó Talk:he̍k-chheⁿ) lóng chhōe-bô he̍k-chheⁿ chit-ê kóng-hoat, kan-nā chhōe tio̍h hêng-seng (行星) niâ. Bân-lâm-gú m̄-sī góa ê bú-gí, só·-í hi-bōng Holopedia ê lâng ē-tàng khak-tēng tàu-té tó 1-ê kóng-hoat chiah-tio̍h: hêng-seng iā-sī he̍k-chheⁿ? Kám-siā kok-ūi ê chí-tō :)

A-cai 12:21, 27 Peh-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

Please, help slavonians!

Please, help us to open Wikipedia on Surzhyk language! We need just your support vote here you so much! --Dmitry Nikitin

Bân-tang-oē Wikipedia

Tâu-phiò chìn-hêng tiong: m:Requests for new languages#Min Dong. A-giâu 15:27, 3 Káu-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

Holopedia ê bāng-chí

Holopedia siōng tāi-seng ê siūⁿ-hoat, 2003-04-15: Kàⁿ-sò͘

Hiān-chú-sî phah lóng bē-tàng koh ji̍p-lâi Holopedia, kám ū hoat-tō͘ kái-koat? --Kiatgak 03:13, 5 Káu-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

Koán-ha̍t ia̍h koán-hat?

Holopedia tiāⁿ khoàⁿ tio̍h koán-ha̍t, m̄-koh ná-chhiūⁿ kan-taⁿ Tâi-hoâ Soàⁿ-téng Sû-tián ū siu (i mā u siu koán-hat), chhun--ê ê sû-tián ná-chhiūⁿ lóng siu koán-hat niā-niā. M̄ chai toh-ui ê khau-im sī koán-ha̍t? --Kiatgak 04:57, 14 Káu-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

Goá pún-té siá "koán-hat", āu--lâi ū lâng kā kái chò "koán-ha̍t", soah lio̍h-á loān--khì. Kiàn-gī lóng kái "koán-hat". A-giâu 05:14, 14 Káu-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)
Goá khoàⁿ A-hui lóng siá tē 8 siaⁿ, tō bô kā i siá ê pō͘-hūn kái tiāu. A-giâu 05:40, 14 Káu-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)
Chhâ hàn-jī ho·-im ê Tâi-gí Soàⁿ-téng Jī-tián, 轄 chit-ê hàn-jī, kāng-sî ū siu tē-4 kap tē-8 siaⁿ, kám ē sī in-ūi án-ne, só·-í ū koán-hat kap koán-ha̍t 2-khoán kóng-hoat? Lēng-goā Chiuⁿ-chhiū Chhut-pán-siā ê Sin-pian Hoâ-tâi-gí Tùi-chiàu-tián, sī to̍k-to̍k siu "koán-ha̍t" 1-khoán ho·-īm, chin koài-khá--hohⁿ. Taokara 06:34, 14 Káu-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)
Tâi-Ji̍t bāng-lō͘-pán iū-koh ū
  • 14135chóng-hat [總轄] 總管轄。
  • 18225hat [轄] 支配,掌管。~ 下;chit營是我所 ~ ê。
  • 22294ho͘-hat [呼轄] 命令。~~ bōe動。
  • 61207thóng-hat [統轄] (文)統領管轄。
  • 63197ti̍t-hat [直轄] (日)直接管轄。
A-giâu 08:56, 14 Káu-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

[ir] kah [er]

