Sonia Orin Lyris

Sonia Orin Lyris is the author of several novels and various science fiction and fantasy stories and articles in computing and literary journals.[1][2] She is the author of The Seer.[3] and the sequel novels forming "The Stranger Trilogy". She has published fiction for Wizards of the Coast, Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, and Pulphouse.

Sonia Orin Lyris
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In 1996, she co-founded eMarket Group, Ltd., an online merchandise company, and worked with them as Executive Vice President.[4] She also helped to build systems for e-commerce sites like Viz Media.[citation needed]

Lyris has been a contributing editor to the C-spot[5] and associate editor at the Journal Of Universal Rejection (JofUR).[6] In 2012, she was interviewed in an episode of The Tomorrow Project podcast, where she discussed the relationship between real-world science and science fiction.[7]

Lyris lives in Seattle, Washington.[8]


Novels and series

The Seer Saga

  • Touchstone. Knotted Road Press. 2020 [2016]. ISBN 9781644701690. A short prequel to The Seer, previously published as part of "Free Stories 2016". Baen Ebooks.
  • The Seer. Riverdale, NY: Baen. 2016. ISBN 9781476781266. OCLC 913337123.
    The Stranger Trilogy is the sequel to The Seer.
  • Unmoored. The Stranger Trilogy. Vol. Book 1. Knotted Road Press (published 2020-05-14). 14 May 2020. ISBN 9781644701577.
  • Maelstrom. The Stranger Trilogy. Vol. Book 2. Knotted Road Press (published 2020-07-14). 14 July 2020. ISBN 9781644701614.
  • Landfall. The Stranger Trilogy. Vol. Book 3. Knotted Road Press (published 2020-09-20). 16 September 2020. ISBN 9781644701638.

Magic: The Gathering

Shorter fiction


  • — (1993). Helmbrecht, Robert (ed.). Dark Descents: Fantastic Stories by Sonia Orin Lyris. Hazardous Press. This anthology contains the stories Descent, The Green, and Motherhood.


See also
