February 1939

<<February 1939>>

The following events occurred in February 1939:

February 1, 1939 (Wednesday)

February 2, 1939 (Thursday)

February 3, 1939 (Friday)

  • The Nationalists reached Tossa de Mar.[7]
  • The musical film Honolulu starring Eleanor Powell and Robert Young was released.
  • The Collins Block fire in Syracuse, New York, killed eight firefighters, the greatest loss of life in the Syracuse Fire Department's history. The eight firemen fell into the cellar of the building and were trapped under rubble. Fellow firefighters worked for six hours to rescue them until a further collapse eliminated all possibility of their survival.[8]

February 4, 1939 (Saturday)

February 5, 1939 (Sunday)

February 6, 1939 (Monday)

  • Neville Chamberlain was heartily applauded in the House of Commons when he said that any threat to France "must evoke the immediate co-operation of this country."[12]
  • Arabs in Jerusalem called for a three-day strike coinciding with a conference in London between Arabs, Jews and British authorities on the Holy Land.[13]
  • Syracuse, New York, Fire Department First Assistant Chief Charles A. Boynton died of a heart attack. Boynton had been present at the Collins Block fire on February 3 and had worked for hours attempting to rescue the trapped firefighters and then to recover their bodies.[8]
  • Born: Mike Farrell, actor, in Saint Paul, Minnesota

February 7, 1939 (Tuesday)

February 8, 1939 (Wednesday)

February 9, 1939 (Thursday)

February 10, 1939 (Friday)

February 11, 1939 (Saturday)

February 12, 1939 (Sunday)

February 13, 1939 (Monday)

  • Generalissimo Francisco Franco promulgated a decree providing for dissolution of all parties associated with the Popular Front and penalties of loss of citizenship and exile for those deemed hostile to the Nationalist cause.[17]
  • Born: Beate Klarsfeld, Nazi hunter, in Bucharest, Romania

February 14, 1939 (Tuesday)

February 15, 1939 (Wednesday)

February 16, 1939 (Thursday)

February 17, 1939 (Friday)

February 18, 1939 (Saturday)

February 19, 1939 (Sunday)

February 20, 1939 (Monday)

February 21, 1939 (Tuesday)

February 22, 1939 (Wednesday)

  • The British Cabinet made the unprecedented decision to authorize military aircraft production to maximum levels without regard to cost.[28]
  • Died: Antonio Machado, 63, Spanish poet; Alexander Yegorov, 55, Soviet military leader (died in prison)

February 23, 1939 (Thursday)

February 24, 1939 (Friday)

February 25, 1939 (Saturday)

  • Berlin police ordered the city's Jewish community to produce the names of 100 Jews per day, who would then be given notice to leave Germany within two weeks. It was not explained what would happen to those who did not comply.[33]

February 26, 1939 (Sunday)

February 27, 1939 (Monday)

February 28, 1939 (Tuesday)

  • The Cortes Generales convened in exile in Paris and accepted Azaña's resignation.[3]
  • A motion was brought against the Neville Chamberlain government in the House of Commons declaring the recognition of Francoist Spain "a deliberate affront to the legitimate Government of a friendly Power, is a gross breach of international traditions, and marks a further stage in a policy which is steadily destroying in all democratic countries confidence in the good faith of Great Britain." The motion was defeated, 344 to 137.[36]
  • Two competing editions of Hitler's Mein Kampf appeared in U.S. bookstores on the same day. Reynal & Hitchcock's version was officially leased from the American copyright holder Houghton Mifflin, but Stackpole Sons' edition was unauthorized and proudly advertised that Hitler would receive no royalties from its sales. Stackpole claimed that Hitler had not been a citizen of any country at the time of publication and so the book was therefore public domain. Reynal & Hitchcock responded by promising to donate all profits from its edition to a refugee fund, and Houghton Mifflin continued to fight Stackpole Sons in court.[37][38]
  • Born: Daniel C. Tsui, Chinese-born American physicist, in Fan, Henan; Tommy Tune, dancer, singer, choreographer and actor, in Wichita Falls, Texas
