
This module and associated sub-modules support the Citation Style 1 and Citation Style 2 citation templates. In general, it is not intended to be called directly, but is called by one of the core CS1 and CS2 templates.

These files comprise the Lua support for CS1 citations:

Lua CS1 pages
Module:Citation/CS1Module:Citation/CS1/sandboxRendering and support functions
Module:Citation/CS1/ConfigurationModule:Citation/CS1/Configuration/sandboxTranslation tables; error and identifier handlers
Module:Citation/CS1/WhitelistModule:Citation/CS1/Whitelist/sandboxList of active, deprecated, and obsolete CS1 parameters
Module:Citation/CS1/Date validationModule:Citation/CS1/Date validation/sandboxDate format validation functions
Module:Citation/CS1/SuggestionsList that maps common erroneous parameter names to valid parameter names

Other documentation:

  • Module talk:Citation/CS1/Feature requests
  • Module talk:Citation/CS1/COinS

local z = {error_categories = {};-- for categorizing citations that contain errorserror_ids = {};message_tail = {};maintenance_cats = {};-- for categorizing citations that aren't erroneous per se, but could use a little workproperties_cats = {};-- for categorizing citations based on certain properties, language of source for instance}--[[--------------------------< F O R W A R D   D E C L A R A T I O N S >--------------------------------------]]local dates, year_date_check-- functions in Module:Citation/CS1/Date_validation--[[--------------------------< I S _ S E T >------------------------------------------------------------------Returns true if argument is set; false otherwise. Argument is 'set' when it exists (not nil) or when it is not an empty string.This function is global because it is called from both this module and from Date validation]]function is_set( var )return not (var == nil or var == '');end--[[--------------------------< F I R S T _ S E T >------------------------------------------------------------First set variable or nil if none]]local function first_set(...)local list = {...};for _, var in pairs(list) doif is_set( var ) thenreturn var;endendend--[[--------------------------< I N _ A R R A Y >--------------------------------------------------------------Whether needle is in haystack]]local function in_array( needle, haystack )if needle == nil thenreturn false;endfor n,v in ipairs( haystack ) doif v == needle thenreturn n;endendreturn false;end--[[--------------------------< S U B S T I T U T E >----------------------------------------------------------Populates numbered arguments in a message string using an argument table.]]local function substitute( msg, args )return args and mw.message.newRawMessage( msg, args ):plain() or msg;end--[[--------------------------< E R R O R _ C O M M E N T >----------------------------------------------------Wraps error messages with css markup according to the state of hidden.]]local function error_comment( content, hidden )return substitute( hidden and cfg.presentation['hidden-error'] or cfg.presentation['visible-error'], content );end--[[--------------------------< S E T _ E R R O R >--------------------------------------------------------------Sets an error condition and returns the appropriate error message.  The actual placement of the error message in the output isthe responsibility of the calling function.]]local function set_error( error_id, arguments, raw, prefix, suffix )local error_state = cfg.error_conditions[ error_id ];prefix = prefix or "";suffix = suffix or "";if error_state == nil thenerror( cfg.messages['undefined_error'] );elseif is_set( error_state.category ) thentable.insert( z.error_categories, error_state.category );endlocal message = substitute( error_state.message, arguments );message = message .. " ([[" .. cfg.messages['help page link'] .. "#" .. error_state.anchor .. "|" ..cfg.messages['help page label'] .. "]])";z.error_ids[ error_id ] = true;if in_array( error_id, { 'bare_url_missing_title', 'trans_missing_title' } )and z.error_ids['citation_missing_title'] thenreturn '', false;endmessage = table.concat({ prefix, message, suffix });if raw == true thenreturn message, error_state.hidden;endreturn error_comment( message, error_state.hidden );end--[[--------------------------< C H E C K _ U R L >------------------------------------------------------------Determines whether a URL string is valid.At present the only check is whether the string appears to be prefixed with a URI scheme.  It is not determined whether the URI scheme is valid or whether the URL is otherwise well formed.]]local function check_url( url_str )return url_str:sub(1,2) == "//" or url_str:match( "^[^/]*:" ) ~= nil;-- Protocol-relative or URL schemeend--[[--------------------------< S A F E _ F O R _ I T A L I C S >----------------------------------------------Protects a string that will be wrapped in wiki italic markup '' ... ''Note: We cannot use <i> for italics, as the expected behavior for italics specified by ''...'' in the title is thatthey will be inverted (i.e. unitalicized) in the resulting references.  In addition, <i> and '' tend to interactpoorly under Mediawiki's HTML tidy.]]local function safe_for_italics( str )if not is_set(str) thenreturn str;elseif str:sub(1,1) == "'" then str = "<span />" .. str; endif str:sub(-1,-1) == "'" then str = str .. "<span />"; end-- Remove newlines as they break italics.return str:gsub( '\n', ' ' );endend--[[--------------------------< S A F E _ F O R _ U R L >------------------------------------------------------Escape sequences for content that will be used for URL descriptions]]local function safe_for_url( str )if str:match( "%[%[.-%]%]" ) ~= nil then table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'wikilink_in_url', {}, true ) } );endreturn str:gsub( '[%[%]\n]', {['['] = '&#91;',[']'] = '&#93;',['\n'] = ' ' } );end--[[--------------------------< W R A P _ S T Y L E >----------------------------------------------------------Applies styling to various parameters.  Supplied string is wrapped using a message_list configuration taking oneargument; protects italic styled parameters.  Additional text taken from citation_config.presentation - the reasonthis function is similar to but separate from wrap_msg().]]local function wrap_style (key, str)if not is_set( str ) thenreturn "";elseif in_array( key, { 'italic-title', 'trans-italic-title' } ) thenstr = safe_for_italics( str );endreturn substitute( cfg.presentation[key], {str} );end--[[--------------------------< E X T E R N A L _ L I N K >----------------------------------------------------Format an external link with error checking]]local function external_link( URL, label, source )local error_str = "";if not is_set( label ) thenlabel = URL;if is_set( source ) thenerror_str = set_error( 'bare_url_missing_title', { wrap_style ('parameter', source) }, false, " " );elseerror( cfg.messages["bare_url_no_origin"] );endendif not check_url( URL ) thenerror_str = set_error( 'bad_url', {}, false, " " ) .. error_str;endreturn table.concat({ "[", URL, " ", safe_for_url( label ), "]", error_str });end--[[--------------------------< E X T E R N A L _ L I N K _ I D >----------------------------------------------Formats a wiki style external link]]local function external_link_id(options)local url_string =;if options.encode == true or options.encode == nil thenurl_string = mw.uri.encode( url_string );endreturn mw.ustring.format( '[[%s|%s]]%s[%s%s%s %s]',, options.label, options.separator or "&nbsp;",options.prefix, url_string, options.suffix or "",mw.text.nowiki(;end--[[Categorize and emit an error message when the citation contains one or more deprecated parameters.  Because deprecated parameters (currently |month=,|coauthor=, and |coauthors=) aren't related to each other and because these parameters may be concatenated into the variables used by |date= and |author#= (and aliases)details of which parameter caused the error message are not provided.  Only one error message is emitted regardless of the number of deprecated parameters in the citation.]]local function deprecated_parameter(name)if true ~= Page_in_deprecated_cat then-- if we haven't been here before then set a Page_in_deprecated_cat=true;-- sticky flag so that if there are more than one deprecated parameter the category is added only oncetable.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'deprecated_params', {name}, true ) } );-- add error messageendend--[[--------------------------< K E R N _ Q U O T E S >--------------------------------------------------------Apply kerning to open the space between the quote mark provided by the Module and a leading or trailing quote mark contained in a |title= or |chapter= parameter's value.This function will positive kern either single or double quotes:"'Unkerned title with leading and trailing single quote marks'"" 'Kerned title with leading and trailing single quote marks' " (in real life the kerning isn't as wide as this example)Double single quotes (italic or bold wikimarkup) are not kerned.Call this function for chapter titles, for website titles, etc; not for book titles.]]local function kern_quotes (str)local cap='';local cap2='';cap, cap2 = str:match ("^([\"\'])([^\'].+)");-- match leading double or single quote but not double single quotesif is_set (cap) thenstr = substitute (cfg.presentation['kern-left'], {cap, cap2});endcap, cap2 = str:match ("^(.+[^\'])([\"\'])$")if is_set (cap) thenstr = substitute (cfg.presentation['kern-right'], {cap, cap2});endreturn str;end--[[--------------------------< F O R M A T _ S C R I P T _ V A L U E >----------------------------------------|script-title= holds title parameters that are not written in Latin based scripts: Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Hebrew, etc. These scripts shouldnot be italicized and may be written right-to-left.  The value supplied by |script-title= is concatenated onto Title after Title has been wrappedin italic markup.Regardless of language, all values provided by |script-title= are wrapped in <bdi>...</bdi> tags to isolate rtl languages from the English left to right.|script-title= provides a unique feature.  The value in |script-title= may be prefixed with a two-character ISO639-1 language code and a colon:|script-title=ja:*** *** (where * represents a Japanese character)Spaces between the two-character code and the colon and the colon and the first script character are allowed:|script-title=ja : *** ***|script-title=ja: *** ***|script-title=ja :*** ***Spaces preceding the prefix are allowed: |script-title = ja:*** ***The prefix is checked for validity.  If it is a valid ISO639-1 language code, the lang attribute (lang="ja") is added to the <bdi> tag so that browsers canknow the language the tag contains.  This may help the browser render the script more correctly.  If the prefix is invalid, the lang attributeis not added.  At this time there is no error message for this condition.At this writing, only |script-title= is supported.  It is anticipated that additional parameters will be created to use this function.TODO: error messages when prefix is invalid ISO639-1 code; when script_value has prefix but no script;]]local function format_script_value (script_value)local lang='';-- initialize to empty stringlocal name;if script_value:match('^%l%l%s*:') then-- if first 3 non-space characters are script language prefixlang = script_value:match('^(%l%l)%s*:%s*%S.*');-- get the language prefix or nil if there is no scriptif not is_set (lang) thenreturn '';-- script_value was just the prefix so return empty stringend-- if we get this far we have prefix and scriptname = mw.language.fetchLanguageName( lang, "en" );-- get language name so that we can use it to categorizeif is_set (name) then-- is prefix a proper ISO 639-1 language code?script_value = script_value:gsub ('^%l%l%s*:%s*', '');-- strip prefix from script-- is prefix one of these language codes?if in_array (lang, {'ar', 'bg', 'bs', 'dv', 'el', 'fa', 'hy', 'ja', 'ka', 'ko', 'ku', 'he', 'ps', 'ru', 'sd', 'sr', 'th', 'uk', 'ug', 'yi', 'zh'}) thentable.insert( z.properties_cats, 'CS1 uses ' .. name .. '-language script ('..lang..')');-- categorize in language-specific categorieselsetable.insert( z.properties_cats, 'CS1 uses foreign language script');-- use this category as a catchall until language-specific category is availableendlang = ' lang="' .. lang .. '" ';-- convert prefix into a lang attributeelselang = '';-- invalid so set lang to empty stringendendscript_value = substitute (cfg.presentation['bdi'], {lang, script_value});-- isolate in case script is rtlreturn script_value;end--[[--------------------------< S C R I P T _ C O N C A T E N A T E >------------------------------------------Initially for |title= and |script-title=, this function concatenates those two parameter values after the script value has been wrapped in <bdi> tags.]]local function script_concatenate (title, script)if is_set (script) thenscript = format_script_value (script);-- <bdi> tags, lang atribute, categorization, etc; returns empty string on errorif is_set (script) thentitle = title .. ' ' .. script;-- concatenate title and script titleendendreturn title;end--[[--------------------------< W R A P _ M S G >--------------------------------------------------------------Applies additional message text to various parameter values. Supplied string is wrapped using a message_listconfiguration taking one argument.  