2022 Winter Olympics closing ceremony flag bearers

During the closing ceremony of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, China the flag bearers of 91 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) arrived into Beijing National Stadium on February 20. The flag bearers from each participating country entered the stadium informally in single file, and behind them marched all the athletes. The flags of each country were not necessarily carried by the same flag bearer as in the opening ceremony.

Parade order

Athletes entered the stadium in an order dictated by the Olympic tradition. As the originator of the Olympics, the Greek flag bearer entered first.[1] The country that will host the next Winter Olympics, Italy, marched before the host nation China entered, instead of entering between New Zealand and Serbia, according to the Chinese collation order.[2]

Countries marched in order of the Chinese language.[3] The collation method used was based on the names as written in Simplified Chinese characters and is similar to that used in Chinese dictionaries. The names were sorted by the number of strokes in the first character of the name, then by the stroke order of the character (in the order 橫竖撇捺折, c.f. Wubi method), then the number of strokes and stroke order of the second character, then next character and so on.[4] For example, this placed San Marino (圣马力诺) in 28th position, just ahead of Kyrgyzstan (吉尔吉斯斯坦) because the initial character for "San Marino" () is written in 5 strokes, while that for "Kyrgyzstan" () is written in 6 strokes.


The following is a list of each country's flag bearer. The list is sorted by the sequence that each nation appeared in the Ceremony.[5] The names are given in their official designations by the IOC, and the Chinese names follow their official designations by the Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.

