List of Northern Lighthouse Board lighthouses

This is a list of the currently operational lighthouses of the Northern Lighthouse Board (NLB). The list is divided by geographical location, and then by whether the lighthouses are classed by the NLB as a 'major lighthouse' or a 'minor light'. Former NLB lighthouses now disposed of are not included in the list.

Scotland (except principal island groups)

Major lighthouses

Ailsa Craig Lighthouse  South Ayrshire1886
Ardnamurchan Lighthouse  Highland1849
Bell Rock Lighthouse  Angus1810
Buchan Ness Lighthouse  Boddam1827[1]
Cape Wrath Lighthouse  Highland1828[2]
Chanonry Lighthouse  Chanonry Point1846[3]
Corsewall Lighthouse  Dumfries and Galloway1816
Covesea Skerries Lighthouse  Lossiemouth1846
Crammag Head Lighthouse  Dumfries and Galloway1913
Davaar Lighthouse  Argyll and Bute1854[4]
Duncansby Head Lighthouse  Duncansby Head1924
Dunnet Head Lighthouse  Dunnet Head1831[5]
Fidra Lighthouse  East Lothian[6]1885[7]
Fife Ness Lighthouse  Fife Ness1975[8]
Girdleness Lighthouse  Aberdeen1833[9]
Holy Isle Inner Lighthouse  North Ayrshire1877
Holy Isle Outer Lighthouse  North Ayrshire1905
Inchkeith Lighthouse  Fife1804[10]
Isle of May Lighthouse  Fife[11]1816[12]
Kinnaird Head Lighthouses  Kinnaird Head
Mull of Galloway Lighthouse  Mull of Galloway1830
Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse  Mull of Kintyre, Southend1788[13]
North Rona Lighthouse  Outer Hebrides1984
Noss Head Lighthouse  Highland1849[14]
Pladda Lighthouse  North Ayrshire1790[15]
Rattray Head lighthouse  Rattray Head1895[16]
Rua Reidh Lighthouse  Highland1912[17][18]
St. Abbs Lighthouse  Berwickshire1862[19]
Sanda Island Lighthouse  Argyll and Bute1850[20]
Scurdie Ness Lighthouse  Scurdie Ness1870[9]
Stoer Head Lighthouse  Stoer Head, Lochinver1870[21]
Strathy Point Lighthouse  Highland1958[22]
Stroma Lighthouse  Caithness1890
Sule Skerry Lighthouse  Orkney Islands1895[23]
Tarbat Ness Lighthouse  Highland[24]1830[25]

Minor lights

The Hebrides

Major lighthouses

Minor lights


Major lighthouses

Minor lights


Major lighthouses

Minor lights

Isle of Man

Major lighthouses

Minor lights

See also


  • "Northern Lighthouse Board: Lighthouses". Northern Lighthouse Board. Archived from the original on 4 June 2012. Retrieved 2 August 2012.
  • The Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses' Aids to Navigation Map 2012