Guá sī Tâng-uaⁿ lâng. Bân-lâm-gír sī guá ê mother-tongue kah native-language. POJ, i.e. pe̍h-uē-lī, sī iōng Chiang-chiu-khiuⁿ tsuè piau-tsún, só·-í POJ kah zh-min-nan.wikipedia ê tsiàⁿ-lī-huat lóng-tsóng bô [ir]/[ɨ](IPA) kah [er]/[ə](IPA). [ir] kah [er] thong-iōng tī Chiang-chiu í-guā ê Tâng-uaⁿ-kuāiⁿ kah Chuân-chiu tē-khu, sír-iōng lîn-kháu tī Bân-lâm tē-khu ìng-kai té-tsió ū tsi̍t-puàⁿ í-siōng, pí kan-ta tī Chiang-chiu tsiah thiaⁿ ē-tio̍h ê [ j ]-im koh-khah tsuē, koh-khah phó·-piàn. [ir] kah [er] m̄-sī tan-sûn ê kah Chiang-chiu/Ē-mn̂g khiuⁿ ê [i]/[e]/[ue] tùi-ìng. [ir] kah [er] koh-khah tiōng-iàu ê tsok-iōng sī hun-pia̍t gír-ì. e.g. 1. [kong-tsír]"prince" vs [kong-tsú]"princess"; 2. [tsir]"book" vs [tsi]"vulva" vs [tsu]"bead"; 3. [pêr]"compensate" vs [pê]"scratch/rake" vs [puê]"accompany"; .... Nā Bô [ir] kah [er] tsit nn̄g gê tiōng-iàu ê bó-im, Tâng-uaⁿ-khiuⁿ kah Chuân-chiu-khiuⁿ ê Bân-lám-gír tioh buē-su ngó·-im-put-tsuân, khêr-kha-phuà-siùⁿ, íng-guán tī POJ kah zh-min-nan.wikipedia ê tuā-mn̂g-kháu lē bāi--ê bāi--ê. Tshiáng mn̄g, POJ kah zh-min-nan.wikipedia, tùi tsit-hāng tāi-tsì ê khùaⁿ-huat kah tsí-kàu.

Thank you for your input. I'm probably not qualified to talk about dialects, but here's my take: I think we need to differentiate between a phonetic system and a phonemic system. POJ is based on the IPA, but is obviously much simplified. It is also not intended to represent the sound inventories of every dialects in the language. As such, it clearly has its bias, as every written language does. (TLPA, on the other hand, is slightly less simplified and as such more useful for writing out dialects without using the IPA.)
I would not say that POJ necessarily favors the Chiang-chiu dialect. In an old (erased) post, you mentioned the syllables "[ek], [eng] [oan]". But these really should be written /ek/, /eng/, /oan/ (i.e. as phonemes). In other words, whether you pronounce /ek/ [ik]/[ek]/[iek] (sorry, I'm too lazy to type out the real IPA here) doesn't matter; they all represent the same phoneme. Same thing for /j/: "j" as such doesn't actually exist in my dialect (I pronounce [l]/[d]), but I still write "j", because that's "the standard". Some people might say the standard is "wrong" or "inadequate" or "can be better". I'm sure that's more or less true, but I don't personally want to change things unless they are absolutely broken. You can say I am a conservative :)
As for whether or not POJ is adequate for writing out the Tâng-oaⁿ dialect (or Choan-chiu), it may not. But if you want to write ir/er, go ahead. Also, you might want to look into "Extended POJ". I also think more often than not, so-called standards are based on the dialects of prestigious or powerful economic/political regions rather than the dialects with most speakers. In the recent past this was true of Xiamen (later Taiwan) -- both areas mixing Chiang-chiu/Choan-chiu -- and I think you see that influence in POJ.
A-giâu 08:49, 14 Káu-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

2006 Wikimedia soán-kí

Goá iáu-boē kā hiō-soán-jîn chèng-kiàn khoàⁿ liáu (kin-ná-ji̍t mā khoàⁿ bē liáu), ē-kha sī goá kah-ì ê chèng-kiàn:

A-giâu kiàn-gī:

A-giâu bô kiàn-gī:

A-giâu 07:48, 15 Káu-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

Extended POJ

Please explain Extended POJ. Thanks.

