The Cape rain frog of south africa

Hi i am Massimo510 and i am very interested in editing on Wikipedia because i think having a place where knowledge is stored and free to everyone is a brilliant idea. I am currently focusing on editing the Breviceps genus of frogs as they are my favorite animal and don't have much on their pages.

Current goal

I am currently working on getting the page Breviceps fuscus to Good article standards

Pages I have created:

Breviceps ombelanonga

Breviceps passmorei

Breviceps carruthersi

Breviceps branchi

Breviceps pentheri

Massimo510 loves to play Total War
User:Fitzcarmalan/Userboxes/Italian Wars
This user believes that anyone who thinks Wikipedia is an unreliable source should continue their quest to find a better website.
This user has a pro-Wikipedia bias.