Supports lower case text for {{citation}} templates.  Additional text takenfrom citation_config.messages - the reason this function is similar to but separate from wrap_style().]]local function wrap_msg (key, str, lower)if not is_set( str ) thenreturn "";endif true == lower thenlocal msg;msg = cfg.messages[key]:lower();-- set the message to lower case before str = substitute( msg, {str} );-- including template textreturn str;elsereturn substitute( cfg.messages[key], {str} );endend--[[--------------------------< S E L E C T _ O N E >----------------------------------------------------------Chooses one matching parameter from a list of parameters to considerGenerates an error if more than one match is present.]]local function select_one( args, possible, error_condition, index )local value = nil;local selected = '';local error_list = {};if index ~= nil then index = tostring(index); end-- Handle special case of "#" replaced by empty stringif index == '1' thenfor _, v in ipairs( possible ) dov = v:gsub( "#", "" );if is_set(args[v]) thenif value ~= nil and selected ~= v thentable.insert( error_list, v );elsevalue = args[v];selected = v;endendendendfor _, v in ipairs( possible ) doif index ~= nil thenv = v:gsub( "#", index );endif is_set(args[v]) thenif value ~= nil and selected ~=  v thentable.insert( error_list, v );elsevalue = args[v];selected = v;endendendif #error_list > 0 thenlocal error_str = "";for _, k in ipairs( error_list ) doif error_str ~= "" then error_str = error_str .. cfg.messages['parameter-separator'] enderror_str = error_str .. wrap_style ('parameter', k);endif #error_list > 1 thenerror_str = error_str .. cfg.messages['parameter-final-separator'];elseerror_str = error_str .. cfg.messages['parameter-pair-separator'];enderror_str = error_str .. wrap_style ('parameter', selected);table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( error_condition, {error_str}, true ) } );endreturn value, selected;end--[[--------------------------< F O R M A T _ C H A P T E R _ T I T L E >--------------------------------------Format the three chapter parameters: |chapter=, |trans-chapter=, and |chapter-url= into a single Chapter meta-parameter (chapter_url_source used for error messages).]]local function format_chapter_title (chapter, transchapter, chapterurl, chapter_url_source)local chapter_error = '';if not is_set (chapter) thenchapter = '';-- just to be safe for concatenationif is_set (transchapter) thenchapter = wrap_style ('trans-quoted-title', transchapter);chapter_error = " " .. set_error ('trans_missing_chapter');endif is_set (chapterurl) thenchapter = external_link (chapterurl, chapter, chapter_url_source);-- adds bare_url_missing_title error if appropriateendreturn chapter .. chapter_error;else-- here when chapter is setchapter = kern_quotes (chapter);-- if necessary, separate chapter title's leading and trailing quote marks from Module provided quote markschapter = wrap_style ('quoted-title', chapter);if is_set (transchapter) thentranschapter = wrap_style ('trans-quoted-title', transchapter);chapter = chapter .. ' ' .. transchapter;endif is_set (chapterurl) thenchapter = external_link (chapterurl, chapter);-- adds bare_url_missing_title error if appropriateendendreturn chapter;end--[[Argument wrapper.  This function provides support for argument mapping defined in the configuration file so that multiple namescan be transparently aliased to single internal variable.]]local function argument_wrapper( args )local origin = {};return setmetatable({ORIGIN = function( self, k )local dummy = self[k]; --force the variable to be loaded.return origin[k];end},{__index = function ( tbl, k )if origin[k] ~= nil thenreturn nil;endlocal args, list, v = args, cfg.aliases[k];if type( list ) == 'table' thenv, origin[k] = select_one( args, list, 'redundant_parameters' );if origin[k] == nil thenorigin[k] = ''; -- Empty string, not nilendelseif list ~= nil thenv, origin[k] = args[list], list;else-- maybe let through instead of raising an error?-- v, origin[k] = args[k], k;error( cfg.messages['unknown_argument_map'] );end-- Empty strings, not nil;if v == nil thenv = cfg.defaults[k] or '';origin[k] = '';endtbl = rawset( tbl, k, v );return v;end,});end--[[Looks for a parameter's name in the whitelist.Parameters in the whitelist can have three values:true - active, supported parametersfalse - deprecated, supported parametersnil - unsupported parameters]]local function validate( name )local name = tostring( name );local state = whitelist.basic_arguments[ name ];-- Normal argumentsif true == state then return true; end-- valid actively supported parameterif false == state thendeprecated_parameter (name);-- parameter is deprecated but still supportedreturn true;end-- Arguments with numbers in themname = name:gsub( "%d+", "#" );-- replace digit(s) with # (last25 becomes last#state = whitelist.numbered_arguments[ name ];if true == state then return true; end-- valid actively supported parameterif false == state thendeprecated_parameter (name);-- parameter is deprecated but still supportedreturn true;endreturn false;-- Not supported because not found or name is set to nilend-- Formats a wiki style internal linklocal function internal_link_id(options)return mw.ustring.format( '[[%s|%s]]%s[[%s%s%s|%s]]',, options.label, options.separator or "&nbsp;",options.prefix,, options.suffix or "",mw.text.nowiki(;end--[[--------------------------< N O W R A P _ D A T E >--------------------------------------------------------When date is YYYY-MM-DD format wrap in nowrap span: <span ...>YYYY-MM-DD</span>.  When date is DD MMMM YYYY or isMMMM DD, YYYY then wrap in nowrap span: <span ...>DD MMMM</span> YYYY or <span ...>MMMM DD,</span> YYYYDOES NOT yet support MMMM YYYY or any of the date ranges.]]local function nowrap_date (date)local cap='';local cap2='';if date:match("^%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d$") thendate = substitute (cfg.presentation['nowrap1'], date);elseif date:match("^%a+%s*%d%d?,%s*%d%d%d%d$") or date:match ("^%d%d?%s*%a+%s*%d%d%d%d$") thencap, cap2 = string.match (date, "^(.*)%s+(%d%d%d%d)$");date = substitute (cfg.presentation['nowrap2'], {cap, cap2});endreturn date;end--[[--------------------------< IS _ V A L I D _ I S X N >-----------------------------------------------------ISBN-10 and ISSN validator code calculates checksum across all isbn/issn digits including the check digit. ISBN-13 is checked in check_isbn().If the number is valid the result will be 0. Before calling this function, issbn/issn must be checked for length and stripped of dashes,spaces and other non-isxn characters.]]local function is_valid_isxn (isxn_str, len)local temp = 0;isxn_str = { isxn_str:byte(1, len) };-- make a table of byteslen = len+1;-- adjust to be a loop counterfor i, v in ipairs( isxn_str ) do-- loop through all of the bytes and calculate the checksumif v == string.byte( "X" ) then-- if checkdigit is Xtemp = temp + 10*( len - i );-- it represents 10 decimalelsetemp = temp + tonumber( string.char(v) )*(len-i);endendreturn temp % 11 == 0;-- returns true if calculation result is zeroend--[[--------------------------< C H E C K _ I S B N >------------------------------------------------------------Determines whether an ISBN string is valid]]local function check_isbn( isbn_str )if nil ~= isbn_str:match("[^%s-0-9X]") then return false; end-- fail if isbn_str contains anything but digits, hyphens, or the uppercase Xisbn_str = isbn_str:gsub( "-", "" ):gsub( " ", "" );-- remove hyphens and spaceslocal len = isbn_str:len(); if len ~= 10 and len ~= 13 thenreturn false;endif len == 10 thenif isbn_str:match( "^%d*X?$" ) == nil then return false; endreturn is_valid_isxn(isbn_str, 10);elselocal temp = 0;if isbn_str:match( "^97[89]%d*$" ) == nil then return false; end-- isbn13 begins with 978 or 979isbn_str = { isbn_str:byte(1, len) };for i, v in ipairs( isbn_str ) dotemp = temp + (3 - 2*(i % 2)) * tonumber( string.char(v) );endreturn temp % 10 == 0;endend--[[--------------------------< I S S N >----------------------------------------------------------------------Validate and format an issn.  This code fixes the case where an editor has included an ISSN in the citation but has separated the two groups of fourdigits with a space.  When that condition occurred, the resulting link looked like this:|issn=0819 4327 gives: [ 4327 0819 4327]  -- can't have spaces in an external linkThis code now prevents that by inserting a hyphen at the issn midpoint.  It also validates the issn for length and makes sure that the checkdigit agreeswith the calculated value.  Incorrect length (8 digits), characters other than 0-9 and X, or checkdigit / calculated value mismatch will all cause a check issnerror message.  The issn is always displayed with a hyphen, even if the issn was given as a single group of 8 digits.]]local function issn(id)local issn_copy = id;-- save a copy of unadulterated issn; use this version for display if issn does not validatelocal handler = cfg.id_handlers['ISSN'];local text;local valid_issn = true;id=id:gsub( "[%s-–]", "" );-- strip spaces, hyphens, and endashes from the issnif 8 ~= id:len() or nil == id:match( "^%d*X?$" ) then-- validate the issn: 8 digits long, containing only 0-9 or X in the last positionvalid_issn=false;-- wrong length or improper characterelsevalid_issn=is_valid_isxn(id, 8);-- validate issnendif true == valid_issn thenid = string.sub( id, 1, 4 ) .. "-" .. string.sub( id, 5 );-- if valid, display correctly formatted versionelseid = issn_copy;-- if not valid, use the show the invalid issn with error messageendtext = external_link_id({link =, label = handler.label,prefix=handler.prefix,id=id,separator=handler.separator, encode=handler.encode}) if false == valid_issn thentext = text .. ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_issn' )-- add an error message if the issn is invalidend return textend--[[--------------------------< A M A Z O N >------------------------------------------------------------------Formats a link to Amazon.  Do simple error checking: asin must be mix of 10 numeric or uppercase alphacharacters.  If a mix, first character must be uppercase alpha; if all numeric, asins must be 10-digitisbn. If 10-digit isbn, add a maintenance category so a bot or awb script can replace |asin= with |isbn=.Error message if not 10 characters, if not isbn10, if mixed and first character is a digit.]]local function amazon(id, domain)local err_cat = ""if not id:match("^[%d%u][%d%u][%d%u][%d%u][%d%u][%d%u][%d%u][%d%u][%d%u][%d%u]$") thenerr_cat =  ' ' .. set_error ('bad_asin');-- asin is not a mix of 10 uppercase alpha and numeric characterselseif id:match("^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[%dX]$") then-- if 10-digit numeric (or 9 digits with terminal X)if check_isbn( id ) then-- see if asin value is isbn10table.insert( z.maintenance_cats, 'CS1 maint: ASIN uses ISBN');-- add to maint categoryelseif not is_set (err_cat) thenerr_cat =  ' ' .. set_error ('bad_asin');-- asin is not isbn10endelseif not id:match("^%u[%d%u]+$") thenerr_cat =  ' ' .. set_error ('bad_asin');-- asin doesn't begin with uppercase alphaendendif not is_set(domain) then domain = "com";elseif in_array (domain, {'jp', 'uk'}) then-- Japan, United Kingdomdomain = "co." .. domain;elseif in_array (domain, {'au', 'br', 'mx'}) then-- Australia, Brazil, Mexicodomain = "com." .. domain;endlocal handler = cfg.id_handlers['ASIN'];return external_link_id({link =,label=handler.label , prefix="//"..domain.."/dp/",id=id,encode=handler.encode, separator = handler.separator}) .. err_cat;end--[[--------------------------< A R X I V >--------------------------------------------------------------------See: and error check arXiv identifier.  There are three valid forms of the identifier:the first form, valid only between date codes 9108 and 0703 is:arXiv:<archive>.<class>/<date code><number><version>where:<archive> is a string of alpha characters - may be hyphenated; no other punctuation<class> is a string of alpha characters - may be hyphenated; no other punctuation<date code> is four digits in the form YYMM where YY is the last two digits of the four-digit year and MM is the month number January = 01first digit of YY for this form can only 9 and 0<number> is a three-digit number<version> is a 1 or more digit number preceded with a lowercase v; no spaces (undocumented)the second form, valid from April 2007 through December 2014 is:arXiv:<date code>.<number><version>where:<date code> is four digits in the form YYMM where YY is the last two digits of the four-digit year and MM is the month number January = 01<number> is a four-digit number<version> is a 1 or more digit number preceded with a lowercase v; no spacesthe third form, valid from January 2015 is:arXiv:<date code>.<number><version>where:<date code> and <version> are as defined for 0704-1412<number> is a five-digit number]]local function arxiv (id)local handler = cfg.id_handlers['ARXIV'];local year, month, version;local err_cat = ""if id:match("^%a[%a%.%-]+/[90]%d[01]%d%d%d%d$") or id:match("^%a[%a%.%-]+/[90]%d[01]%d%d%d%dv%d+$") then-- test for the 9108-0703 format w/ & w/o versionyear, month = id:match("^%a[%a%.%-]+/([90]%d)([01]%d)%d%d%d[v%d]*$");year = tonumber(year);month = tonumber(month);if ((not (90 < year or 8 > year)) or (1 > month or 12 < month)) or-- if invalid year or invalid month((91 == year and 7 > month) or (7 == year and 3 < month)) then-- if years ok, are starting and ending months ok?err_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_arxiv' );-- set error messageendelseif id:match("^%d%d[01]%d%.