OrderNationChinese namePinyinFlag bearerSportRef.
1  Greece (GRE)希腊XīlàIoannis AntoniouAlpine skiing[6]
2  Turkey (TUR)土耳其TǔěrqíVolunteer[6]
3  Malta (MLT)马耳他MǎěrtāVolunteer[6]
4  Madagascar (MAD)马达加斯加MǎdájiāsījiāMathieu NeumullerAlpine skiing[6]
5  Malaysia (MAS)马来西亚MǎláixīyàJeffrey WebbAlpine skiing[6]
6  Ecuador (ECU)厄瓜多尔ÈguāduōěrVolunteer[6]
7  Eritrea (ERI)厄立特里亚ÈlìtélǐyàShannon-Ogbnai AbedaAlpine skiing[6]
8  Jamaica (JAM)牙买加YámǎijiāRolando ReidBobsleigh[6]
9  Belgium (BEL)比利时BǐlìshíHanne DesmetShort track speed skating[6]
10  Japan (JPN)日本RìběnArisa GoSpeed skating[6]
11  Chinese Taipei (TPE)中华台北Zhōnghuá TáiběiWen-Yi LeeAlpine skiing[6]
12  Hong Kong (HKG)中国香港Zhōngguó XiānggǎngVolunteer[6]
13  Denmark (DEN)丹麦DānmàiStefan Due SchmidtSpeed skating[6]
14  Ukraine (UKR)乌克兰WūkèlánOlena BilosiukBiathlon[6]
15  Uzbekistan (UZB)乌兹别克斯坦WūzībiékèsītǎnVolunteer[6]
16  Brazil (BRA)巴西BāxīManex SilvaCross-country skiing[6]
17  Pakistan (PAK)巴基斯坦BājīsītǎnMuhammad KarimAlpine skiing[6]
18  Israel (ISR)以色列YǐsèlièVolunteer[6]
19  East Timor (TLS)东帝汶DōngdìwènYohan Goutt GonçalvesAlpine skiing[6]
20  North Macedonia (MKD)北马其顿BěimǎqídùnVolunteer[6]
21  Luxembourg (LUX)卢森堡LúsēnbǎoMatthieu OschAlpine skiing[6]
22  Belarus (BLR)白俄罗斯BáiéluósīIgnat GolovatsiukSpeed skating[6]
23  India (IND)印度YìndùVolunteer[6]
24  Lithuania (LTU)立陶宛LìtáowǎnModestas VaiciulisCross-country skiing[6]
25  Nigeria (NGR)尼日利亚NírìlìyàSamuel IkpefanCross-country skiing[6]
26  Ghana (GHA)加纳JiānàVolunteer[6]
27  Canada (CAN)加拿大JiānádàIsabelle WeidemannSpeed skating[7]
28  San Marino (SMR)圣马力诺Shèng MǎlìnuòMatteo GattiAlpine skiing[6]
29  Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)吉尔吉斯斯坦JíěrjísīsītǎnVolunteer[6]
30  Armenia (ARM)亚美尼亚YàměiníyàVolunteer[6]
31  Spain (ESP)西班牙XībānyáAdrián DíazFigure skating[8]
32  Liechtenstein (LIE)列支敦士登LièzhīdūnshìdēngVolunteer[6]
33  Iran (IRI)伊朗YīlǎngVolunteer[6]
34  Hungary (HUN)匈牙利XiōngyálìAdam KonyaCross-country skiing[6]
35  Iceland (ISL)冰岛BīngdǎoSnorri EinarssonCross-country skiing[6]
36  Andorra (AND)安道尔ĀndàoěrVolunteer[6]
37  Finland (FIN)芬兰FēnlánKrista PärmäkoskiCross-country skiing[6]
38  Croatia (CRO)克罗地亚KèluódìyàTena HadzicCross-country skiing[6]
39  Saudi Arabia (KSA)沙特ShātèVolunteer[6]
40  Albania (ALB)阿尔巴尼亚ĀěrbāníyàVolunteer[6]
41  Argentina (ARG)阿根廷ĀgēntíngMaria Victoria RodriguezSpeed skating[6]
42  Azerbaijan (AZE)阿塞拜疆ĀsāibàijiāngVolunteer[6]
43  Latvia (LAT)拉脱维亚LātuōwéiyàMatīss MiknisBobsleigh[6]
44  Great Britain (GBR)英国YīngguóBruce MouatCurling[6]
45  Romania (ROU)罗马尼亚LuōmǎníyàAndreea GrecuBobsleigh[6]
46  ROC罗克 [a]LuōkèAlexander BolshunovCross-country skiing[9]
47  France (FRA)法国FǎguóQuentin Fillon MailletBiathlon[6]
48  Poland (POL)波兰BōlánPiotr MichalskiSpeed skating[6]
49  Puerto Rico (PUR)波多黎各Bōduō LígèKellie DelkaSkeleton[6]
50  Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)波黑BōhēiStrahinja ErićCross-country skiing[6]
51  Bolivia (BOL)玻利维亚BōlìwéiyàVolunteer[6]
52  Norway (NOR)挪威NuówēiMarte Olsbu RøiselandBiathlon[10]
53  Kazakhstan (KAZ)哈萨克斯坦HāsàkèsītǎnAbzal AzhgaliyevShort track speed skating[6]
54  Kosovo (KOS)科索沃KēsuǒwòVolunteer[6]
55  Bulgaria (BUL)保加利亚BǎojiālìyàVolunteer[6]
56  United States (USA)美国MěiguóElana Meyers TaylorBobsleigh[11]
57  American Samoa (ASA)美属萨摩亚Měishǔ SàmóyàNathan CrumptonSkeleton[6]
58  Virgin Islands (ISV)美属维尔京群岛Měishǔ Wéiěrjīng QúndǎoVolunteer[6]
59  Thailand (THA)泰国TàiguóVolunteer[6]
60  Netherlands (NED)荷兰HélánIrene SchoutenSpeed skating[6]
61  Georgia (GEO)格鲁吉亚GélǔjíyàLuka BerulavaFigure skating[6]
62  Colombia (COL)哥伦比亚GēlúnbǐyàLaura GómezSpeed skating[6]
63  Trinidad and Tobago (TTO)特立尼达和多巴哥Tèlìnídá hé DuōbāgēVolunteer[6]
64  Peru (PER)秘鲁BìlǔVolunteer[6]
65  Ireland (IRL)爱尔兰AìěrlánThomas Maloney WestgårdCross-country skiing[6]
66  Estonia (EST)爱沙尼亚AìshāníyàKelly SildaruFreestyle skiing[6]
67  Haiti (HAI)海地HǎidìRichardson VianoAlpine skiing[6]
68  Czech Republic (CZE)捷克JiékèMartina SáblíkováSpeed skating[6]
69  Philippines (PHI)菲律宾FēilǜbīnAsa MillerAlpine skiing[6]
70  Slovenia (SLO)斯洛文尼亚SīluòwénníyàAnita KlemeničCross-country skiing[6]
71  Slovakia (SVK)斯洛伐克SīluòfákèPeter CehlárikIce hockey[6]
72  Portugal (POR)葡萄牙PútáoyáVolunteer[6]
73  South Korea (KOR)韩国HánguóCha Min-kyuSpeed skating[6]
74  Montenegro (MNE)黑山HēishānVolunteer[6]
75  Chile (CHI)智利ZhìlìVolunteer[6]
76  Austria (AUT)奥地利AòdìlìKatharina LiensbergerAlpine skiing[6]
Johannes Strolz
77  Switzerland (SUI)瑞士RuìshìRyan RegezFreestyle skiing[6]
78  Sweden (SWE)瑞典RuìdiǎnElvira ÖbergBiathlon[6]
79  Mongolia (MGL)蒙古MěnggǔBatmönkhiin AchbadrakhCross-country skiing[6]
80  New Zealand (NZL)新西兰Xīn XīlánNico PorteousFreestyle skiing[12]
81  Serbia (SRB)塞尔维亚SàiěrwéiyàVolunteer[6]
82  Cyprus (CYP)塞浦路斯SàipǔlùsīVolunteer[6]
83  Mexico (MEX)墨西哥MòxīgēRodolfo DicksonAlpine skiing[6]
84  Lebanon (LBN)黎巴嫩LíbānènVolunteer[6]
85  Germany (GER)德国DéguóThorsten MargisBobsleigh[13]
86  Moldova (MDA)摩尔多瓦MóěrduōwǎAlina StremousBiathlon[6]
87  Monaco (MON)摩纳哥MónàgēVolunteer[6]
88  Morocco (MAR)摩洛哥MóluògēVolunteer[6]
89  Australia (AUS)澳大利亚ÀodàlìyǎSami Kennedy-SimFreestyle skiing[14]
90  Italy (ITA)意大利YìdàlìFrancesca LollobrigidaSpeed skating[15]
91  China (CHN)中国ZhōngguóXu MengtaoFreestyle skiing[16]
Gao TingyuSpeed skating

