Judeus do Sudão Ocidental

Judeus do Sudão Ocidental (אַהַל יַהוּדּ בִּלַדּ אַל סוּדָּן) são judeus africanos localizados que habitam o Sudão Ocidental (Bilad el-Sudan), que possuem uma ligação religiosa e cultural com os judeus de Portugal, Espanha, Norte de África e Oriente Médio.[1]

O Império Songai, c. 1500

Vários registros históricos apontam a presença de judeus em impérios tribais do norte da África neste período,[2]

Ver também



  • Wars of the Jews: A Military History from Biblical to Modern Times, Hipporcrene Books, New York, 1990, by Monroe Rosenthal and Isaac Mozeson
  • Jewish Communities in Exotic Places, Jason Aronson Inc., Jerusalem, by Ken Blady
  • Jews In Africa: Ancient Black African Relations, Fact Paper 19-II, By Samuel Kurinsky
  • Hebrewisms of West Africa: From Nile to Niger With the Jews, The Dial Press, NY, 1931, by Joseph J. Williams
  • Jews of a Saharan Oasis: Elimination of the Tamantit Community, Markus Wiener Publishers, Princeton, NJ, 2006, by John Hunwick

Mali e Songai

  • Jews in Africa: Part 1 The Berbers and the Jews, by Sam Timinsky (Hebrew History Federation)
  • The Jews of Timbuktu, Washington Jewish Week, December 30, 1999, by Rick Gold
  • Les Juifs à Tombouctou, or Jews of Timbuktu, Recueil de sources écrites relatives au commerce juif à Tombouctou au XIXe siècle, Editions Donniya, Bamako, 1999 by Professor Ismael Diadie Haidara

Cabo Verde e Costa da Guiné

  • Jews in Cape Verde and on the Guinea Coast, Paper presented at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, February 11, 1996, by Richard Lobban


Ligações externas


África do Norte

Cabo Verde