%d%d%d%d$") or id:match("^%d%d[01]%d%.%d%d%d%dv%d+$") then-- test for the 0704-1412 w/ & w/o versionyear, month = id:match("^(%d%d)([01]%d)%.%d%d%d%d[v%d]*$");year = tonumber(year);month = tonumber(month);if ((7 > year) or (14 < year) or (1 > month or 12 < month)) or-- is year invalid or is month invalid? (doesn't test for future years)((7 == year) and (4 > month)) then --or-- when year is 07, is month invalid (before April)?err_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_arxiv' );-- set error messageendelseif id:match("^%d%d[01]%d%.%d%d%d%d%d$") or id:match("^%d%d[01]%d%.%d%d%d%d%dv%d+$") then-- test for the 1501- format w/ & w/o versionyear, month = id:match("^(%d%d)([01]%d)%.%d%d%d%d%d[v%d]*$");year = tonumber(year);month = tonumber(month);if ((15 > year) or (1 > month or 12 < month)) then-- is year invalid or is month invalid? (doesn't test for future years)err_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_arxiv' );-- set error messageendelseerr_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_arxiv' );-- arXiv id doesn't match any formatendreturn external_link_id({link =, label = handler.label,prefix=handler.prefix,id=id,separator=handler.separator, encode=handler.encode}) .. err_cat;end--[[lccn normalization ( Remove all blanks.2. If there is a forward slash (/) in the string, remove it, and remove all characters to the right of the forward slash.3. If there is a hyphen in the string:a. Remove it.b. Inspect the substring following (to the right of) the (removed) hyphen. Then (and assuming that steps 1 and 2 have been carried out):1. All these characters should be digits, and there should be six or less. (not done in this function)2. If the length of the substring is less than 6, left-fill the substring with zeroes until the length is six.Returns a normalized lccn for lccn() to validate.  There is no error checking (step 3.b.1) performed in this function.]]local function normalize_lccn (lccn)lccn = lccn:gsub ("%s", "");-- 1. strip whitespaceif nil ~= string.find (lccn,'/') thenlccn = lccn:match ("(.-)/");-- 2. remove forward slash and all character to the right of itendlocal prefixlocal suffixprefix, suffix = lccn:match ("(.+)%-(.+)");-- 3.a remove hyphen by splitting the string into prefix and suffixif nil ~= suffix then-- if there was a hyphensuffix=string.rep("0", 6-string.len (suffix)) .. suffix;-- 3.b.2 left fill the suffix with 0s if suffix length less than 6lccn=prefix..suffix;-- reassemble the lccnendreturn lccn;end--[[Format LCCN link and do simple error checking.  LCCN is a character string 8-12 characters long. The length of the LCCN dictates the character type of the first 1-3 characters; therightmost eight are always digits. = 8 then all digitslength = 9 then lccn[1] is lower case alphalength = 10 then lccn[1] and lccn[2] are both lower case alpha or both digitslength = 11 then lccn[1] is lower case alpha, lccn[2] and lccn[3] are both lower case alpha or both digitslength = 12 then lccn[1] and lccn[2] are both lower case alpha]]local function lccn(lccn)local handler = cfg.id_handlers['LCCN'];local err_cat =  '';-- presume that LCCN is validlocal id = lccn;-- local copy of the lccnid = normalize_lccn (id);-- get canonical form (no whitespace, hyphens, forward slashes)local len = id:len();-- get the length of the lccnif 8 == len thenif id:match("[^%d]") then-- if LCCN has anything but digits (nil if only digits)err_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_lccn' );-- set an error messageendelseif 9 == len then-- LCCN should be addddddddif nil == id:match("%l%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d") then-- does it match our pattern?err_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_lccn' );-- set an error messageendelseif 10 == len then-- LCCN should be aadddddddd or ddddddddddif id:match("[^%d]") then-- if LCCN has anything but digits (nil if only digits) ...if nil == id:match("^%l%l%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d") then-- ... see if it matches our patternerr_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_lccn' );-- no match, set an error messageendendelseif 11 == len then-- LCCN should be aaadddddddd or addddddddddif not (id:match("^%l%l%l%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d") or id:match("^%l%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d")) then-- see if it matches one of our patternserr_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_lccn' );-- no match, set an error messageendelseif 12 == len then-- LCCN should be aaddddddddddif not id:match("^%l%l%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d") then-- see if it matches our patternerr_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_lccn' );-- no match, set an error messageendelseerr_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_lccn' );-- wrong length, set an error messageendif not is_set (err_cat) and nil ~= lccn:find ('%s') thenerr_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_lccn' );-- lccn contains a space, set an error messageendreturn external_link_id({link =, label = handler.label,prefix=handler.prefix,id=lccn,separator=handler.separator, encode=handler.encode}) .. err_cat;end--[[Format PMID and do simple error checking.  PMIDs are sequential numbers beginning at 1 and counting up.  This code checks the PMID to see that itcontains only digits and is less than test_limit; the value in local variable test_limit will need to be updated periodically as more PMIDs are issued.]]local function pmid(id)local test_limit = 30000000;-- update this value as PMIDs approachlocal handler = cfg.id_handlers['PMID'];local err_cat =  '';-- presume that PMID is validif id:match("[^%d]") then-- if PMID has anything but digitserr_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_pmid' );-- set an error messageelse-- PMID is only digitslocal id_num = tonumber(id);-- convert id to a number for range testingif 1 > id_num or test_limit < id_num then-- if PMID is outside test limit boundarieserr_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_pmid' );-- set an error messageendendreturn external_link_id({link =, label = handler.label,prefix=handler.prefix,id=id,separator=handler.separator, encode=handler.encode}) .. err_cat;end--[[Determines if a PMC identifier's online version is embargoed. Compares the date in |embargo= against today's date.  If embargo date isin the future, returns true; otherwise, returns false because the embargo has expired or |embargo= not set in this cite.]]local function is_embargoed(embargo)if is_set(embargo) thenlocal lang = mw.getContentLanguage();local good1, embargo_date, good2, todays_date;good1, embargo_date = pcall( lang.formatDate, lang, 'U', embargo );good2, todays_date = pcall( lang.formatDate, lang, 'U' );if good1 and good2 and tonumber( embargo_date ) >= tonumber( todays_date ) then--is embargo date is in the future?return true;-- still embargoedendendreturn false;-- embargo expired or |embargo= not setend--[[Format a PMC, do simple error checking, and check for embargoed articles.The embargo parameter takes a date for a value. If the embargo date is in the futurethe PMC identifier will not be linked to the article.  If the embargo specifies a date in the past, or if it is empty or omitted, thenthe PMC identifier is linked to the article through the link at cfg.id_handlers['PMC'].prefix.PMCs are sequential numbers beginning at 1 and counting up.  This code checks the PMC to see that it contains only digits and is lessthan test_limit; the value in local variable test_limit will need to be updated periodically as more PMCs are issued.]]local function pmc(id, embargo)local test_limit = 5000000;-- update this value as PMCs approachlocal handler = cfg.id_handlers['PMC'];local err_cat =  '';-- presume that PMC is validlocal text;if id:match("[^%d]") then-- if PMC has anything but digitserr_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_pmc' );-- set an error messageelse-- PMC is only digitslocal id_num = tonumber(id);-- convert id to a number for range testingif 1 > id_num or test_limit < id_num then-- if PMC is outside test limit boundarieserr_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_pmc' );-- set an error messageendendif is_embargoed(embargo) thentext="[[" .. .. "|" .. handler.label .. "]]:" .. handler.separator .. id .. err_cat;--still embargoed so no external linkelsetext = external_link_id({link =, label = handler.label,--no embargo date, ok to link to articleprefix=handler.prefix,id=id,separator=handler.separator, encode=handler.encode}) .. err_cat;endreturn text;end-- Formats a DOI and checks for DOI errors.-- DOI names contain two parts: prefix and suffix separated by a forward slash.--  Prefix: directory indicator '10.' followed by a registrant code--  Suffix: character string of any length chosen by the registrant-- This function checks a DOI name for: prefix/suffix.  If the doi name contains spaces or endashes,-- or, if it ends with a period or a comma, this function will emit a bad_doi error message.-- DOI names are case-insensitive and can incorporate any printable Unicode characters so the test for spaces, endash,-- and terminal punctuation may not be technically correct but it appears, that in practice these characters are rarely if ever used in doi names.local function doi(id, inactive)local cat = ""local handler = cfg.id_handlers['DOI'];local text;if is_set(inactive) thenlocal inactive_year = inactive:match("%d%d%d%d") or '';-- try to get the year portion from the inactive datetext = "[[" .. .. "|" .. handler.label .. "]]:" .. id;if is_set(inactive_year) thentable.insert( z.error_categories, "Pages with DOIs inactive since " .. inactive_year );elsetable.insert( z.error_categories, "Pages with inactive DOIs" );-- when inactive doesn't contain a recognizable yearendinactive = " (" .. cfg.messages['inactive'] .. " " .. inactive .. ")" else text = external_link_id({link =, label = handler.label,prefix=handler.prefix,id=id,separator=handler.separator, encode=handler.encode})inactive = "" endif nil == id:match("^10%.[^%s–]-/[^%s–]-[^%.,]$") then-- doi must begin with '10.', must contain a fwd slash, must not contain spaces or endashes, and must not end with period or commacat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_doi' );endreturn text .. inactive .. cat end-- Formats an OpenLibrary link, and checks for associated errors.local function openlibrary(id)local code = id:match("^%d+([AMW])$");-- only digits followed by 'A', 'M', or 'W'local handler = cfg.id_handlers['OL'];if ( code == "A" ) thenreturn external_link_id({, label=handler.label,prefix="",id=id, separator=handler.separator,encode = handler.encode})elseif ( code == "M" ) thenreturn external_link_id({, label=handler.label,prefix="",id=id, separator=handler.separator,encode = handler.encode})elseif ( code == "W" ) thenreturn external_link_id({, label=handler.label,prefix= "",id=id, separator=handler.separator,encode = handler.encode})elsereturn external_link_id({, label=handler.label,prefix= "",id=id, separator=handler.separator,encode = handler.encode}) .. ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_ol' );endend--[[--------------------------< M E S S A G E _ I D >----------------------------------------------------------Validate and format a usenet message id.  Simple error checking, looks for 'id-left@id-right' not enclosed in'<' and/or '>' angle brackets.]]local function message_id (id)local handler = cfg.id_handlers['USENETID'];text = external_link_id({link =, label = handler.label,prefix=handler.prefix,id=id,separator=handler.separator, encode=handler.encode}) if not id:match('^.+@.+$') or not id:match('^[^<].*[^>]$')then-- doesn't have '@' or has one or first or last character is '< or '>'text = text .. ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_message_id' )-- add an error message if the message id is invalidend return textend--[[--------------------------< S E T _ T I T L E T Y P E >----------------------------------------------------This function sets default title types (equivalent to the citation including |type=<default value>) for those citations that have defaults.Also handles the special case where it is desirable to omit the title type from the rendered citation (|type=none).]]local function set_titletype(cite_class, title_type)if is_set(title_type) thenif "none" == title_type thentitle_type = "";-- if |type=none then type parameter not displayedendreturn title_type;-- if |type= has been set to any other value use that valueendif "AV-media-notes" == cite_class or "DVD-notes" == cite_class then-- if this citation is cite AV media notes or cite DVD notesreturn "Media notes";-- display AV media notes / DVD media notes annotationelseif "mailinglist" == cite_class then-- if this citation is cite mailing listreturn "Mailing list";-- display mailing list annotationelseif "map" == cite_class then-- if this citation is cite mapreturn "Map";-- display map annotationelseif "podcast" == cite_class then-- if this citation is cite podcastreturn "Podcast";-- display podcast annotationelseif "pressrelease" == cite_class then-- if this citation is cite press releasereturn "Press release";-- display press release annotationelseif "report" == cite_class then-- if this citation is cite reportreturn "Report";-- display report annotationelseif "techreport" == cite_class then-- if this citation is cite techreportreturn "Technical report";-- display techreport annotationelseif "thesis" == cite_class then-- if this citation is cite thesis (degree option handled after this function returns)return "Thesis";-- display simple thesis annotation (without |degree= modification)endend-- Removes irrelevant text and dashes from ISBN number-- Similar to that used for Special:BookSourceslocal function clean_isbn( isbn_str )return isbn_str:gsub( "[^-0-9X]", "" );end--[[--------------------------< E S C A P E _ L U A _ M A G I C _ C H A R S >----------------------------------Returns a string where all of lua's magic characters have been escaped.  