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Языки участников
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en:Wikipedia User:Paptilian - Native English Language, request translator Russian/English

Project Trains

A Cone-head mantis working on the railroad track.

To create train articles related to rail transport, early steam locomotive, locomotive class, and other train things.

Rail transport in Asia (continent)

Wikipedia:Wikipedia Asian Month/2019

  • Category:Rail Transport
  • Category:Rail transport (Asia)
  • Category:Rail transport (Russia)

Trans-Siberian Railway

Trans-Siberian railway - By definition a trancontinental railroad; the continent of Asia, by what definition? Karte von Asien - politische Übersicht ca. 1890 Meyers Kleines Konversationslexikon. Fünfte, umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage. Bd. 1. Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig und Wien 1892.

Transcontinental Railroad - The Trans-Siberian Railroad is a trancontinental railroad. Add it to the article.

The most renowned railway in Russia is the Trans-Siberian (Transsib), spanning a record seven time zones and serving the longest single continuous services in the world, Moscow-Vladivostok (9,259 km (5,753 mi)), Moscow–Pyongyang (10,267 km (6,380 mi))[275] and Kiev–Vladivostok (11,085 km (6,888 mi)).[276]

Gallery of Trans-Siberian Railway

Metal Truss Railroad Bridge (Kama River, near Perm city). Early color photograph from Russia, created by Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii as part of his work to document the Russian Empire from 1909 to 1915.

Russian steam locomotives (late 19th century)

List of Russian steam locomotive classes

Babel - Romanization of Russian Cyrillic to Latin

  • Category:Language
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