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Six-spot burnet
The six-spot burnet (Zygaena filipendulae) is a moth of the family Zygaenidae. It is a common species throughout Europe, except the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula, northern Scandinavia and the Great Russian North, and is also present in Asia Minor, through the Caucasus to Syria and Lebanon. It inhabits meadows, woodland clearings, sea-cliffs and area rich in grasses and flowers, up to 2,000 m altitude. The adults fly on hot, sunny days and are attracted to a wide variety of flowers such as knapweed and scabious, as well as the larval food plants bird's foot trefoil, Dorycnium, Coronilla and clover. This six-spot burnet was photographed in Kulna, Estonia.Photograph credit: Ivar Leidus

"Martha Stewart writes picture books about gracious living.
She says there's not a problem in the world that can't be solved with a dried floral arrangement. I worship her."

--Patrick Stewart, "Jeffrey"

Rememver: Live like there is no tomorrow,Dance like no one is watching &Sing like no one is listening!


Amusement: Don't these two resemble each other? Sculpture of Ramesess II (the Great) and pornstar Jenny Hendrix (aka Hot Haley)? She resembles him more in some pictures than in others.

External Pic

Somehow the mummy identified as Ramesess II doesn't resemble the sculpture, does he? True there is an age difference between the sculpture and the mummy, but still. One of the fine skills of the human brain is recognizing other people from their faces.

Main Entry: Liberty

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: freedom

Synonyms: autarchy, authorization, autonomy, birthright, carte blanche, choice, convenience, decision, deliverance, delivery, dispensation, emancipation, enfranchisement, enlightenment, exemption, franchise, free speech, immunity, independence, leave, leisure, liberation, license, opportunity, permission, power of choice, prerogative, privilege, relaxation, release, rest, right, sanction, self-determination, self-government, sovereignty, suffrage, unconstraint

Antonyms: arrest, imprisonment, incarceration, restraint