This is important because functions likestring.gsub() treat their pattern and replace strings as patterns, not literal strings.]]local function escape_lua_magic_chars (argument)argument = argument:gsub("%%", "%%%%");-- replace % with %%argument = argument:gsub("([%^%$%(%)%.%[%]%*%+%-%?])", "%%%1");-- replace all other lua magic pattern charactersreturn argument;end--[[--------------------------< S T R I P _ A P O S T R O P H E _ M A R K U P >--------------------------------Strip wiki italic and bold markup from argument so that it doesn't contaminate COinS metadata.This function strips common patterns of apostrophe markup.  We presume that editors who have taken the time tomarkup a title have, as a result, provided valid markup. When they don't, some single apostrophes are left behind.]]local function strip_apostrophe_markup (argument)if not is_set (argument) then return argument; endwhile true doif argument:match ("%'%'%'%'%'") then-- bold italic (5)argument=argument:gsub("%'%'%'%'%'", "");-- remove all instances of itelseif argument:match ("%'%'%'%'") then-- italic start and end without content (4)argument=argument:gsub("%'%'%'%'", "");elseif argument:match ("%'%'%'") then-- bold (3)argument=argument:gsub("%'%'%'", "");elseif argument:match ("%'%'") then-- italic (2)argument=argument:gsub("%'%'", "");elsebreak;endendreturn argument;-- doneend--[[--------------------------< M A K E _ C O I N S _ T I T L E >----------------------------------------------Makes a title for COinS from Title and / or ScriptTitle (or any other name-script pairs)Apostrophe markup (bold, italics) is stripped from each value so that the COinS metadata isn't correupted with stringsof %27%27...]]local function make_coins_title (title, script)if is_set (title) thentitle = strip_apostrophe_markup (title);-- strip any apostrophe markupelsetitle='';-- if not set, make sure title is an empty stringendif is_set (script) thenscript = script:gsub ('^%l%l%s*:%s*', '');-- remove language prefix if present (script value may now be empty string)script = strip_apostrophe_markup (script);-- strip any apostrophe markupelsescript='';-- if not set, make sure script is an empty stringendif is_set (title) and is_set (script) thenscript = ' ' .. script;-- add a space before we concatenateendreturn title .. script;-- return the concatenationend--[[--------------------------< G E T _ C O I N S _ P A G E S >------------------------------------------------Extract page numbers from external wikilinks in any of the |page=, |pages=, or |at= parameters for use in COinS.]]local function get_coins_pages (pages)local pattern;if not is_set (pages) then return pages; end-- if no page numbers then we're donewhile true dopattern = pages:match("%[(%w*:?//[^ ]+%s+)[%w%d].*%]");-- pattern is the opening bracket, the url and following space(s): "[url "if nil == pattern then break; end-- no more urlspattern = escape_lua_magic_chars (pattern);-- pattern is not a literal string; escape lua's magic pattern characterspages = pages:gsub(pattern, "");-- remove as many instances of pattern as possibleendpages = pages:gsub("[%[%]]", "");-- remove the bracketspages = pages:gsub("–", "-" );-- replace endashes with hyphenspages = pages:gsub("&%w+;", "-" );-- and replace html entities (&ndash; etc.) with hyphens; do we need to replace numerical entities like &#32; and the like?return pages;end-- Gets the display text for a wikilink like [[A|B]] or [[B]] gives Blocal function remove_wiki_link( str )return (str:gsub( "%[%[([^%[%]]*)%]%]", function(l)return l:gsub( "^[^|]*|(.*)$", "%1" ):gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1");end));end-- Converts a hyphen to a dashlocal function hyphen_to_dash( str )if not is_set(str) or str:match( "[%[%]{}<>]" ) ~= nil thenreturn str;endreturn str:gsub( '-', '–' );end--[[--------------------------< S A F E _ J O I N >------------------------------------------------------------Joins a sequence of strings together while checking for duplicate separation characters.]]local function safe_join( tbl, duplicate_char )--[[Note: we use string functions here, rather than ustring functions.This has considerably faster performance and should work correctly as long as the duplicate_char is strict ASCII.  The stringsin tbl may be ASCII or UTF8.]]local str = '';-- the output stringlocal comp = '';-- what does 'comp' mean?local end_chr = '';local trim;for _, value in ipairs( tbl ) doif value == nil then value = ''; endif str == '' then-- if output string is emptystr = value;-- assign value to it (first time through the loop)elseif value ~= '' thenif value:sub(1,1) == '<' then-- Special case of values enclosed in spans and other markup.comp = value:gsub( "%b<>", "" );-- remove html markup (<span>string</span> -> string)elsecomp = value;end-- typically duplicate_char is sepcif comp:sub(1,1) == duplicate_char then-- is first charactier same as duplicate_char? why test first character?--   Because individual string segments often (always?) begin with terminal punct for th--   preceding segment: 'First element' .. 'sepc next element' .. etc?trim = false;end_chr = str:sub(-1,-1);-- get the last character of the output string-- str = str .. "<HERE(enchr=" .. end_chr.. ")"-- debug stuff?if end_chr == duplicate_char then-- if same as separatorstr = str:sub(1,-2);-- remove itelseif end_chr == "'" then-- if it might be wikimarkupif str:sub(-3,-1) == duplicate_char .. "''" then-- if last three chars of str are sepc'' str = str:sub(1, -4) .. "''";-- remove them and add back ''elseif str:sub(-5,-1) == duplicate_char .. "]]''" then-- if last five chars of str are sepc]]'' trim = true;-- why? why do this and next differently from previous?elseif str:sub(-4,-1) == duplicate_char .. "]''" then-- if last four chars of str are sepc]'' trim = true;-- same questionendelseif end_chr == "]" then-- if it might be wikimarkupif str:sub(-3,-1) == duplicate_char .. "]]" then-- if last three chars of str are sepc]] wikilink trim = true;elseif str:sub(-2,-1) == duplicate_char .. "]" then-- if last two chars of str are sepc] external linktrim = true;elseif str:sub(-4,-1) == duplicate_char .. "'']" then-- normal case when |url=something & |title=Title.trim = true;endelseif end_chr == " " then-- if last char of output string is a spaceif str:sub(-2,-1) == duplicate_char .. " " then-- if last two chars of str are <sepc><space>str = str:sub(1,-3);-- remove them bothendendif trim thenif value ~= comp then -- value does not equal comp when value contains html markuplocal dup2 = duplicate_char;if dup2:match( "%A" ) then dup2 = "%" .. dup2; end-- if duplicate_char not a letter then escape itvalue = value:gsub( "(%b<>)" .. dup2, "%1", 1 )-- remove duplicate_char if it follows html markupelsevalue = value:sub( 2, -1 );-- remove duplicate_char when it is first characterendendendstr = str .. value;--add it to the output stringendendreturn str;end  --[[--------------------------< I S _ G O O D _ V A N C _ N A M E >--------------------------------------------For Vancouver Style, author/editor names are supposed to be rendered in Latin (read ASCII) characters.  When a nameuses characters that contain diacritical marks, those characters are to converted to the corresponding Latin character.When a name is written using a non-Latin alphabet or logogram, that name is to be transliterated into Latin characters.These things are not currently possible in this module so are left to the editor to do.  This module can, however, checkthe content of |lastn= and |firstn= to see if the names contain non-Latin (non-ASCII) characters and emit an error messagewhen such characters are located.Allow |lastn= to contain ASCII characters, hyphens, spaces, and apostrophes. ( |firstn= to contain ASCII characters, hyphens, spaces, apostrophes, and periods]]local function is_good_vanc_name (last, first)if last:find ("[^%a%-%'%s]") or first:find ("[^%a%-%'%s%.]") thenif true ~= Page_in_vanc_error_cat then-- if we haven't been here before then set a sticky flagPage_in_vanc_error_cat=true;-- so that if there are more than one error the category is added only oncetable.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'vancouver', {}, true ) } );endreturn false;-- not a string of latin characters; Vancouver required Romanizationend;return true;end--[[--------------------------< R E D U C E _ T O _ I N I T I A L S >------------------------------------------Attempts to convert names to initials in support of |name-list-format=vanc.  Names in |firstn= may be separated by spaces or hyphens, or for initials, a period. See style requires family rank designations (Jr, II, III, etc) to be rendered as Jr, 2nd, 3rd, etc.  This form is notcurrently supported by this code so correctly formed names like Smith JL 2nd are converted to Smith J2. See]]local function reduce_to_initials(first)if first:match("^%u%u$") then return first end;-- when first contains just two upper-case letters, nothing to dolocal initials = {}local i = 0;-- counter for number of initialsfor word in string.gmatch(first, "[^%s%.%-]+") do-- names separated by spaces, hyphens, or periodstable.insert(initials, string.sub(word,1,1))-- Vancouver format does not include full stops.i = i + 1;-- bump the counter if 2 <= i then break; end-- only two initials allowed in Vancouver system; if 2, quitendreturn table.concat(initials)-- Vancouver format does not include spaces.end--[[--------------------------< L I S T  _ P E O P L E >-------------------------------------------------------Formats a list of people (e.g. authors / editors) ]]local function list_people(control, people, etal)local sep;local namesep;local format = control.formatlocal maximum = control.maximumlocal lastauthoramp = control.lastauthoramp;local text = {}if 'vanc' == format then-- Vancouver-like author/editor name styling?sep = ',';-- name-list separator between authors is a commanamesep = ' ';-- last/first separator is a spaceelsesep = ';'-- name-list separator between authors is a semicolonnamesep = ', '-- last/first separator is <comma><space>endif sep:sub(-1,-1) ~= " " then sep = sep .. " " endif maximum ~= nil and maximum < 1 then return "", 0; endfor i,person in ipairs(people) doif is_set(person.last) thenlocal mask = person.masklocal onelocal sep_one = sep;if maximum ~= nil and i > maximum thenetal = true;break;elseif (mask ~= nil) thenlocal n = tonumber(mask)if (n ~= nil) thenone = string.rep("&mdash;",n)elseone = mask;sep_one = " ";endelseone = person.lastlocal first = person.firstif is_set(first) then if ( "vanc" == format ) then-- if vancouver formatone = one:gsub ('%.', '');-- remove periods from surnames ( is_good_vanc_name (one, first) then-- and name is all Latin charactersfirst = reduce_to_initials(first)-- attempt to convert first name(s) to initialsendendone = one .. namesep .. first endif is_set( and ~= control.page_name thenone = "[[" .. .. "|" .. one .. "]]"-- link author/editor if this page is not the author's/editor's pageendif is_set( and ((nil ~="//")) or (nil ~="[%[%]]"))) thenone = one .. " " .. set_error( 'bad_authorlink' ) end-- url or wikilink in author link;endtable.insert( text, one )table.insert( text, sep_one )endendlocal count = #text / 2;if count > 0 then if count > 1 and is_set(lastauthoramp) and not etal thentext[#text-2] = " & ";endtext[#text] = nil; endlocal result = table.concat(text) -- construct listif etal then local etal_text = cfg.messages['et al'];result = result .. " " .. etal_text;endreturn result, countend--[[--------------------------< A N C H O R _ I D >------------------------------------------------------------Generates a CITEREF anchor ID if we have at least one name or a date.  Otherwise returns an empty string.]]local function anchor_id( options )local id = table.concat( options );-- concatenate names and year for CITEREF idif is_set (id) then-- if concatenation is not an empty stringreturn "CITEREF" .. id;-- add the CITEREF portionelsereturn '';-- return an empty string; no reason to include CITEREF id in this citationendend--[[--------------------------< E X T R A C T _ N A M E S >----------------------------------------------------Gets name list from the input argumentsSearches through args in sequential order to find |lastn= and |firstn= parameters (or their aliases), and their matching link and mask parameters.Stops searching when both |lastn= and |firstn= are not found in args after two sequential attempts: found |last1=, |last2=, and |last3= but doesn'tfind |last4= and |last5= then the search is done.This function emits an error message when there is a |firstn= without a matching |lastn=.  