  • Extended POJ is actually my own terminology. It basically proposes to add a few symbols to represent a few sounds found in some dialects as well as foreign loanwords common in Taiwan. A description can be found in [1][2]. Its main concern is Taiwanese dialects, but I believe it should be useful. Unfortunately my copy is somewhere inside one of the many boxes stored in my garage, so I can't quote the relevant pages for you right now. A-giâu 09:16, 25 Káu-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)
Kám ū lâng ē-hiáu kái-soeh án-choáⁿ iōng POJ siá Tâng-oaⁿ khiuⁿ? Lô-hoân pó͘--koà, ló͘-la̍t. A-giâu 09:16, 25 Káu-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

Wikimania 2007 koat-tēng Tâi-pak chú-chhui

Chit-ê hó-siau-sit pò tāi-ke chai.[3] --Chùn-hiàn 09:34, 25 Káu-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

Mediawiki kap POJ SVG

MediaWiki chhan-chhiūⁿ bô hoat-tō͘ oân-choân chèng-siông kā ū POJ ê SVG choán chò PNG (MediaWiki ūi beh chi-oān só͘-ū ê liû-lám-khì, bô ti̍t-chiap hián-sī SVG). Ū chhù-bī ê pêng-iú chhiáⁿ bóng chhì-giām khoàⁿ-māi. Pí-kàu Image:Respiratory system.svg ê sok-tô͘ kah goân-sú SVG: Unicode phīⁿ-im hû-hō, hô͘-lô͘-tiám bô--khì (àn-sǹg tē-8-siaⁿ mā ē án-ne). A-giâu 13:33, 25 Káu-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)


最近閩東語kap吳語e Wikipedia 成立矣。不過in使用e名是用ISO639-3:閩東語=cdo、吳語=wuu。m知閩南語(ISO639=nan)版會改chit麼?--Koika 17:11, 3 Cha̍p-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

我支持。但是m知影tī叨位投票修改?--GnuDoyng 09:58, 7 Cha̍p-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)
應該會改得。A-giâu 02:44, 8 Cha̍p-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)
可能愛請行政員去Meta申請,希望閩南語版ma e tang真正使用ISO639-3 e 代碼。--Koika 21:28, 9 Cha̍p-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)
遮有人leh議論共個題目,罔參考 [4]A-giâu 05:49, 10 Cha̍p-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)


MediaWiki:Anontalkpagetext中,“tēng-ji̍p”標錯了調符。--GnuDoyng 10:19, 7 Cha̍p-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

Kái hó ah! – Kaihsu 19:39, 7 Cha̍p-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

MediaWiki:Newarticletext, "liû-lâm-khì" èng-kai sī "liû-lám-khì". --GnuDoyng 14:05, 10 Cha̍p-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

To-siā, kái hó-sè--á. --Chùn-hiàn 14:25, 10 Cha̍p-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

Orthographical reform?

So there appears to be a slightly vandalistic coup d'état of orthography: [5]. I don't think we should move over yet. – Kaihsu 21:29, 7 Cha̍p-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

I wouldn't either. A-giâu 02:45, 8 Cha̍p-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)
M̄-bián tín-tāng. --Chùn-hiàn 14:59, 10 Cha̍p-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

Adopt the new Lomali

The authority has spoken, in a favorable way. Please support this modern standard.Any defiance will only further weaken our endangered language, and everything associated with it.

I don't think it's that black-and-white and I don't appreciate your linking non-premature-adoption to bearing responsibility for the downfall of the language. That smacks of hysteria. Holopedia is preserving and (more importantly) expanding its range of expression. Please sign your comments. A-giâu 05:35, 8 Cha̍p-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

What "authority"? The preliminary test should be that a couple of ex-TLPAistas starting to contribute to Holopedia using the new scheme. Until then, we should not even think of it as an option. – Kaihsu 19:11, 8 Cha̍p-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

Neither do I support that so-called new TLPA. I'm a conservative for that matter. --GnuDoyng 13:20, 25 Cha̍p-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)


Goân-bûn í-keng soá khì tī MediaWiki talk:Noexactmatch. Chhiáⁿ khì hia gī-lūn. A-giâu 06:15, 13 Cha̍p-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

Bot status

Goá kā User:Thijs!bot chù-chheh tī "bot" (robot) chit lūi, piáu-sī í-āu bē koh khoàⁿ tio̍h i ê pian-chi̍p kì-lio̍k. Che hó-phàiⁿ-chhù lóng ū. Tī pa̍t-ê Wikipedia tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ sī chhau-chok bot ê lâng ka-kī lâi sin-chhéng "bot status", liáu-āu hoān-sè tio̍h keng-koè siā-lí tâu-phiò koat-tēng beh ún-chún ia̍h bô. Chóng-sī lán kài-sêng bô chit-khoán chèng-chhek, hoan-gêng thê-àn chè-tēng. A-giâu 02:01, 22 Cha̍p-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

