Okay, I promise I will update my profile! Just I don't want to right now!

Hello, it's Kitti Antoinette Dellamorte! This is my profile. Again, I promise to update, but later. Good. Palletshipping rocks.

Phi ≈ 1.6180339887498948482
=1This user knows that 0.9...(repeating) is exactly 1 and can prove it, but wishes that other people could understand it the way he does.
Either this user isn't a logician or this sentence is false.
MWild MissingNo. appeared!
XThis user watches Sonic X.

This user loves Kyle.
Majority ≠ right This user recognizes that even if 300,000,000 people make the same mistake, it's still a mistake.

-lyThis user mourns the apparent death of the adverb, a loss that this user feels most serious.
Wheaties, Cheerios, and Rice ChexThis user prefers the cereal comma.
A sentence contains "A quoted sentence.".This user thinks, "Punctuation should come at the end of every sentence.".
LinkIt is written: only Link can defeat 4Kids Entertainment
agnThis user is agnostic.