When there are 'holes' in the list of last names, |last1= and |last3=are present but |last2= is missing, an error message is emitted. |lastn= is not required to have a matching |firstn=.When an author or editor parameter contains some form of 'et al.', the 'et al.' is stripped from the parameter and a flag (etal) returnedthat will cause list_people() to add the static 'et al.' text from Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration.  This keeps 'et al.' out of the template's metadata.  When this occurs, the page is added to a maintenance category.]]local function extract_names(args, list_name)local names = {};-- table of nameslocal last;-- individual name componentslocal first;local link;local mask;local i = 1;-- loop counter/indexerlocal n = 1;-- output table indexerlocal count = 0;-- used to count the number of times we haven't found a |last= (or alias for authors, |editor-last or alias for editors)local etal=false;-- return value set to true when we find some form of et al. in an author parameterlocal pattern = ",? *'*[Ee][Tt] *[Aa][Ll][%.']*$"-- variations on the 'et al' themelocal err_msg_list_name = list_name:match ("(%w+)List") .. 's list';-- modify AuthorList or EditorList for use in error messages if necessarywhile true dolast = select_one( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-Last'], 'redundant_parameters', i );-- search through args for name components beginning at 1first = select_one( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-First'], 'redundant_parameters', i );link = select_one( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-Link'], 'redundant_parameters', i );mask = select_one( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-Mask'], 'redundant_parameters', i );local name = tostring(last);if name:match (pattern) then-- varients on et al.last = name:gsub (pattern, '');-- if found, removeetal = true;endname = tostring(first);if name:match (pattern) then-- varients on et al.first = name:gsub (pattern, '');-- if found, removeetal = true;endif first and not last then-- if there is a firstn without a matching lastntable.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'first_missing_last', {err_msg_list_name, i}, true ) } );-- add this error messageelseif not first and not last then-- if both firstn and lastn aren't found, are we done?count = count + 1;-- number of times we haven't found last and firstif 2 == count then-- two missing names and we give upbreak;-- normal exit or there is a two-name hole in the list; can't tell whichendelse-- we have last with or without a firstnames[n] = {last = last, first = first, link = link, mask = mask};-- add this name to our names listn = n + 1;-- point to next location in the names tableif 1 == count then-- if the previous name was missingtable.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'missing_name', {err_msg_list_name, i-1}, true ) } );-- add this error messageendcount = 0;-- reset the counter, we're looking for two consecutive missing namesendi = i + 1;-- point to next args locationendif true == etal thentable.insert( z.maintenance_cats, 'CS1 maint: Explicit use of et al.');-- add to maint categoryendreturn names, etal;-- all done, return our list of namesend-- Populates ID table from arguments using configuration settingslocal function extract_ids( args )local id_list = {};for k, v in pairs( cfg.id_handlers ) dov = select_one( args, v.parameters, 'redundant_parameters' );if is_set(v) then id_list[k] = v; endendreturn id_list;end--[[--------------------------< B U I L D _ I D _ L I S T >--------------------------------------------------------Takes a table of IDs and turns it into a table of formatted ID outputs.]]local function build_id_list( id_list, options )local new_list, handler = {};function fallback(k) return { __index = function(t,i) return cfg.id_handlers[k][i] end } end;for k, v in pairs( id_list ) do-- fallback to read-only cfghandler = setmetatable( { ['id'] = v }, fallback(k) );if handler.mode == 'external' thentable.insert( new_list, {handler.label, external_link_id( handler ) } );elseif handler.mode == 'internal' thentable.insert( new_list, {handler.label, internal_link_id( handler ) } );elseif handler.mode ~= 'manual' thenerror( cfg.messages['unknown_ID_mode'] );elseif k == 'DOI' thentable.insert( new_list, {handler.label, doi( v, options.DoiBroken ) } );elseif k == 'ARXIV' thentable.insert( new_list, {handler.label, arxiv( v ) } ); elseif k == 'ASIN' thentable.insert( new_list, {handler.label, amazon( v, options.ASINTLD ) } ); elseif k == 'LCCN' thentable.insert( new_list, {handler.label, lccn( v ) } );elseif k == 'OL' thentable.insert( new_list, {handler.label, openlibrary( v ) } );elseif k == 'PMC' thentable.insert( new_list, {handler.label, pmc( v, options.Embargo ) } );elseif k == 'PMID' thentable.insert( new_list, {handler.label, pmid( v ) } );elseif k == 'ISSN' thentable.insert( new_list, {handler.label, issn( v ) } );elseif k == 'ISBN' thenlocal ISBN = internal_link_id( handler );if not check_isbn( v ) and not is_set(options.IgnoreISBN) thenISBN = ISBN .. set_error( 'bad_isbn', {}, false, " ", "" );endtable.insert( new_list, {handler.label, ISBN } );elseif k == 'USENETID' thentable.insert( new_list, {handler.label, message_id( v ) } );elseerror( cfg.messages['unknown_manual_ID'] );endendfunction comp( a, b )-- used in following table.sort()return a[1] < b[1];endtable.sort( new_list, comp );for k, v in ipairs( new_list ) donew_list[k] = v[2];endreturn new_list;end  -- COinS metadata (see <>) allows automated tools to parse-- the citation information.local function COinS(data)if 'table' ~= type(data) or nil == next(data) thenreturn '';endlocal ctx_ver = "Z39.88-2004";-- treat table strictly as an array with only set values.local OCinSoutput = setmetatable( {}, {__newindex = function(self, key, value)if is_set(value) thenrawset( self, #self+1, table.concat{ key, '=', mw.uri.encode( remove_wiki_link( value ) ) } );endend});if is_set(data.Chapter) thenOCinSoutput.rft_val_fmt = "info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:book";OCinSoutput["rft.genre"] = "bookitem";OCinSoutput["rft.atitle"] = data.Chapter;OCinSoutput["rft.btitle"] = data.Title;elseif is_set(data.Periodical) thenOCinSoutput.rft_val_fmt = "info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal";OCinSoutput["rft.genre"] = "article";OCinSoutput["rft.jtitle"] = data.Periodical;OCinSoutput["rft.atitle"] = data.Title;elseOCinSoutput.rft_val_fmt = "info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:book";OCinSoutput["rft.genre"] = "book"OCinSoutput["rft.btitle"] = data.Title;endOCinSoutput[""] = data.PublicationPlace;OCinSoutput[""] = data.Date;OCinSoutput["rft.series"] = data.Series;OCinSoutput["rft.volume"] = data.Volume;OCinSoutput["rft.issue"] = data.Issue;OCinSoutput["rft.pages"] = data.Pages;OCinSoutput["rft.edition"] = data.Edition;OCinSoutput[""] = data.PublisherName;for k, v in pairs( data.ID_list ) dolocal id, value = cfg.id_handlers[k].COinS;if k == 'ISBN' then value = clean_isbn( v ); else value = v; endif string.sub( id or "", 1, 4 ) == 'info' thenOCinSoutput["rft_id"] = table.concat{ id, "/", v };elseOCinSoutput[ id ] = value;endendlocal last, first;for k, v in ipairs( data.Authors ) dolast, first = v.last, v.first;if k == 1 thenif is_set(last) thenOCinSoutput["rft.aulast"] = last;endif is_set(first) then OCinSoutput["rft.aufirst"] = first;endendif is_set(last) and is_set(first) thenOCinSoutput[""] = table.concat{ last, ", ", first };elseif is_set(last) thenOCinSoutput[""] = last;endendOCinSoutput.rft_id = data.URL;OCinSoutput.rfr_id = table.concat{ "info:sid/", "[^/]*$" ), ":", data.RawPage };OCinSoutput = setmetatable( OCinSoutput, nil );-- sort with version string always first, and combine.table.sort( OCinSoutput );table.insert( OCinSoutput, 1, "ctx_ver=" .. ctx_ver );  -- such as "Z39.88-2004"return table.concat(OCinSoutput, "&");end--[[--------------------------< G E T _ I S O 6 3 9 _ C O D E >------------------------------------------------Validates language names provided in |language= parameter if not an ISO639-1 code.  Handles the special case that is Norwegian whereISO639-1 code 'no' is mapped to language name 'Norwegian Bokmål' by Extention:CLDR.Returns the language name and associated ISO639-1 code.  Because case of the source may be incorrect or different from the case that Wikimediauses, the name comparisons are done in lower case and when a match is found, the Wikimedia version (assumed to be correct) is returned alongwith the code.  When there is no match, we return the original language name will return a list of languages that aren't part of ISO639-1. Names that aren't ISO639-1 but that are includedin the list will be found if that name is provided in the |language= parameter.  For example, if |language=Samaritan Aramaic, that name will befound with the associated code 'sam', not an ISO639-1 code.  When names are found and the associated code is not two characters, this functionreturns only the Wikimedia language name.Adapted from code taken from Module:Check ISO 639-1.]]local function get_iso639_code (lang)if 'norwegian' == lang:lower() then-- special case related to Wikimedia remap of code 'no' at Extension:CLDRreturn 'Norwegian', 'no';-- Make sure rendered version is properly capitalizedendlocal languages = mw.language.fetchLanguageNames('en', 'all')-- get a list of language names known to Wikimedia-- ('all' is required for North Ndebele, South Ndebele, and Ojibwa)local langlc = mw.ustring.lower(lang);-- lower case version for comparisonsfor code, name in pairs(languages) do-- scan the list to see if we can find our languageif langlc == mw.ustring.lower(name) thenif 2 ~= code:len() then-- ISO639-1 codes onlyreturn name;-- so return the name but not the codeendreturn name, code;-- found it, return name to ensure proper capitalization and the ISO639-1 codeendendreturn lang;-- not valid language; return language in original case and nil for ISO639-1 codeend--[[--------------------------< L A N G U A G E _ P A R A M E T E R >------------------------------------------Get language name from ISO639-1 code value provided.  If a code is valid use the returned name; if not, then use the value that was provided with the language parameter.There is an exception.  There are three ISO639-1 codes for Norewegian language variants.  There are two official variants: Norwegian Bokmål (code 'nb') andNorwegian Nynorsk (code 'nn').  The third, code 'no',  is defined by ISO639-1 as 'Norwegian' though in Norway this is pretty much meaningless.  However, it appearsthat on enwiki, editors are for the most part unaware of the nb and nn variants (compare page counts for these variants at Category:Articles with non-English-language external links.Because Norwegian Bokmål is the most common language variant, Media wiki has been modified to return Norwegian Bokmål for ISO639-1 code 'no'. Here we undo that andreturn 'Norwegian' when editors use |language=no.  We presume that editors don't know about the variants or can't descriminate between them.See Help talk:Citation Style_1#An ISO 639-1 language name testWhen |language= contains a valid ISO639-1 code, the page is assigned to the category for that code: Category:Norwegian-language sources (no) ifthe page is a mainspace page and the ISO639-1 code is not 'en'.  Similarly, if the  parameter is |language=Norwegian, it will be categorized in the same way.]]local function language_parameter (lang, namespace)local code;-- the ISO639-1 two character codelocal name;-- the language namelocal test='';if 0 == namespace and (('en' == lang:lower()) or ('english' == lang:lower())) thentable.insert (z.maintenance_cats, 'CS1 maint: English language specified');-- add maintenance category if |language=English or |language=en in article spaceendif 2 == lang:len() then-- ISO639-1 language code are 2 characters (fetchLanguageName also supports 3 character codes)name = mw.language.fetchLanguageName( lang:lower(), "en" );-- get ISO 639-1 language name if Language is a proper codeendif is_set (name) then-- if Language specified a valid ISO639-1 codecode = lang:lower();-- save itelsename, code = get_iso639_code (lang);-- attempt to get code from name (assign name here so that we are sure of proper capitalization)endif is_set (code) thenif 'no' == code then name = 'Norwegian' end;-- override wikimedia when code is 'no'if 0 == namespace and 'en' ~= code then-- is this page main / article space and English not the language?table.insert( z.properties_cats, 'CS1 ' .. name .. '-language sources (' .. code .. ')');-- in main space and not English: categorizeendelsetable.insert (z.maintenance_cats, 'CS1 maint: Unrecognized language');-- add maintenance category when |language= does not appear to be ISO 639-1 languageendreturn (" " .. wrap_msg ('language', name));-- wrap with '(in ...)'end--[[--------------------------< G E T _ S E T T I N G S _ F R O M _ C I T E _ C L A S S >----------------------When |mode= is not set or when its value is invalid, use config.CitationClass and parameter values to establishrendered style.]]local function get_settings_from_cite_class (ps, ref, cite_class)local sep;if (cite_class == "citation") then-- for citation templates (CS2)sep = ',';-- set citation separator to its default (comma)if not is_set (ps) then-- if |postscript= has not been set, set cs2 defaultps = '';-- make sure it isn't nilendif not is_set (ref) then-- if |ref= is not setref = "harv";-- set default |ref=harvendelse-- not a citation template so CS1sep = '.';-- set cite xxx separator to its default (period)if not is_set (ps) then-- if |postscript= has not been setps = '.';-- set cs1 defaultendendreturn sep, ps, ref-- return them allend--[[--------------------------< S E T _ S T Y L E >------------------------------------------------------------Establish basic style settings to be used when rendering the citation.  