
/* *  AVIM JavaScript Vietnamese Input Method Source File dated 28-07-2008 * *    Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Hieu Tran Dang <lt2hieu2004 (at) users (dot) sf (dot) net *Website: * *You are allowed to use this software in any way you want providing: *1. You must retain this copyright notice at all time *2. You must not claim that you or any other third party is the author *   of this software in any way.*/AVIMGlobalConfig = {method: 0, //Default input method: 0=AUTO, 1=TELEX, 2=VNI, 3=VIQR, 4=VIQR*onOff: 1, //Starting status: 0=Off, 1=OnckSpell: 1, //Spell Check: 0=Off, 1=OnoldAccent: 1, //0: New way (oa`, oe`, uy`), 1: The good old day (o`a, o`e, u`y)useCookie: 1, //Cookies: 0=Off, 1=Onexclude: ["wpUserEmail", "wpEmail", "mw-input-wpemailaddress"], //IDs of the fields you DON'T want to let users type Vietnamese inshowControl: 0, //Show control panel: 0=Off, 1=On. If you turn this off, you must write your own control panel.//controlCSS: "avim.css" //Path to avim.css};//Set to true the methods which you want to be included in the AUTO methodAVIMAutoConfig = {telex: true,vni: true,viqr: false,viqrStar: false};function AVIM(){this.radioID = "avim_auto,avim_telex,avim_vni,avim_viqr,avim_viqr2,avim_off,avim_ckspell,avim_daucu".split(",");this.attached = [];this.changed = false;this.agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();this.alphabet = "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM\ "; = true;this.ver = 0;this.specialChange = false;this.is_ie = ((this.agt.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (this.agt.indexOf("opera") == -1));this.is_opera = false;this.isKHTML = false;this.kl = 0;this.skey = [97,226,259,101,234,105,111,244,417,117,432,121,65,194,258,69,202,73,79,212,416,85,431,89];this.fID = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe");this.range = null;this.whit = false;this.db1 = [273,272];this.ds1 = ['d','D'];this.os1 = "o,O,ơ,Ơ,ó,Ó,ò,Ò,ọ,Ọ,ỏ,Ỏ,õ,Õ,ớ,Ớ,ờ,Ờ,ợ,Ợ,ở,Ở,ỡ,Ỡ".split(",");this.ob1 = "ô,Ô,ô,Ô,ố,Ố,ồ,Ồ,ộ,Ộ,ổ,Ổ,ỗ,Ỗ,ố,Ố,ồ,Ồ,ộ,Ộ,ổ,Ổ,ỗ,Ỗ".split(",");this.mocs1 = "o,O,ô,Ô,u,U,ó,Ó,ò,Ò,ọ,Ọ,ỏ,Ỏ,õ,Õ,ú,Ú,ù,Ù,ụ,Ụ,ủ,Ủ,ũ,Ũ,ố,Ố,ồ,Ồ,ộ,Ộ,ổ,Ổ,ỗ,Ỗ".split(",");this.mocb1 = "ơ,Ơ,ơ,Ơ,ư,Ư,ớ,Ớ,ờ,Ờ,ợ,Ợ,ở,Ở,ỡ,Ỡ,ứ,Ứ,ừ,Ừ,ự,Ự,ử,Ử,ữ,Ữ,ớ,Ớ,ờ,Ờ,ợ,Ợ,ở,Ở,ỡ,Ỡ".split(",");this.trangs1 = "a,A,â,Â,á,Á,à,À,ạ,Ạ,ả,Ả,ã,Ã,ấ,Ấ,ầ,Ầ,ậ,Ậ,ẩ,Ẩ,ẫ,Ẫ".split(",");this.trangb1 = "ă,Ă,ă,Ă,ắ,Ắ,ằ,Ằ,ặ,Ặ,ẳ,Ẳ,ẵ,Ẵ,ắ,Ắ,ằ,Ằ,ặ,Ặ,ẳ,Ẳ,ẵ,Ẵ".split(",");this.as1 = "a,A,ă,Ă,á,Á,à,À,ạ,Ạ,ả,Ả,ã,Ã,ắ,Ắ,ằ,Ằ,ặ,Ặ,ẳ,Ẳ,ẵ,Ẵ,ế,Ế,ề,Ề,ệ,Ệ,ể,Ể,ễ,Ễ".split(",");this.ab1 = "â,Â,â,Â,ấ,Ấ,ầ,Ầ,ậ,Ậ,ẩ,Ẩ,ẫ,Ẫ,ấ,Ấ,ầ,Ầ,ậ,Ậ,ẩ,Ẩ,ẫ,Ẫ,é,É,è,È,ẹ,Ẹ,ẻ,Ẻ,ẽ,Ẽ".split(",");this.es1 = "e,E,é,É,è,È,ẹ,Ẹ,ẻ,Ẻ,ẽ,Ẽ".split(",");this.eb1 = "ê,Ê,ế,Ế,ề,Ề,ệ,Ệ,ể,Ể,ễ,Ễ".split(",");this.english = "ĐÂĂƠƯÊÔ";this.lowen = "đâăơưêô";this.arA = "á,à,ả,ã,ạ,a,Á,À,Ả,Ã,Ạ,A".split(',');this.mocrA = "ó,ò,ỏ,õ,ọ,o,ú,ù,ủ,ũ,ụ,u,Ó,Ò,Ỏ,Õ,Ọ,O,Ú,Ù,Ủ,Ũ,Ụ,U".split(',');this.erA = "é,è,ẻ,ẽ,ẹ,e,É,È,Ẻ,Ẽ,Ẹ,E".split(',');this.orA = "ó,ò,ỏ,õ,ọ,o,Ó,Ò,Ỏ,Õ,Ọ,O".split(',');this.aA = "ấ,ầ,ẩ,ẫ,ậ,â,Ấ,Ầ,Ẩ,Ẫ,Ậ,Â".split(',');this.oA = "ố,ồ,ổ,ỗ,ộ,ô,Ố,Ồ,Ổ,Ỗ,Ộ,Ô".split(',');this.mocA = "ớ,ờ,ở,ỡ,ợ,ơ,ứ,ừ,ử,ữ,ự,ư,Ớ,Ờ,Ở,Ỡ,Ợ,Ơ,Ứ,Ừ,Ử,Ữ,Ự,Ư".split(',');this.trangA = "ắ,ằ,ẳ,ẵ,ặ,ă,Ắ,Ằ,Ẳ,Ẵ,Ặ,Ă".split(',');this.eA = "ế,ề,ể,ễ,ệ,ê,Ế,Ề,Ể,Ễ,Ệ,Ê".split(',');this.oA = "ố,ồ,ổ,ỗ,ộ,ô,Ố,Ồ,Ổ,Ỗ,Ộ,Ô".split(',');this.skey2 = "a,a,a,e,e,i,o,o,o,u,u,y,A,A,A,E,E,I,O,O,O,U,U,Y".split(',');this.fcc = function(x) {return String.fromCharCode(x);}this.getEL = function(id) {return document.getElementById(id);}this.getSF = function() {var sf = [], x;for(x = 0; x < this.skey.length; x++) {sf[sf.length] = this.fcc(this.skey[x]);}return sf;}if(AVIMGlobalConfig.showControl) {this.css = document.createElement('link');this.css.rel = 'stylesheet';this.css.type = 'text/css';this.css.href = AVIMGlobalConfig.controlCSS;document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(this.css);document.write('<span id="AVIMControl">');document.write('<p class="AVIMControl"><input id="avim_auto" type="radio" name="AVIMMethod" onclick="AVIMObj.setMethod(0);" />Tự động');document.write('<input id="avim_telex" type="radio" name="AVIMMethod" onclick="AVIMObj.setMethod(1);" />TELEX');document.write('<input id="avim_vni" type="radio" name="AVIMMethod" onclick="AVIMObj.setMethod(2);" />VNI');document.write('<input id="avim_viqr" type="radio" name="AVIMMethod" onclick="AVIMObj.setMethod(3);" />VIQR');document.write('<input id="avim_viqr2" type="radio" name="AVIMMethod" onclick="AVIMObj.setMethod(4);" />VIQR*');document.write('<input id="avim_off" type="radio" name="AVIMMethod" onclick="AVIMObj.setMethod(-1);" />Tắt<br />');document.write('<a class="AVIMControl" style="float: right; position: relative; top: 3px;" onclick="document.getElementById(' + "'AVIMControl').style.display='none';" + '">[Ẩn AVIM - F12]</a>');document.write('<input type="checkbox" id="avim_ckspell" onclick="AVIMObj.setSpell(this);" />Chính tả');document.write('<input type="checkbox" id="avim_daucu" onclick="AVIMObj.setDauCu(this);" />Kiểu cũ</p>');document.write('</span>');}if(this.is_ie) {var re = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]+[\.0-9]*)")if (re.exec(navigator.userAgent) != null) {this.ieVersion = parseFloat(RegExp.$1);}}else if(this.agt.indexOf("opera") >= 0) {this.operaV = this.agt.split(" ");this.operaVersion = parseInt(this.operaV[this.operaV.length - 1]);if(this.operaVersion >= 8) {this.is_opera = true;} else {this.operaV = this.operaV[0].split("/");this.operaVersion = parseInt(this.operaV[1]);if(this.operaVersion >= 8) this.is_opera = true;}} else if(this.agt.indexOf("khtml") >= 0) {this.isKHTML = true;} else {this.ver = this.agt.substr(this.agt.indexOf("rv:") + 3);this.ver = parseFloat(this.ver.substr(0, this.ver.indexOf(" ")));if(this.agt.indexOf("mozilla") < 0) this.ver = 0;}this.nospell = function(w, k) {return false;}this.ckspell = function(w, k) {w = this.unV(w);var exc = "UOU,IEU".split(','), z, next = true, noE = "UU,UOU,UOI,IEU,AO,IA,AI,AY,AU,AO".split(','), noBE = "YEU";var check = true, noM = "UE,UYE,IU,EU,UY".split(','), noMT = "AY,AU".split(','), noT = "UA", t = -1, notV2 = "IAO";var uw = this.up(w), tw = uw, update = false, gi = "IO", noAOEW = "OE,OO,AO,EO,IA,AI".split(','), noAOE = "OA", test, a, b;var notViet = "AA,AE,EE,OU,YY,YI,IY,EY,EA,EI,II,IO,YO,YA,OOO".split(','), uk = this.up(k), twE, uw2 = this.unV2(uw);var vSConsonant = "B,C,D,G,H,K,L,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,V,X".split(','), vDConsonant = "CH,GI,KH,NGH,GH,NG,NH,PH,QU,TH,TR".split(',');var vDConsonantE = "CH,NG,NH".split(','),sConsonant = "C,P,T,CH".split(','),vSConsonantE = "C,M,N,P,T".split(',');var noNHE = "O,U,IE,Ô,Ơ,Ư,IÊ,Ă,Â,UYE,UYÊ,UO,ƯƠ,ƯO,UƠ,UA,ƯA,OĂ,OE,OÊ".split(','),oMoc = "UU,UOU".split(',');if(this.FRX.indexOf(uk) >= 0) {for(a = 0; a < sConsonant.length; a++) {if(uw.substr(uw.length - sConsonant[a].length, sConsonant[a].length) == sConsonant[a]) {return true;}}}for(a = 0; a < uw.length; a++) {if("FJZW1234567890".indexOf(uw.substr(a, 1)) >= 0) {return true;}for(b = 0; b < notViet.length; b++) {if(uw2.substr(a, notViet[b].length) == notViet[b]) {for(z = 0; z < exc.length; z++) {if(uw2.indexOf(exc[z]) >= 0) {next=false;}}if(next && ((gi.indexOf(notViet[b]) < 0) || (a <= 0) || (uw2.substr(a - 1, 1) != 'G'))) {return true;}}}}for(b = 0; b < vDConsonant.length; b++) {if(tw.indexOf(vDConsonant[b]) == 0) {tw = tw.substr(vDConsonant[b].length);update = true;t = b;break;}}if(!update) {for(b = 0; b < vSConsonant.length; b++) {if(tw.indexOf(vSConsonant[b]) == 0) {tw=tw.substr(1);break;}}}update=false;twE=tw;for(b = 0; b < vDConsonantE.length; b++) {if(tw.substr(tw.length - vDConsonantE[b].length) == vDConsonantE[b]) {tw = tw.substr(0, tw.length - vDConsonantE[b].length);if(b == 2){for(z = 0; z < noNHE.length; z++) {if(tw == noNHE[z]) {return true;}}if((uk == this.trang) && ((tw == "OA") || (tw == "A"))) {return true;}}update = true;break;}}if(!update) {for(b = 0; b < vSConsonantE.length; b++) {if(tw.substr(tw.length - 1) == vSConsonantE[b]) {tw = tw.substr(0, tw.length - 1);break;}}}if(tw) {for(a = 0; a < vDConsonant.length; a++) {for(b = 0; b < tw.length; b++) {if(tw.substr(b, vDConsonant[a].length) == vDConsonant[a]) {return true;}}}for(a = 0; a < vSConsonant.length; a++) {if(tw.indexOf(vSConsonant[a]) >= 0) {return true;}}}test = tw.substr(0, 1);if((t == 3) && ((test == "A") || (test == "O") || (test == "U") || (test == "Y"))) {return true;}if((t == 5) && ((test == "E") || (test == "I") || (test == "Y"))) {return true;}uw2 = this.unV2(tw);if(uw2 == notV2) {return true;}if(tw != twE) {for(z = 0; z < noE.length; z++) {if(uw2 == noE[z]) {return true;}}}if((tw != uw) && (uw2 == noBE)) {return true;}if(uk != this.moc) {for(z = 0; z < oMoc.length; z++) {if(tw == oMoc[z]) return true;}}if((uw2.indexOf('UYE')>0) && (uk == 'E')) {check=false;}if((this.them.indexOf(uk) >= 0) && check) {for(a = 0; a < noAOEW.length; a++) {if(uw2.indexOf(noAOEW[a]) >= 0) {return true;}}if(uk != this.trang) {if(uw2 == noAOE) {return true;}}if((uk == this.trang) && (this.trang != 'W')) {if(uw2 == noT) {return true;}}if(uk == this.moc) {for(a = 0; a < noM.length; a++) {if(uw2 == noM[a]) {return true;}}}if((uk == this.moc) || (uk == this.trang)) {for(a = 0; a < noMT.length; a++) {if(uw2 == noMT[a]) {return true;}}}}this.tw5 = tw;if((uw2.charCodeAt(0) == 272) || (uw2.charCodeAt(0) == 273)) {if(uw2.length > 4) {return true;}} else if(uw2.length > 3) {return true;}return false;}this.noCookie = function() {}this.doSetCookie = function() {var exp = new Date(11245711156480).toGMTString();document.cookie = 'AVIM_on_off=' + AVIMGlobalConfig.onOff + ';expires=' + exp;document.cookie = 'AVIM_method=' + AVIMGlobalConfig.method + ';expires=' + exp;document.cookie = 'AVIM_ckspell=' + AVIMGlobalConfig.ckSpell + ';expires=' + exp;document.cookie = 'AVIM_daucu=' + AVIMGlobalConfig.oldAccent + ';expires=' + exp;}this.doGetCookie = function() {var ck = document.cookie, res = /AVIM_method/.test(ck), p, i, ckA = ck.split(';');if(!res || (ck.indexOf('AVIM_ckspell') < 0)) {this.setCookie();return;}for(i = 0; i < ckA.length; i++) {p = ckA[i].split('=');p[0] = p[0].replace(/^\s+/g, "");p[1] = parseInt(p[1]);if(p[0] == 'AVIM_on_off') {AVIMGlobalConfig.onOff = p[1];}else if(p[0] == 'AVIM_method') {AVIMGlobalConfig.method = p[1];}else if(p[0] == 'AVIM_ckspell') {if(p[1] == 0) {AVIMGlobalConfig.ckSpell=0;this.spellerr=this.nospell;} else {AVIMGlobalConfig.ckSpell=1;this.spellerr=this.ckspell;}} else if(p[0] == 'AVIM_daucu') {AVIMGlobalConfig.oldAccent = parseInt(p[1]);}}}if(AVIMGlobalConfig.useCookie == 