Artemisboy is a very laid back gay Aries who grew-up in rural Texas and moved to Los Angeles when he was an early teenager. He loves quiet moments, fun social settings, quality time with his husband, getting into trouble with friends, finding new places to explore on the internet and collecting comic books.

Vital Statistics

Family: Sáenz
Year Born: 1976
Height: 5'10"
Background: Hispanic
Raised: Port O'Connor, Texas and Corpus Christi, Texas
Currently Live: Los Angeles, California
Hobbies: Collecting Wonder Woman Memorabilia
Enjoys: Friends, Family and My Guy
Quote: "Oh - My - God"


Wikipedia Projects I've Worked On


Bio photos





Favorite external links

This user's favorite color is green.
demThis user supports the U.S. Democratic Party.
GPThis user supports the Green Party of the United States.
This user is interested in environmentalism.
This user believes in the separation of church and state.
This user is a member of Wikipedians against censorship.