Uses |mode= if set and valid or usesconfig.CitationClass from the template's #invoke: to establish style.]]local function set_style (mode, ps, ref, cite_class)local sep;if is_set (mode) thenif 'cs2' == mode then-- if this template is to be rendered in CS2 (citation) stylesep = ',';-- separate elements with a commaif not is_set (ps) then-- unless explicitely set to somethingps = '';-- make sure it isn't nilendif not is_set (ref) then-- unless explicitely set to somethingref = 'harv';-- set so this template renders with CITEREF anchor idendelseif 'cs1' == mode then-- if this template is to be rendered in CS1 (cite xxx) stylesep = '.';-- separate elements with a periodif not is_set (ps) then-- unless explicitely set to somethingps = '.';-- terminate the rendered citation with a periodendelse-- anything but cs1 or cs2table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'invalid_param_val', {'mode', mode}, true ) } );-- add error messagesep, ps, ref = get_settings_from_cite_class (ps, ref, cite_class);-- get settings based on the template's CitationClassendelse-- when |mode= empty or omittedsep, ps, ref = get_settings_from_cite_class (ps, ref, cite_class);-- get settings based on the template's CitationClassendif 'none' == ps:lower() then-- if assigned value is 'none' thenps = '';-- set to empty stringendreturn sep, ps, refend--[[--------------------------< C I T A T I O N 0 >------------------------------------------------------------This is the main function doing the majority of the citationformatting.]]local function citation0( config, args)--[[ Load Input ParametersThe argument_wrapper facilitates the mapping of multiplealiases to single internal variable.]]local A = argument_wrapper( args );local i local PPrefix = A['PPrefix']local PPPrefix = A['PPPrefix']if is_set( A['NoPP'] ) then PPPrefix = "" PPrefix = "" end-- Pick out the relevant fields from the arguments.  Different citation templates-- define different field names for the same underlying things.local Authors = A['Authors'];local author_etal;local a, author_etal = extract_names( args, 'AuthorList' );local Coauthors = A['Coauthors'];local Others = A['Others'];local Editors = A['Editors'];local editor_etal;local e, editor_etal = extract_names( args, 'EditorList' );local NameListFormat = A['NameListFormat'];-- replaces |author-format= and |editor-format=if is_set (NameListFormat) and ('vanc' ~= NameListFormat) then-- only accepted value for this parameter is 'vanc'table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'invalid_param_val', {'name-list-format', NameListFormat}, true ) } );-- not vanc so add error messageNameListFormat = '';-- set to empty stringendlocal Year = A['Year'];local PublicationDate = A['PublicationDate'];local OrigYear = A['OrigYear'];local Date = A['Date'];local LayDate = A['LayDate'];------------------------------------------------- Get title datalocal Title = A['Title'];local ScriptTitle = A['ScriptTitle'];local BookTitle = A['BookTitle'];local Conference = A['Conference'];local TransTitle = A['TransTitle'];local TitleNote = A['TitleNote'];local TitleLink = A['TitleLink'];local Chapter = A['Chapter'];local ChapterLink = A['ChapterLink'];-- deprecatedlocal TransChapter = A['TransChapter'];local TitleType = A['TitleType'];local Degree = A['Degree'];local Docket = A['Docket'];local ArchiveURL = A['ArchiveURL'];local URL = A['URL']local URLorigin = A:ORIGIN('URL');-- get name of parameter that holds URLlocal ChapterURL = A['ChapterURL'];local ChapterURLorigin = A:ORIGIN('ChapterURL');-- get name of parameter that holds ChapterURLlocal ConferenceURL = A['ConferenceURL'];local ConferenceURLorigin = A:ORIGIN('ConferenceURL');-- get name of parameter that holds ConferenceURLlocal Periodical = A['Periodical'];local Series = A['Series'];local Volume = A['Volume'];local Issue = A['Issue'];local Position = '';local Page = A['Page'];local Pages = hyphen_to_dash( A['Pages'] );local At = A['At'];local Edition = A['Edition'];local PublicationPlace = A['PublicationPlace']local Place = A['Place'];local PublisherName = A['PublisherName'];local RegistrationRequired = A['RegistrationRequired'];local SubscriptionRequired = A['SubscriptionRequired'];local Via = A['Via'];local AccessDate = A['AccessDate'];local ArchiveDate = A['ArchiveDate'];local Agency = A['Agency'];local DeadURL = A['DeadURL']local Language = A['Language'];local Format = A['Format'];local ChapterFormat = A['ChapterFormat'];local DoiBroken = A['DoiBroken'];local ID = A['ID'];local ASINTLD = A['ASINTLD'];local IgnoreISBN = A['IgnoreISBN'];local Embargo = A['Embargo'];local ID_list = extract_ids( args );local Quote = A['Quote'];local LayURL = A['LayURL'];local LaySource = A['LaySource'];local Transcript = A['Transcript'];local TranscriptURL = A['TranscriptURL'] local TranscriptURLorigin = A:ORIGIN('TranscriptURL');-- get name of parameter that holds TranscriptURLlocal LastAuthorAmp = A['LastAuthorAmp'];local no_tracking_cats = A['NoTracking'];--these are used by cite interviewlocal Callsign = A['Callsign'];local City = A['City'];local Program = A['Program'];--local variables that are not cs1 parameterslocal use_lowercase;-- controls capitalization of certain static textlocal this_page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle();-- also used for COinS and for languagelocal anchor_year;-- used in the CITEREF identifierlocal COinS_date;-- used in the COinS metadata-- set default parameter values defined by |mode= parameter.  If |mode= is empty or omitted, use CitationClass to set these valueslocal sepc;-- separator between citation elements for CS1 a period, for CS2, a commalocal PostScript;local Ref;sepc, PostScript, Ref = set_style (A['Mode']:lower(), A['PostScript'], A['Ref'], config.CitationClass);use_lowercase = ( sepc == ',' );-- used to control capitalization for certain static text--check this page to see if it is in one of the namespaces that cs1 is not supposed to add to the error categories.if not is_set(no_tracking_cats) then-- ignore if we are already not going to categorize this pageif in_array (this_page.nsText, cfg.uncategorized_namespaces) thenno_tracking_cats = "true";-- set no_tracking_catsendend-- check for extra |page=, |pages= or |at= parameters. if is_set(Page) thenif is_set(Pages) or is_set(At) thenPage = Page .. " " .. set_error('extra_pages');-- add error messagePages = '';-- unset the othersAt = '';endelseif is_set(Pages) thenif is_set(At) thenPages = Pages .. " " .. set_error('extra_pages');-- add error messagesAt = '';-- unsetendend-- both |publication-place= and |place= (|location=) allowed if differentif not is_set(PublicationPlace) and is_set(Place) thenPublicationPlace = Place;-- promote |place= (|location=) to |publication-placeendif PublicationPlace == Place then Place = ''; end-- don't need both if they are the same--[[Parameter remapping for cite encyclopedia:When the citation has these parameters:|encyclopedia and |title then map |title to |article and |encyclopedia to |title|encyclopedia and |article then map |encyclopedia to |title|encyclopedia then map |encyclopedia to |title|trans_title maps to |trans_chapter when |title is re-mapped|url maps to |chapterurl when |title is remappedAll other combinations of |encyclopedia, |title, and |article are not modifiedTODO: script-title to script-chapter if and when we support script-chapter]]local Encyclopedia = A['Encyclopedia'];if ( config.CitationClass == "encyclopaedia" ) or ( config.CitationClass == "citation" and is_set (Encyclopedia)) then-- test code for citationif is_set(Periodical) then-- Periodical is set when |encyclopedia is setif is_set(Title) thenif not is_set(Chapter) thenChapter = Title;-- |encyclopedia and |title are set so map |title to |article and |encyclopedia to |titleTransChapter = TransTitle;ChapterURL = URL;Title = Periodical;ChapterFormat = Format;Periodical = '';-- redundant so unsetTransTitle = '';-- redundant so unsetURL = '';-- redundant so unsetFormat = '';-- redundant so unsetendelse-- |title not setTitle = Periodical;-- |encyclopedia set and |article set or not set so map |encyclopedia to |titlePeriodical = '';-- redundant so unsetendendend-- Special case for cite techreport.if (config.CitationClass == "techreport") then-- special case for cite techreportif is_set(Issue) then-- cite techreport uses 'number', which other citations aliase to 'issue'if not is_set(ID) then-- can we use ID for the "number"?ID = Issue;-- yes, use itIssue = "";-- unset Issue so that "number" isn't duplicated in the rendered citation or COinS metadataelse-- can't use ID so emit error messageID = ID .. " " .. set_error('redundant_parameters', '<code>&#124;id=</code> and <code>&#124;number=</code>');endendend-- special case for cite interviewif (config.CitationClass == "interview") thenif is_set(Program) thenID = ' ' .. Program;endif is_set(Callsign) thenif is_set(ID) thenID = ID .. sepc .. ' ' .. Callsign;elseID = ' ' .. Callsign;endendif is_set(City) thenif is_set(ID) thenID = ID .. sepc .. ' ' .. City;elseID = ' ' .. City;endendif is_set(Others) thenif is_set(TitleType) thenOthers = ' ' .. TitleType .. ' with ' .. Others;TitleType = '';elseOthers = ' ' .. 'Interview with ' .. Others;endelseOthers = '(Interview)';endend-- special case for cite mailing listif (config.CitationClass == "mailinglist") thenPeriodical = A ['MailingList'];end--Account for the oddity that is {{cite journal}} with |pmc= set and |url= not setif config.CitationClass == "journal" and not is_set(URL) and is_set(ID_list['PMC']) thenif not is_embargoed(Embargo) thenURL=cfg.id_handlers['PMC'].prefix .. ID_list['PMC'];-- set url to be the same as the PMC external link if not embargoedURLorigin = cfg.id_handlers['PMC'].parameters[1];-- set URLorigin to parameter name for use in error message if citation is missing a |title=endend-- Account for the oddity that is {{cite conference}}, before generation of COinS data.if 'conference' == config.CitationClass thenif is_set(BookTitle) thenChapter = Title;--ChapterLink = TitleLink;-- |chapterlink= is deprecatedChapterURL = URL;ChapterURLorigin = URLorigin;URLorigin = '';ChapterFormat = Format;TransChapter = TransTitle;Title = BookTitle;Format = '';--TitleLink = '';TransTitle = '';URL = '';endelseConference = '';-- not cite conference so make sure this is empty stringend-- Account for the oddity that is {{cite episode}}, before generation of COinS data.--[[-- {{cite episode}} is not currently supported by this moduleif config.CitationClass == "episode" thenlocal AirDate = A['AirDate'];local SeriesLink = A['SeriesLink'];local Season = A['Season'];local SeriesNumber = A['SeriesNumber'];local Network = A['Network'];local Station = A['Station'];local s, n = {}, {};local Sep = (first_set(A["SeriesSeparator"], A["Separator"]) or "") .. " ";if is_set(Issue) then table.insert(s, cfg.messages["episode"] .. " " .. Issue); Issue = ''; endif is_set(Season) then table.insert(s, cfg.messages["season"] .. " " .. Season); endif is_set(SeriesNumber) then table.insert(s, cfg.messages["series"] .. " " .. SeriesNumber); endif is_set(Network) then table.insert(n, Network); endif is_set(Station) then table.insert(n, Station); endDate = Date or AirDate;Chapter = Title;ChapterLink = TitleLink;TransChapter = TransTitle;Title = Series;TitleLink = SeriesLink;TransTitle = '';Series = table.concat(s, Sep);ID = table.concat(n, Sep);end-- end of {{cite episode}} stuff]]-- legacy: promote concatenation of |month=, and |year= to Date if Date not set; or, promote PublicationDate to Date if neither Date nor Year are set.if not is_set (Date) thenDate = Year;-- promote Year to DateYear = nil;-- make nil so Year as empty string isn't used for CITEREFif is_set(Date) thenlocal Month = A['Month'];if is_set(Month) thenDate = Month .. " " .. Date;endelseif is_set(PublicationDate) then-- use PublicationDate when |date= and |year= are not setDate = PublicationDate;-- promote PublicationDate to DatePublicationDate = '';-- unset, no longer neededendendif PublicationDate == Date then PublicationDate = ''; end-- if PublicationDate is same as Date, don't display in rendered citation--[[Go test all of the date-holding parameters for valid MOS:DATE format and make sure that dates are real dates. This must be done before we do COinS because here is wherewe get the date used in the metadata.Date validation supporting code is in Module:Citation/CS1/Date_validation]]do-- create defined block to contain local variables error_message and mismatchlocal error_message = '';anchor_year, COinS_date, error_message = dates({['accessdate']=AccessDate, ['airdate']=AirDate, ['archivedate']=ArchiveDate, ['date']=Date, ['doi_brokendate']=DoiBroken,['embargo']=Embargo, ['laydate']=LayDate, ['publicationdate']=PublicationDate, ['year']=Year});if is_set (Year) and is_set (Date) then-- both |date= and |year= not normally needed; local mismatch = year_date_check (Year, Date)if 0 == mismatch then-- |year= does not match a year-value in |date=if is_set (error_message) then-- if there is already an error messageerror_message = error_message .. ', ';-- tack on this additional messageenderror_message = error_message .. '&#124;year= / &#124;date= mismatch';elseif 1 == mismatch then-- |year= matches year-value in |date=table.insert( z.maintenance_cats, 'CS1 maint: Date and year');-- add to maint categoryendendif is_set(error_message) thentable.