1) {this.setCookie = this.doSetCookie;this.getCookie = this.doGetCookie;} else {this.setCookie = this.noCookie;this.getCookie = this.noCookie;}this.setMethod = function(m) {if(m == -1) {AVIMGlobalConfig.onOff = 0;if(this.getEL(this.radioID[5])) {this.getEL(this.radioID[5]).checked = true;}} else {AVIMGlobalConfig.onOff = 1;AVIMGlobalConfig.method = m;if(this.getEL(this.radioID[m])) {this.getEL(this.radioID[m]).checked = true;}}this.setSpell(AVIMGlobalConfig.ckSpell);this.setDauCu(AVIMGlobalConfig.oldAccent);this.setCookie();}this.setDauCu = function(box) {if(typeof(box) == "number") {AVIMGlobalConfig.oldAccent = box;if(this.getEL(this.radioID[7])) {this.getEL(this.radioID[7]).checked = box;}} else {AVIMGlobalConfig.oldAccent = (box.checked) ? 1 : 0;}this.setCookie();}this.setSpell = function(box) {if(typeof(box) == "number") {this.spellerr = (box == 1) ? this.ckspell : this.nospell;if(this.getEL(this.radioID[6])) {this.getEL(this.radioID[6]).checked = box;}} else {if(box.checked) {this.spellerr = this.ckspell;AVIMGlobalConfig.ckSpell = 1;} else {this.spellerr = this.nospell;AVIMGlobalConfig.ckSpell = 0;}}this.setCookie();}if(this.is_ie || (this.ver >= 1.3) || this.is_opera || this.isKHTML) {this.getCookie();if(AVIMGlobalConfig.onOff == 0) this.setMethod(-1);else this.setMethod(AVIMGlobalConfig.method);this.setSpell(AVIMGlobalConfig.ckSpell);this.setDauCu(AVIMGlobalConfig.oldAccent);} else { = false;}this.mozGetText = function(obj) {var v, pos, w = "", g = 1;v = ( ? : obj.value;if(v.length <= 0) {return false;}if(! {if(!obj.setSelectionRange) {return false;}pos = obj.selectionStart;} else {pos = obj.pos;}if(obj.selectionStart != obj.selectionEnd) {return ["", pos];}while(1) {if(pos - g < 0) {break;} else if(this.notWord(v.substr(pos - g, 1))) {if(v.substr(pos - g, 1) == "\\") {w = v.substr(pos - g, 1) + w;}break;} else {w = v.substr(pos - g, 1) + w;}g++;}return [w, pos];}this.ieGetText = function(obj) {var caret = obj.document.selection.createRange(), w="";if(caret.text) {caret.text = "";} else {while(1) {caret.moveStart("character", -1);if(w.length == caret.text.length) {break;}w = caret.text;if(this.notWord(w.charAt(0))) {if(w.charCodeAt(0) == 13) {w=w.substr(2);} else if(w.charAt(0) != "\\") {w=w.substr(1);}break;}}}if(w.length) {caret.collapse(false);caret.moveStart("character", -w.length);obj.cW = caret.duplicate();return obj;} else {return false;}}this.start = function(obj, key) {var w = "", method = AVIMGlobalConfig.method, dockspell = AVIMGlobalConfig.ckSpell, uni, uni2 = false, uni3 = false, uni4 = false;this.oc=obj;var telex = "D,A,E,O,W,W".split(','), vni = "9,6,6,6,7,8".split(','), viqr = "D,^,^,^,+,(".split(','), viqr2 = "D,^,^,^,*,(".split(','), a, noNormC;if(method == 0) {var arr = [], check = [AVIMAutoConfig.telex, AVIMAutoConfig.vni, AVIMAutoConfig.viqr, AVIMAutoConfig.viqrStar];var value1 = [telex, vni, viqr, viqr2], uniA = [uni, uni2, uni3, uni4], D2A = ["DAWEO", "6789", "D^+(", "D^*("];for(a = 0; a < check.length; a++) {if(check[a]) {arr[arr.length] = value1[a];} else {D2A[a] = "";}}for(a = 0; a < arr.length; a++) {uniA[a] = arr[a];}uni = uniA[0];uni2 = uniA[1];uni3 = uniA[2];uni4 = uniA[3];this.D2 = D2A.join();if(!uni) {return;}} else if(method == 1) {uni = telex;this.D2 = "DAWEO";}else if(method == 2) {uni = vni;this.D2 = "6789";}else if(method == 3) {uni = viqr;this.D2 = "D^+(";}else if(method == 4) {uni = viqr2;this.D2 = "D^*(";}if(!this.is_ie || this.ieVersion >= 10) {key = this.fcc(key.which);w = this.mozGetText(obj);if(!w || obj.sel) {return;}if(this.D2.indexOf(this.up(key)) >= 0) {noNormC = true;} else {noNormC = false;}this.main(w[0], key, w[1], uni, noNormC);if(!dockspell) {w = this.mozGetText(obj);}if(w && uni2 && !this.changed) {this.main(w[0], key, w[1], uni2, noNormC);}if(!dockspell) {w = this.mozGetText(obj);}if(w && uni3 && !this.changed) {this.main(w[0], key, w[1], uni3, noNormC);}if(!dockspell) {w = this.mozGetText(obj);}if(w && uni4 && !this.changed) {this.main(w[0], key, w[1], uni4, noNormC);}} else {obj = this.ieGetText(obj);if(obj) {var sT = obj.cW.text;w = this.main(sT, key, 0, uni, false);if(uni2 && ((w == sT) || (typeof(w) == 'undefined'))) {w = this.main(sT, key, 0, uni2, false);}if(uni3 && ((w == sT) || (typeof(w) == 'undefined'))) {w = this.main(sT, key, 0, uni3, false);}if(uni4 && ((w == sT) || (typeof(w) == 'undefined'))) {w = this.main(sT, key, 0, uni4, false);}if(w) {obj.cW.text = w;}}}if(this.D2.indexOf(this.up(key)) >= 0) {if(!this.is_ie || this.ieVersion >= 10) {w = this.mozGetText(obj);if(!w) {return;}this.normC(w[0], key, w[1]);} else if(typeof(obj) == "object") {obj = this.ieGetText(obj);if(obj) {w = obj.cW.text;if(!this.changed) {w += key;this.changed = true;}obj.cW.text = w;w = this.normC(w, key, 0);if(w) {obj = this.ieGetText(obj);obj.cW.text = w;}}}}}this.findC = function(w, k, sf) {var method = AVIMGlobalConfig.method;if(((method == 3) || (method == 4)) && (w.substr(w.length - 1, 1) == "\\")) {return [1, k.charCodeAt(0)];}var str = "", res, cc = "", pc = "", tE = "", vowA = [], s = "ÂĂÊÔƠƯêâăơôư", c = 0, dn = false, uw = this.up(w), tv, g;var DAWEOFA = this.up(this.aA.join() + this.eA.join() + this.mocA.join() + this.trangA.join() + this.oA.join() + this.english), h, uc;for(g = 0; g < sf.length; g++) {if(this.nan(sf[g])) {str += sf[g];} else {str += this.fcc(sf[g]);}}var uk = this.up(k), uni_array = this.repSign(k), w2 = this.up(this.unV2(this.unV(w))), dont = "ƯA,ƯU".split(',');if (this.DAWEO.indexOf(uk) >= 0) {if(uk == this.moc) {if((w2.indexOf("UU") >= 0) && (this.tw5 != dont[1])) {if(w2.indexOf("UU") == (w.length - 2)) {res=2;} else {return false;}} else if(w2.indexOf("UOU") >= 0) {if(w2.indexOf("UOU") == (w.length-3)) {res=2;} else {return false;}}}if(!res) {for(g = 1; g <= w.length; g++) {cc = w.substr(w.length - g, 1);pc = this.up(w.substr(w.length - g - 1, 1));uc = this.up(cc);for(h = 0; h < dont.length; h++) {if((this.tw5 == dont[h]) && (this.tw5 == this.unV(pc + uc))) {dn = true;}}if(dn) {dn = false;continue;}if(str.indexOf(uc) >= 0) {if(((uk == this.moc) && (this.unV(uc) == "U") && (this.up(this.unV(w.substr(w.length - g + 1, 1))) == "A")) || ((uk == this.trang) && (this.unV(uc) == 'A') && (this.unV(pc) == 'U'))) {if(this.unV(uc) == "U") {tv=1;} else {tv=2;}var ccc = this.up(w.substr(w.length - g - tv, 1));if(ccc != "Q") {res = g + tv - 1;} else if(uk == this.trang) {res = g;} else if(this.moc != this.trang) {return false;}} else {res = g;}if(!this.whit || (uw.indexOf("Ư") < 0) || (uw.indexOf("W") < 0)) {break;}} else if(DAWEOFA.indexOf(uc) >= 0) {if(uk == this.D) {if(cc == "đ") {res = [g, 'd'];} else if(cc == "Đ") {res = [g, 'D'];}} else {res = this.DAWEOF(cc, uk, g);}if(res) break;}}}}if((uk != this.Z) && (this.DAWEO.indexOf(uk) < 0)) {var tEC = this.retKC(uk);for(g = 0;g < tEC.length; g++) {tE += this.fcc(tEC[g]);}}for(g = 1; g <= w.length; g++) {if(this.DAWEO.indexOf(uk) < 0) {cc = this.up(w.substr(w.length - g, 1));pc = this.up(w.substr(w.length - g - 1, 1));if(str.indexOf(cc) >= 0) {if(cc == 'U') {if(pc != 