Support Min Dong Wikisource

Please support the request for Min Dong Wikisource. Thanks! --GnuDoyng 13:14, 25 Cha̍p-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

Chhiàⁿ pang Wiktionary

Chhiàⁿ pang gún kiú-chèng, kái-piàn chia-ê ia̍h

  • Chhiàⁿ pang ka ì-sù These are pages at wiktionary where there are no definitions.
  • ì-sù Chù-ì Pages at wiktionary where the definition might be awkward or gramatically incorrect. Currently, this category is empty.

-- Hiòng-êng 04:36, 6 Cha̍p-it-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

Bân-lâm gír ê kóng-huat.

 (x): improper and should be discouraged. (let's keep our language from being (x)Mandarinized.)what: siáⁿ, siáⁿ-hèr/-huè/-hè. (x)sín-mi̍who: sâng,=siáⁿ-lâng. (x)sín-mi̍h lângwhere: tó, tó-lo̍h, tī tó-lo̍h. (x)tsāi ná-níwhen: tī-sî, tang-sî,  (x)sín-mi̍h sî-tsū tsáiⁿ-iūⁿ, án-tsuáⁿ. (x)lû-hôwhy: káⁿ, káⁿ-ē, sī tsáiⁿ-iūⁿ, sī án-tsuáⁿ. (x)uī-sín-mi̍hif: nā, nā-sī. (x)lû-kó.and:  kah, hām.or: á-sī, (x) hi̍k-tsiah, hi̍k-sīall: lóng, kè-tsâu/-tsiâu. (x)tsuân-pōo.all-new: tsn̂g-sin. (x) tsuân-sin.monday: pài-it. (x) sing-kî itno matter: bô-lūn. (x)m̄-kuán.(xxx) - ê uē, e.g.  nā-sī ū khó-lîng ê uē. (xxx) - pah, e.g. bô khó-lîng pah.

-- 04:19, 9 Cha̍p-it-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

Tùi Lô-má-jī ê khoàⁿ-hoat

Ē-kha tùi Talk:Thâu-ia̍h soá--lâi:


(Pûn-lâi ê mi̍h soá khì Wikipedia:Chhiū-á-kha. A-giâu 05:51, 12 Sì-goe̍h 2006 (UTC))


注意:本頁僅用來討論首頁的內容或排版。A-giâu 05:17, 19 Cha̍p-it-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)


我认为, 这样才可以使在汉字教育下长大, 但讲方言的大多数同胞对本百科全书产生最大共鸣. 至于如何加入"对应版本", 我建议增设一个"汉字方言版本"的"翻页", 就如中文维基有"简体", "繁体"两个翻页一样. 但不要自动转换. 我建议人手把罗马字转写成汉字方言文. Pangguanzhe







:(zh) 注意:本頁僅用來討論首頁的內容或排版。A-giâu 16:13, 22 Cha̍p-it-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

「漢字化」?誰的漢字化?你的嗎?太恐怖了吧。母語是xx語就表示自然而然就看得懂xx文字??那國語文廢掉好了,大加平「敢決」去是字就好了蟆。「美國」的發音絕對不是「mi-go」(麵鵝?麵糊?)。A-giâu 16:32, 22 Cha̍p-it-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)
另外,我可以理解你把“Bí-kok”寫成“Mi-go”。一個沒有受過母語教育的人對自己母語的認識往往受到他使用最流利的語言的影響,所以他們根本意識不到濁聲母和入聲尾的存在,但並不代表他們說不好閩南語。這也從一個側面説明母語教育有多重要,否則人們對母語的認識是狹隘而片面的。--GnuDoyng 16:02, 24 Cha̍p-it-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)
A-giâu 06:34, 30 Cha̍p-it-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

看不懂白話字是因為你是台語(閩南語)的文盲,如果你希望用漢字寫台語,歡迎你向wiki申請用漢字寫的版本。--Albert 07:29, 30 Cha̍p-it-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)