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'bad_date', {error_message}, true ) } );-- add this error messageendend-- end of do-- At this point fields may be nil if they weren't specified in the template use.  We can use that fact.-- Test if citation has no titleifnot is_set(Title) andnot is_set(TransTitle) andnot is_set(ScriptTitle) thentable.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'citation_missing_title', {}, true ) } );endif 'none' == Title and is_set(Periodical) and not (( config.CitationClass == "encyclopaedia" ) or ( config.CitationClass == "citation" and is_set (Encyclopedia))) then-- special caseTitle = '';-- set title to empty stringtable.insert( z.maintenance_cats, 'CS1 maint: Untitled periodical');-- add to maint categoryend-- COinS metadata (see <>) for automated parsing of citation information.-- handle the oddity that is cite encyclopedia and {{citation |encyclopedia=something}}. Here we presume that-- when Periodical, Title, and Chapter are all set, then Periodical is the book (encyclopedia) title, Title-- is the article title, and Chapter is a section within the article.  So, we remap local coins_chapter = Chapter;-- default assuming that remapping not requiredlocal coins_title = Title;-- et tuif 'encyclopaedia' == config.CitationClass or ('citation' == config.CitationClass and is_set (Encyclopedia)) thenif is_set (Chapter) and is_set (Title) and is_set (Periodical) then-- if all are used thencoins_chapter = Title;-- remapcoins_title = Periodical;endend-- this is the function call to COinS()local OCinSoutput = COinS{['Periodical'] = Periodical,['Chapter'] = strip_apostrophe_markup (coins_chapter),-- Chapter stripped of bold / italic wikimarkup['Title'] = make_coins_title (coins_title, ScriptTitle),-- Title and ScriptTitle stripped of bold / italic wikimarkup['PublicationPlace'] = PublicationPlace,['Date'] = first_set(COinS_date, Date),-- COinS_date has correctly formatted date if Date is valid; any reason to keep Date here?  Should we be including invalid dates in metadata?['Series'] = Series,['Volume'] = Volume,['Issue'] = Issue,['Pages'] = get_coins_pages (first_set(Page, Pages, At)),-- pages stripped of external links['Edition'] = Edition,['PublisherName'] = PublisherName,['URL'] = first_set( URL, ChapterURL ),['Authors'] = a,['ID_list'] = ID_list,['RawPage'] = this_page.prefixedText,};-- special case for cite newsgroup.  Do this after COinS because we are modifying Publishername to include some static textif 'newsgroup' == config.CitationClass thenif is_set (PublisherName) thenPublisherName = '[[Newsgroup]]:&nbsp;' ..  external_link( 'news:' .. PublisherName, PublisherName );endend-- Now perform various field substitutions.-- We also add leading spaces and surrounding markup and punctuation to the-- various parts of the citation, but only when they are non-nil.if not is_set(Authors) thenlocal Maximum = tonumber( A['DisplayAuthors'] );if is_set (Maximum) thenif Maximum >= #a then-- if display-authors value greater than or equal to number of authorstable.insert( z.maintenance_cats, 'CS1 maint: display-authors');-- add maintenance category because display-authors parameter may be removedendelseMaximum = #a + 1;-- number of authors + 1endlocal control = { format = NameListFormat,-- empty string or 'vanc'maximum = Maximum,lastauthoramp = LastAuthorAmp,page_name = this_page.text-- get current page name so that we don't wikilink to it via authorlinkn};-- If the coauthor field is also used, prevent ampersand and et al. formatting.if is_set(Coauthors) thencontrol.lastauthoramp = nil;control.maximum = #a + 1;endAuthors = list_people(control, a, author_etal) endif not is_set(Authors) and is_set(Coauthors) then-- coauthors aren't displayed if one of authors=, authorn=, or lastn= isn't specifiedtable.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error('coauthors_missing_author', {}, true) } );-- emit error messageendlocal EditorCountif not is_set(Editors) thenlocal Maximum = tonumber( A['DisplayEditors'] );-- Preserve old-style implicit et al.if not is_set(Maximum) and #e == 4 then Maximum = 3;table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error('implict_etal_editor', {}, true) } );elseif not is_set(Maximum) thenMaximum = #e + 1;endlocal control = { format = NameListFormat,-- empty string or 'vanc'maximum = Maximum,lastauthoramp = LastAuthorAmp,page_name = this_page.text-- get current page name so that we don't wikilink to it via editorlinkn};Editors, EditorCount = list_people(control, e, editor_etal);elseEditorCount = 1;end-- cite map odditieslocal Cartography = "";local Scale = "";if config.CitationClass == "map" thenChapter = A['Map'];ChapterURL = A['MapURL'];ChapterURLorigin = A:ORIGIN('MapURL');ChapterFormat = A['MapFormat'];Cartography = A['Cartography'];if is_set( Cartography ) thenCartography = sepc .. " " .. wrap_msg ('cartography', Cartography, use_lowercase);endScale = A['Scale'];if is_set( Scale ) thenScale = sepc .. " " .. Scale;endendFormat = is_set(Format) and " (" .. Format .. ")" or "";if  not is_set(URL) andnot is_set(ArchiveURL) andnot is_set(ConferenceURL) and-- TODO: keep this here? conference as part of cite web or cite podcast?not is_set(TranscriptURL) then-- Test if cite web or cite podcast |url= is missing or empty if in_array(config.CitationClass, {"web","podcast", "mailinglist"}) thentable.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'cite_web_url', {}, true ) } );end-- Test if accessdate is given without giving a URLif is_set(AccessDate) and not is_set(ChapterURL)then-- ChapterURL may be set when the others are not set; TODO: move this to a separate test?table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'accessdate_missing_url', {}, true ) } );AccessDate = '';end-- Test if format is given without giving a URLif is_set(Format) thenFormat = Format .. set_error( 'format_missing_url', {'format', 'url'} );endendlocal OriginalURL;DeadURL = DeadURL:lower();-- used later when assembling archived textif is_set( ArchiveURL ) thenif is_set (URL) thenOriginalURL = URL;-- save copy of original source URLif 'no' ~= DeadURL then-- if URL set then archive-url applies to itURL = ArchiveURL-- swap-in the archive's urlURLorigin = A:ORIGIN('ArchiveURL')-- name of archive url parameter for error messagesendelseif is_set (ChapterURL) then -- URL not set so if chapter-url is set apply archive url to itOriginalURL = ChapterURL;-- save copy of source chapter's url for archive textif 'no' ~= DeadURL thenChapterURL = ArchiveURL-- swap-in the archive's urlURLorigin = A:ORIGIN('ArchiveURL')-- name of archive url parameter for error messagesendendendif in_array(config.CitationClass, {"web","news","journal","pressrelease","podcast", "newsgroup"}) or('citation' == config.CitationClass and is_set (Periodical) and not is_set (Encyclopedia)) thenif is_set (Chapter) or is_set (TransChapter) or is_set (ChapterURL)then-- chapter parameters not supported for these citation typestable.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'chapter_ignored', {}, true ) } );-- add error messageChapter = '';-- set to empty string to be safe with concatenationTransChapter = '';ChapterURL = '';endelse-- otherwise, format chapter / article titleChapter = format_chapter_title (Chapter, TransChapter, ChapterURL, ChapterURLorigin);if is_set (Chapter) thenChapterFormat = is_set(ChapterFormat) and " (" .. ChapterFormat .. ")" or "";if is_set(ChapterFormat) and not is_set (ChapterURL) then-- Test if |chapter-format= is given without giving a |chapter-url=ChapterFormat = ChapterFormat .. set_error( 'format_missing_url', {'chapter-format', 'chapter-url'} );endif 'map' == config.CitationClass and is_set (TitleType) thenChapter = Chapter .. ' (' .. TitleType .. ')';endChapter = Chapter .. ChapterFormat .. sepc .. ' ';endend-- Format main title.if is_set(TitleLink) and is_set(Title) thenTitle = "[[" .. TitleLink .. "|" .. Title .. "]]"endif in_array(config.CitationClass, {"web","news","journal","pressrelease","podcast", "newsgroup", "mailinglist"}) or('citation' == config.CitationClass and is_set (Periodical) and not is_set (Encyclopedia)) or('map' == config.CitationClass and is_set (Periodical)) then-- special case for cite map when the map is in a periodical treat as an articleTitle = kern_quotes (Title);-- if necessary, separate title's leading and trailing quote marks from Module provided quote marksTitle = wrap_style ('quoted-title', Title);Title = script_concatenate (Title, ScriptTitle);-- <bdi> tags, lang atribute, categorization, etc; must be done after title is wrappedTransTitle= wrap_style ('trans-quoted-title', TransTitle );elseif 'report' == config.CitationClass then-- no styling for cite reportTitle = script_concatenate (Title, ScriptTitle);-- <bdi> tags, lang atribute, categorization, etc; must be done after title is wrappedTransTitle= wrap_style ('trans-quoted-title', TransTitle );-- for cite report, use this form for trans-titleelseTitle = wrap_style ('italic-title', Title);Title = script_concatenate (Title, ScriptTitle);-- <bdi> tags, lang atribute, categorization, etc; must be done after title is wrappedTransTitle = wrap_style ('trans-italic-title', TransTitle);endTransError = "";if is_set(TransTitle) thenif is_set(Title) thenTransTitle = " " .. TransTitle;elseTransError = " " .. set_error( 'trans_missing_title' );endendTitle = Title .. TransTitle;if is_set(Title) thenif not is_set(TitleLink) and is_set(URL) then Title = external_link( URL, Title ) .. TransError .. Format   URL = "";Format = "";elseTitle = Title .. TransError;endendif is_set(Place) thenPlace = " " .. wrap_msg ('written', Place, use_lowercase) .. sepc .. " ";endif is_set(Conference) thenif is_set(ConferenceURL) thenConference = external_link( ConferenceURL, Conference );endConference = sepc .. " " .. Conferenceelseif is_set(ConferenceURL) thenConference = sepc .. " " .. external_link( ConferenceURL, nil, ConferenceURLorigin );endif not is_set(Position) thenlocal Minutes = A['Minutes'];if is_set(Minutes) thenPosition = " " .. Minutes .. " " .. cfg.messages['minutes'];elselocal Time = A['Time'];if is_set(Time) thenlocal TimeCaption = A['TimeCaption']if not is_set(TimeCaption) thenTimeCaption = cfg.messages['event'];if sepc ~= '.' thenTimeCaption = TimeCaption:lower();endendPosition = " " .. TimeCaption .. " " .. Time;endendelsePosition = " " .. Position;At = '';endif not is_set(Page) thenif is_set(Pages) thenif is_set(Periodical) andnot in_array(config.CitationClass, {"encyclopaedia","web","book","news","podcast"}) thenPages = ": " .. Pages;elseif tonumber(Pages) ~= nil thenPages = sepc .." " .. PPrefix .. Pages;elsePages = sepc .." " .. PPPrefix .. Pages;endendelseif is_set(Periodical) andnot in_array(config.CitationClass, {"encyclopaedia","web","book","news","podcast"}) thenPage = ": " .. Page;elsePage = sepc .." " .. PPrefix .. Page;endendAt = is_set(At) and (sepc .. " " .. At) or "";Position = is_set(Position) and (sepc .. " " .. Position) or "";if config.CitationClass == 'map' thenlocal Section = A['Section'];local Sections = A['Sections'];local Inset = A['Inset'];if is_set( Inset ) thenInset = sepc .. " " .. wrap_msg ('inset', Inset, use_lowercase);endif is_set( Sections ) thenSection = sepc .. " " .. wrap_msg ('sections', Sections, use_lowercase);elseif is_set( Section ) thenSection = sepc .. " " .. wrap_msg ('section', Section, use_lowercase);endAt = At .. Inset .. Section;endif is_set (Language) thenLanguage = language_parameter (Language, this_page.namespace);-- format, categories (article namespace only), name from ISO639-1, etcelseLanguage="";-- language not specified so make sure this is an empty string;endOthers = is_set(Others) and (sepc .. " " .. Others) or "";-- handle type parameter for those CS1 citations that have default valuesif in_array(config.CitationClass, {"AV-media-notes", "DVD-notes", "mailinglist", "map", "podcast", "pressrelease", "report", "techreport", "thesis"}) thenTitleType = set_titletype (config.CitationClass, TitleType);if is_set(Degree) and "Thesis" == TitleType then-- special case for cite thesisTitleType = Degree .. " thesis";endendif is_set(TitleType) then-- if type parameter is specifiedTitleType = " (" .. TitleType .. ")";-- display it in parenthesesendTitleNote = is_set(TitleNote) and (sepc .. " " .. TitleNote) or "";Edition = is_set(Edition) and (" " .. wrap_msg ('edition', Edition)) or "";Issue = is_set(Issue) and (" (" .. Issue .. ")") or "";Series = is_set(Series) and (sepc .. " " .. Series) or "";OrigYear = is_set(OrigYear) and (" [" .. OrigYear .. "]") or "";Agency = is_set(Agency) and (sepc .. " " .. Agency) or "";if is_set(Volume) thenif ( mw.ustring.len(Volume) > 4 )  then Volume = sepc .." " .. Volume;  else Volume = " <b>" .. hyphen_to_dash(Volume) .. "</b>";endend------------------------------------ totally unrelated dataif is_set(Via) thenVia = " " .. wrap_msg ('via', Via);end--[[Subscription implies paywall; Registration does not.  