A Canadae guiss in Central Pairk in The Pool, a bouk o watter aboot 150 metres frae ma apairtment biggin in New York

This is ma uiser page in the Scots leid.
See an aw ma ither pages:

Rainbowe ower Malcolm X Bld
Peace Funtain: Ape & Aungel

A hae mair nor 50,000 eedits in aw wikis, includin Inglis (whaur A hae mair nor 15,000 edits), Interlingua (10,000+), Portuguese (6000+), Spaingie (3000+), an Scots (500+), an forby in Wikicommons (7000+) an Wikidata (1000+).

Aw o the photaes on this page (includin the twa in ma uiser boxes) are frae ma contreibutions tae Wikicommons.

A'm tryin tae learn the Scots leid, whilk isna ma mither tongue.

Judith Malina, foonder & director o The Living Theatre
Lookin wast ower The Pool in Central Pairk
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