Hi, Pat457 here. No, the numbers aren't part of my name.

It's been some time since I started here but I never really get around to tidying up this page, so apologies if it isn't very pretty to look at.

Pages I've made

Pages I have edited / am editing in a (probably) substantial way

  • Wisdom King
  • That part of the page where I talk about myself

    Who and what I am

    I'm just gonna let these little userboxes speak for me.

    What I do

    On Wikipedia


    Technically, I used to practice kendo back in my student days, but I've no longer any time for it lately ...

    What I like

    Let's have the userboxes speak again, shall we?

    Manga, game and anime-related

    Not included in the above: 20th Century Boys. One of the best manga I've ever read.

    P.S.Touhou is life. I'd say that it's actually what got me researching the religious history of the Suwa region (which I am focusing on right now).

    This user enjoys reading almost anything.
    This user believes that "all the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players".
    This user is a fan of the Iliad.
    Movies and Television
    LOTRThis user loves The Lord of the Rings book series and film trilogy, but not the 1978 animated film.
    This user is a fan of Kung Fu films.
    This user is a MSTie.

    1Even though I barely know any Telugu

    This user listens to The Only Band That Matters.
    This user sees the answers blowin’ in the wind.
    This user relaxes with the magic and unique sound of the Sitar and Tabla.
    This user is thankful that Sergei Prokofiev existed.

    This user is interested in the History of India.
    Something about languages