If both are used in a citation, the subscription required linknote is displayed. There are no error messages for this condition.]]if in_array(SubscriptionRequired:lower(), {'yes', 'true', 'y'}) thenSubscriptionRequired = sepc .. " " .. cfg.messages['subscription'];-- subscription required messageelseif in_array(RegistrationRequired:lower(), {'yes', 'true', 'y'}) thenSubscriptionRequired = sepc .. " " .. cfg.messages['registration'];-- registration required messageelseSubscriptionRequired = '';-- either or both might be set to something other than yes true yendif is_set(AccessDate) thenlocal retrv_text = " " .. cfg.messages['retrieved']AccessDate = nowrap_date (AccessDate);-- wrap in nowrap span if date in appropriate formatif (sepc ~= ".") then retrv_text = retrv_text:lower() end-- if 'citation', lower caseAccessDate = substitute (retrv_text, AccessDate);-- add retrieved text-- neither of these work; don't know why; it seems that substitute() isn't being calledAccessDate = substitute (cfg.presentation['accessdate'], {sepc, AccessDate});-- allow editors to hide accessdatesendif is_set(ID) then ID = sepc .." ".. ID; end   if "thesis" == config.CitationClass and is_set(Docket) thenID = sepc .." Docket ".. Docket .. ID;end   if "report" == config.CitationClass and is_set(Docket) then-- for cite report when |docket= is setID = sepc .. ' ' .. Docket;-- overwrite ID even if |id= is setendID_list = build_id_list( ID_list, {DoiBroken = DoiBroken, ASINTLD = ASINTLD, IgnoreISBN = IgnoreISBN, Embargo=Embargo} );if is_set(URL) thenURL = " " .. external_link( URL, nil, URLorigin );endif is_set(Quote) thenif Quote:sub(1,1) == '"' and Quote:sub(-1,-1) == '"' thenQuote = Quote:sub(2,-2);endQuote = sepc .." " .. wrap_style ('quoted-text', Quote ); -- wrap in <q>...</q> tagsPostScript = "";-- CS1 does not supply terminal punctuation when |quote= is setendlocal Archivedif is_set(ArchiveURL) thenif not is_set(ArchiveDate) thenArchiveDate = set_error('archive_missing_date');endif "no" == DeadURL thenlocal arch_text = cfg.messages['archived'];if sepc ~= "." then arch_text = arch_text:lower() endArchived = sepc .. " " .. substitute( cfg.messages['archived-not-dead'],{ external_link( ArchiveURL, arch_text ), ArchiveDate } );if not is_set(OriginalURL) thenArchived = Archived .. " " .. set_error('archive_missing_url');   endelseif is_set(OriginalURL) thenlocal arch_text = cfg.messages['archived-dead'];if sepc ~= "." then arch_text = arch_text:lower() endArchived = sepc .. " " .. substitute( arch_text,{ external_link( OriginalURL, cfg.messages['original'] ), ArchiveDate } );elselocal arch_text = cfg.messages['archived-missing'];if sepc ~= "." then arch_text = arch_text:lower() endArchived = sepc .. " " .. substitute( arch_text, { set_error('archive_missing_url'), ArchiveDate } );endelseArchived = ""endlocal Layif is_set(LayURL) thenif is_set(LayDate) then LayDate = " (" .. LayDate .. ")" endif is_set(LaySource) then LaySource = " &ndash; ''" .. safe_for_italics(LaySource) .. "''";elseLaySource = "";endif sepc == '.' thenLay = sepc .. " " .. external_link( LayURL, cfg.messages['lay summary'] ) .. LaySource .. LayDateelseLay = sepc .. " " .. external_link( LayURL, cfg.messages['lay summary']:lower() ) .. LaySource .. LayDateendelseLay = "";endif is_set(Transcript) thenif is_set(TranscriptURL) then Transcript = external_link( TranscriptURL, Transcript ); endelseif is_set(TranscriptURL) thenTranscript = external_link( TranscriptURL, nil, TranscriptURLorigin );endlocal Publisher;if is_set(Periodical) andnot in_array(config.CitationClass, {"encyclopaedia","web","pressrelease","podcast"}) thenif is_set(PublisherName) thenif is_set(PublicationPlace) thenPublisher = PublicationPlace .. ": " .. PublisherName;elsePublisher = PublisherName;  endelseif is_set(PublicationPlace) thenPublisher= PublicationPlace;else Publisher = "";endif is_set(PublicationDate) thenif is_set(Publisher) thenPublisher = Publisher .. ", " .. wrap_msg ('published', PublicationDate);elsePublisher = PublicationDate;endendif is_set(Publisher) thenPublisher = " (" .. Publisher .. ")";endelseif is_set(PublicationDate) thenPublicationDate = " (" .. wrap_msg ('published', PublicationDate) .. ")";endif is_set(PublisherName) thenif is_set(PublicationPlace) thenPublisher = sepc .. " " .. PublicationPlace .. ": " .. PublisherName .. PublicationDate;elsePublisher = sepc .. " " .. PublisherName .. PublicationDate;  endelseif is_set(PublicationPlace) then Publisher= sepc .. " " .. PublicationPlace .. PublicationDate;else Publisher = PublicationDate;endend-- Several of the above rely upon detecting this as nil, so do it last.if is_set(Periodical) thenif is_set(Title) or is_set(TitleNote) then Periodical = sepc .. " " .. wrap_style ('italic-title', Periodical) else Periodical = wrap_style ('italic-title', Periodical)endend--[[Handle the oddity that is cite speech.  This code overrides whatever may be the value assigned to TitleNote (through |department=) and forces it to be " (Speech)" so thatthe annotation directly follows the |title= parameter value in the citation rather than the |event= parameter value (if provided).]]if "speech" == config.CitationClass then-- cite speech onlyTitleNote = " (Speech)";-- annotate the citationif is_set (Periodical) then-- if Periodical, perhaps because of an included |website= or |journal= parameter if is_set (Conference) then-- and if |event= is setConference = Conference .. sepc .. " ";-- then add appropriate punctuation to the end of the Conference variable before renderingendendend-- Piece all bits together at last.  Here, all should be non-nil.-- We build things this way because it is more efficient in LUA-- not to keep reassigning to the same string variable over and over.local tcommonif in_array(config.CitationClass, {"journal","citation"}) and is_set(Periodical) thenif is_set(Others) then Others = Others .. sepc .. " " endtcommon = safe_join( {Others, Title, TitleNote, Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Language, Edition, Publisher, Agency, Volume, Issue}, sepc );elseif 'map' == config.CitationClass then-- special cases for cite mapif is_set (Chapter) then-- map in a book; TitleType is part of Chaptertcommon = safe_join( {Title, Format, Edition, Scale, Series, Language, Cartography, Others, Publisher, Volume}, sepc );elseif is_set (Periodical) then-- map in a periodicaltcommon = safe_join( {Title, TitleType, Format, Periodical, Scale, Series, Language, Cartography, Others, Publisher, Volume, Issue}, sepc );else-- a sheet or stand-alone maptcommon = safe_join( {Title, TitleType, Format, Edition, Scale, Series, Language, Cartography, Others, Publisher}, sepc );endelse-- all other CS1 templatestcommon = safe_join( {Title, TitleNote, Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Language, Volume, Issue, Others, Edition, Publisher, Agency}, sepc );endif #ID_list > 0 thenID_list = safe_join( { sepc .. " ",  table.concat( ID_list, sepc .. " " ), ID }, sepc );elseID_list = ID;endlocal idcommon = safe_join( { ID_list, URL, Archived, AccessDate, Via, SubscriptionRequired, Lay, Quote }, sepc );local text;local pgtext = Position .. Page .. Pages .. At;if is_set(Authors) thenif is_set(Coauthors) thenlocal sep = '; ';if 'vanc' == NameListFormat thensep = ', ';endAuthors = Authors .. sep .. Coauthors;endif is_set(Date) thenDate = " ("..Date..")" .. OrigYear .. sepc .. " "elseif string.sub(Authors,-1,-1) == sepc thenAuthors = Authors .. " "elseAuthors = Authors .. sepc .. " "endif is_set(Editors) thenlocal in_text = " ";local post_text = "";if is_set(Chapter) thenin_text = in_text .. cfg.messages['in'] .. " "elseif EditorCount <= 1 thenpost_text = ", " .. cfg.messages['editor'];elsepost_text = ", " .. cfg.messages['editors'];endend if (sepc ~= '.') then in_text = in_text:lower() endEditors = in_text .. Editors .. post_text;if (string.sub(Editors,-1,-1) == sepc)then Editors = Editors .. " "else Editors = Editors .. sepc .. " "endendtext = safe_join( {Authors, Date, Chapter, Place, Editors, tcommon }, sepc );text = safe_join( {text, pgtext, idcommon}, sepc );elseif is_set(Editors) thenif is_set(Date) thenif EditorCount <= 1 thenEditors = Editors .. ", " .. cfg.messages['editor'];elseEditors = Editors .. ", " .. cfg.messages['editors'];endDate = " (" .. Date ..")" .. OrigYear .. sepc .. " "elseif EditorCount <= 1 thenEditors = Editors .. " (" .. cfg.messages['editor'] .. ")" .. sepc .. " "elseEditors = Editors .. " (" .. cfg.messages['editors'] .. ")" .. sepc .. " "endendtext = safe_join( {Editors, Date, Chapter, Place, tcommon}, sepc );text = safe_join( {text, pgtext, idcommon}, sepc );elseif is_set(Date) thenif ( string.sub(tcommon,-1,-1) ~= sepc )  then Date = sepc .." " .. Date .. OrigYear  else Date = " " .. Date .. OrigYearendendif config.CitationClass=="journal" and is_set(Periodical) thentext = safe_join( {Chapter, Place, tcommon}, sepc );text = safe_join( {text, pgtext, Date, idcommon}, sepc );elsetext = safe_join( {Chapter, Place, tcommon, Date}, sepc );text = safe_join( {text, pgtext, idcommon}, sepc );endendif is_set(PostScript) and PostScript ~= sepc thentext = safe_join( {text, sepc}, sepc );  --Deals with italics, spaces, etc.text = text:sub(1,-sepc:len()-1);endtext = safe_join( {text, PostScript}, sepc );-- Now enclose the whole thing in a <span/> elementlocal options = {};if is_set(config.CitationClass) and config.CitationClass ~= "citation" thenoptions.class = "citation " .. config.CitationClass;elseoptions.class = "citation";endif is_set(Ref) and Ref:lower() ~= "none" thenlocal id = Refif ( "harv" == Ref ) thenlocal names = {} --table of last names & yearif #a > 0 thenfor i,v in ipairs(a) do names[i] = v.last if i == 4 then break endendelseif #e > 0 thenfor i,v in ipairs(e) do names[i] = v.last if i == 4 then break endendendnames[ #names + 1 ] = first_set(Year, anchor_year);-- Year first for legacy citations and for YMD dates that require disambiguationid = anchor_id(names) = id;endif string.len(text:gsub("<span[^>/]*>.-</span>", ""):gsub("%b<>","")) <= 2 thenz.error_categories = {};text = set_error('empty_citation');z.message_tail = {};endif is_set( then text = '<span id="' .. mw.uri.anchorEncode( ..'" class="' .. mw.text.nowiki(options.class) .. '">' .. text .. "</span>";elsetext = '<span class="' .. mw.text.nowiki(options.class) .. '">' .. text .. "</span>";endlocal empty_span = '<span style="display:none;">&nbsp;</span>';-- Note: Using display: none on then COinS span breaks some clients.local OCinS = '<span title="' .. OCinSoutput .. '" class="Z3988">' .. empty_span .. '</span>';text = text .. OCinS;if #z.message_tail ~= 0 thentext = text .. " ";for i,v in ipairs( z.message_tail ) doif is_set(v[1]) thenif i == #z.message_tail thentext = text .. error_comment( v[1], v[2] );elsetext = text .. error_comment( v[1] .. "; ", v[2] );endendendendif #z.maintenance_cats ~= 0 thentext = text .. ' <span class="citation-comment" style="display:none; color:#33aa33">';for _, v in ipairs( z.maintenance_cats ) do-- append maintenance categoriestext = text .. v .. ' ([[:Category:' .. v ..'|link]])';endtext = text .. '</span>';-- maintenance mesages (realy just the names of the categories for now)endno_tracking_cats = no_tracking_cats:lower();if in_array(no_tracking_cats, {"", "no", "false", "n"}) thenfor _, v in ipairs( z.error_categories ) dotext = text .. '[[Category:' .. v ..']]';endfor _, v in ipairs( z.maintenance_cats ) do-- append maintenance categoriestext = text .. '[[Category:' .. v ..']]';endfor _, v in ipairs( z.properties_cats ) do-- append maintenance categoriestext = text .. '[[Category:' .. v ..']]';endendreturn textend-- This is used by templates such as {{cite book}} to create the actual citation text.function z.citation(frame)local pframe = frame:getParent()local validation;if nil ~= string.find (frame:getTitle(), 'sandbox', 1, true) then-- did the {{#invoke:}} use sandbox version?cfg = mw.loadData ('Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration/sandbox');-- load sandbox versions of Configuration and Whitelist and ...whitelist = mw.loadData ('Module:Citation/CS1/Whitelist/sandbox');validation = require ('Module:Citation/CS1/Date_validation/sandbox');-- ... sandbox version of date validation codeelse-- otherwisecfg = mw.loadData ('Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration');-- load live versions of Configuration and Whitelist and ...whitelist = mw.loadData ('Module:Citation/CS1/Whitelist');validation = require ('Module:Citation/CS1/Date_validation');-- ... live version of date validation codeenddates = validation.dates;-- imported functionsyear_date_check = validation.year_date_check;local args = {};local suggestions = {};local error_text, error_state;local config = {};for k, v in pairs( frame.args ) doconfig[k] = v;args[k] = v;   endfor k, v in pairs( pframe.args ) doif v ~= '' thenif not validate( k ) thenerror_text = "";if type( k ) ~= 'string' then-- Exclude empty numbered parametersif v:match("%S+") ~= nil thenerror_text, error_state = set_error( 'text_ignored', {v}, true );endelseif validate( k:lower() ) then error_text, error_state = set_error( 'parameter_ignored_suggest', {k, k:lower()}, true );elseif #suggestions == 0 thensuggestions = mw.loadData( 'Module:Citation/CS1/Suggestions' );endif suggestions[ k:lower() ] ~= nil thenerror_text, error_state = set_error( 'parameter_ignored_suggest', {k, suggestions[ k:lower() ]}, true );elseerror_text, error_state = set_error( 'parameter_ignored', {k}, true );endend  if error_text ~= '' thentable.insert( z.message_tail, {error_text, error_state} );endendargs[k] = v;elseif args[k] ~= nil or (k == 'postscript') thenargs[k] = v;endendreturn citation0( config, args)endreturn z
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