'Q') {c++;vowA[vowA.length] = g;}} else if(cc == 'I') {if((pc != 'G') || (c <= 0)) {c++;vowA[vowA.length] = g;}} else {c++;vowA[vowA.length] = g;}} else if(uk != this.Z) {for(h = 0; h < uni_array.length; h++) if(uni_array[h] == w.charCodeAt(w.length - g)) {if(this.spellerr(w, k)) {return false;}return [g, tEC[h % 24]];}for(h = 0; h < tEC.length; h++) {if(tEC[h] == w.charCodeAt(w.length - g)) {return [g, this.fcc(this.skey[h])];}}}}}if((uk != this.Z) && (typeof(res) != 'object')) {if(this.spellerr(w, k)) {return false;}}if(this.DAWEO.indexOf(uk) < 0) {for(g = 1; g <= w.length; g++) {if((uk != this.Z) && (s.indexOf(w.substr(w.length - g, 1)) >= 0)) {return g;} else if(tE.indexOf(w.substr(w.length - g, 1)) >= 0) {for(h = 0; h < tEC.length; h++) {if(w.substr(w.length - g, 1).charCodeAt(0) == tEC[h]) {return [g, this.fcc(this.skey[h])];}}}}}if(res) {return res;}if((c == 1) || (uk == this.Z)) {return vowA[0];} else if(c == 2) {var v = 2;if(w.substr(w.length - 1) == " ") {v = 3;}var ttt = this.up(w.substr(w.length - v, 2));if((AVIMGlobalConfig.oldAccent == 0) && ((ttt == "UY") || (ttt == "OA") || (ttt == "OE"))) {return vowA[0];}var c2 = 0, fdconsonant, sc = "BCD" + this.fcc(272) + "GHKLMNPQRSTVX", dc = "CH,GI,KH,NGH,GH,NG,NH,PH,QU,TH,TR".split(',');for(h = 1; h <= w.length; h++) {fdconsonant=false;for(g = 0; g < dc.length; g++) {if(this.up(w.substr(w.length - h - dc[g].length + 1, dc[g].length)).indexOf(dc[g])>=0) {c2++;fdconsonant = true;if(dc[g] != 'NGH') {h++;} else {h+=2;}}}if(!fdconsonant) {if(sc.indexOf(this.up(w.substr(w.length - h, 1))) >= 0) {c2++;} else { break;}}}if((c2 == 1) || (c2 == 2)) {return vowA[0];} else {return vowA[1];}} else if(c == 3) {return vowA[1];} else return false;}this.ie_replaceChar = function(w, pos, c) {var r = "", uc = 0;if(isNaN(c)) uc = this.up(c);if(this.whit && (this.up(w.substr(w.length - pos - 1, 1)) == 'U') && (pos != 1) && (this.up(w.substr(w.length - pos - 2, 1)) != 'Q')) {this.whit = false;if((this.up(this.unV(this.fcc(c))) == "Ơ") || (uc == "O")) {if(w.substr(w.length - pos - 1, 1) == 'u') r = this.fcc(432);else r = this.fcc(431);}if(uc == "O") {if(c == "o") {c = 417;} else {c = 416;}}}if(!isNaN(c)) {this.changed = true;r += this.fcc(c);return w.substr(0, w.length - pos - r.length + 1) + r + w.substr(w.length - pos + 1);} else {return w.substr(0, w.length - pos) + c + w.substr(w.length - pos + 1);}}this.replaceChar = function(o, pos, c) {var bb = false;if(!this.nan(c)) {var replaceBy = this.fcc(c), wfix = this.up(this.unV(this.fcc(c)));this.changed = true;} else {var replaceBy = c;if((this.up(c) == "O") && this.whit) {bb=true;}}if(! {var savePos = o.selectionStart, sst = o.scrollTop;if ((this.up(o.value.substr(pos - 1, 1)) == 'U') && (pos < savePos - 1) && (this.up(o.value.substr(pos - 2, 1)) != 'Q')) {if((wfix == "Ơ") || bb) {if (o.value.substr(pos-1,1) == 'u') {var r = this.fcc(432);} else {var r = this.fcc(431);}}if(bb) {this.changed = true;if(c == "o") {replaceBy = "ơ";} else {replaceBy = "Ơ";}}}o.value = o.value.substr(0, pos) + replaceBy + o.value.substr(pos + 1);if(r) o.value = o.value.substr(0, pos - 1) + r + o.value.substr(pos);o.setSelectionRange(savePos, savePos);o.scrollTop = sst;} else {if ((this.up( - 1, 1)) == 'U') && (pos < o.pos - 1)) {if((wfix == "Ơ") || bb) {if ( - 1, 1) == 'u') {var r = this.fcc(432);} else {var r = this.fcc(431);}}if(bb) {this.changed = true;if(c == "o") {replaceBy = "ơ";} else {replaceBy = "Ơ";}}}o.deleteData(pos, 1);o.insertData(pos, replaceBy);if(r) {o.deleteData(pos - 1, 1);o.insertData(pos - 1, r);}}if(this.whit) {this.whit=false;}} = function(k, w, by, sf, i) {var r, pos = this.findC(w, k, sf), g;if(pos) {if(pos[1]) {if(this.is_ie && this.ieVersion < 10) {return this.ie_replaceChar(w, pos[0], pos[1]);} else {return this.replaceChar(this.oc, i-pos[0], pos[1]);}} else {var c, pC = w.substr(w.length - pos, 1), cmp;r = sf;for(g = 0; g < r.length; g++) {if(this.nan(r[g]) || (r[g] == "e")) {cmp = pC;} else {cmp = pC.charCodeAt(0);}if(cmp == r[g]) {if(!this.nan(by[g])) {c = by[g];} else {c = by[g].charCodeAt(0);}if(this.is_ie && this.ieVersion < 10) {return this.ie_replaceChar(w, pos, c);} else {return this.replaceChar(this.oc, i - pos, c);}}}}}return false;}this.main = function(w, k, i, a, noNormC) {var uk = this.up(k), bya = [this.db1, this.ab1, this.eb1, this.ob1, this.mocb1, this.trangb1], got = false, t = "d,D,a,A,a,A,o,O,u,U,e,E,o,O".split(",");var sfa = [this.ds1, this.as1, this.es1, this.os1, this.mocs1, this.trangs1], by = [], sf = [], method = AVIMGlobalConfig.method, h, g;if((method == 2) || ((method == 0) && (a[0] == "9"))) {this.DAWEO = "6789";this.SFJRX = "12534";this.S = "1";this.F = "2";this.J = "5";this.R = "3";this.X = "4";this.Z = "0";this.D = "9";this.FRX = "234";this.AEO = "6";this.moc = "7";this.trang = "8";this.them = "678";this.A = "^";this.E = "^";this.O = "^";} else if((method == 3) || ((method == 0) && (a[4] == "+"))) {this.DAWEO = "^+(D";this.SFJRX = "'`.?~";this.S = "'";this.F = "`";this.J = ".";this.R = "?";this.X = "~";this.Z = "-";this.D = "D";this.FRX = "`?~";this.AEO = "^";this.moc = "+";this.trang = "(";this.them = "^+(";this.A = "^";this.E = "^";this.O = "^";} else if((method == 4) || ((method == 0) && (a[4] == "*"))) {this.DAWEO = "^*(D";this.SFJRX = "'`.?~";this.S = "'";this.F = "`";this.J = ".";this.R = "?";this.X = "~";this.Z = "-";this.D = "D";this.FRX = "`?~";this.AEO = "^";this.moc = "*";this.trang = "(";this.them = "^*(";this.A = "^";this.E = "^";this.O = "^";} else if((method == 1) || ((method == 0) && (a[0] == "D"))) {this.SFJRX = "SFJRX";this.DAWEO = "DAWEO";this.D = 'D';this.S = 'S';this.F = 'F';this.J = 'J';this.R = 'R';this.X = 'X';this.Z = 'Z';this.FRX = "FRX";this.them = "AOEW";this.trang = "W";this.moc = "W";this.A = "A";this.E = "E";this.O = "O";}if(this.SFJRX.indexOf(uk) >= 0) {var ret =,k,i);got=true;if(ret) {return ret;}} else if(uk == this.Z) {sf = this.repSign(null);for(h = 0; h < this.english.length; h++) {sf[sf.length] = this.lowen.charCodeAt(h);sf[sf.length] = this.english.charCodeAt(h);}for(h = 0; h < 5; h++) {for(g = 0; g < this.skey.length; g++) {by[by.length] = this.skey[g];}}for(h = 0; h < t.length; h++) {by[by.length] = t[h];}got = true;} else {for(h = 0; h < a.length; h++) {if(a[h] == uk) {got = true;by = by.concat(bya[h]);sf = sf.concat(sfa[h]);}}}if(uk == this.moc) {this.whit = true;}if(!got) {if(noNormC) {return;} else {return this.normC(w, k, i);}}return this.DAWEOZ(k, w, by, sf, i, uk);}this.DAWEOZ = function(k, w, by, sf, i, uk) {if((this.DAWEO.indexOf(uk) >= 0) || (this.Z.indexOf(uk) >= 0)) {return, w, by, sf, i);}}this.normC = function(w, k, i) {var uk = this.up(k), u = this.repSign(null), fS, c, j, h, space = (k.charCodeAt(0) == 32) ? true : false;if((!this.is_ie || this.ieVersion >= 10) && space) {return;}for(j = 1; j <= w.length; j++) {for(h = 0; h < u.length; h++) {if(u[h] == w.charCodeAt(w.length - j)) {if(h <= 23) {fS = this.S;} else if(h <= 47) {fS = this.F;} else if(h <= 71) {fS = this.J;} else if(h <= 95) {fS = this.R;} else {fS = this.X;}c = this.skey[h % 24];if((this.alphabet.indexOf(uk) < 0) && (this.D2.indexOf(uk) < 0)) {return w;}w = this.unV(w);if(!space && !this.changed) {w += k;}if(!this.is_ie || this.ieVersion >= 10) {var sp = this.oc.selectionStart, pos = sp;if(!this.changed) {var sst = this.oc.scrollTop;pos += k.length;if(! {this.oc.value = this.oc.value.substr(0, sp) + k + this.oc.value.substr(this.oc.selectionEnd);this.changed = true;this.oc.scrollTop = sst;} else {this.oc.insertData(this.oc.pos, k);this.oc.pos++;this.range.setEnd(this.oc, this.oc.pos);this.specialChange = true;}}if(! {this.oc.setSelectionRange(pos, pos);}if(!this.ckspell(w, fS)) {this.replaceChar(this.oc, i - j, c);if(! {var a = [this.D];this.main(w, fS, pos, a, false);} else {var ww = this.mozGetText(this.oc), a = [this.D];this.main(ww[0], fS, ww[1], a, false);}}} else {var ret =, fS, 0);if(space && ret) {ret += this.fcc(32);}if(ret) {return ret;}}}}}}this.DAWEOF = function(cc, k, g) {var ret = [g], kA = [this.A, this.moc, this.trang, this.E, this.O], z, a;var ccA = [this.aA, this.mocA, this.trangA, this.eA, this.oA], ccrA = [this.arA, this.mocrA, this.arA, this.erA, this.orA];for(a = 0; a < kA.length; a++) {if(k == kA[a]) {for(z = 0; z < ccA[a].length; z++) {if(cc == ccA[a][z]) {ret[1] = ccrA[a][z];}}}}if(ret[1]) {return ret;} else {return false;}}this.retKC = function(k) {if(k == this.S) {return [225,7845,7855,233,7871,237,243,7889,7899,250,7913,253,193,7844,7854,201,7870,205,211,7888,7898,218,7912,221];}if(k == this.F) {return [224,7847,7857,232,7873,236,242,7891,7901,249,7915,7923,192,7846,7856,200,7872,204,210,7890,7900,217,7914,7922];}if(k == this.J) {return [7841,7853,7863,7865,7879,7883,7885,7897,7907,7909,7921,7925,7840,7852,7862,7864,7878,7882,7884,7896,7906,7908,7920,7924];}if(k == this.R) {return [7843,7849,7859,7867,7875,7881,7887,7893,7903,7911,7917,7927,7842,7848,7858,7866,7874,7880,7886,7892,7902,7910,7916,7926];}if(k == this.X) {return [227,7851,7861,7869,7877,297,245,7895,7905,361,7919,7929,195,7850,7860,7868,7876,296,213,7894,7904,360,7918,7928];}}this.unV = function(w) {var u = this.repSign(null), b, a;for(a = 1; a <= w.length; a++) {for(b = 0; b < u.length; b++) {if(u[b] == w.charCodeAt(w.length - a)) {w = w.substr(0, w.length - a) + this.fcc(this.skey[b % 24]) + w.substr(w.length - a + 1);}}}return w;}this.unV2 = function(w) {var a, b;for(a = 1; a <= w.length; a++) {for(b = 0; b < this.skey.length; b++) {if(this.skey[b] == w.charCodeAt(w.length - a)) {w = w.substr(0, w.length - a) + this.skey2[b] + w.substr(w.length - a + 1);}}}return w;}this.repSign = function(k) {var t = [], u = [], a, b;for(a = 0; a < 5; a++) {if((k == null)||(this.SFJRX.substr(a, 1) != this.up(k))) {t = this.retKC(this.SFJRX.substr(a, 1));for(b = 0; b < t.length; b++) u[u.length] = t[b];}}return u;} = function(w, k, i) {var sf = this.getSF(), pos = this.findC(w, k, sf);if(pos) {if(pos[1]) {if(!this.is_ie || this.ieVersion >= 10) {this.replaceChar(this.oc, i-pos[0], pos[1]);} else {return this.ie_replaceChar(w, pos[0], pos[1]);}} else {var c = this.retUni(w, k, pos);if (!this.is_ie || this.ieVersion >= 10) {this.replaceChar(this.oc, i-pos, c);} else {return this.ie_replaceChar(w, pos, c);}}}return false;}this.retUni = function(w, k, pos) {var u = this.retKC(this.up(k)), uC, lC, c = w.charCodeAt(w.length - pos), a, t = this.fcc(c);for(a = 0; a < this.skey.length; a++) {if(this.skey[a] == c) {if(a < 12) {lC=a;uC=a+12;} else {lC = a - 12;uC=a;}if(t != this.up(t)) {return u[lC];}return u[uC];}}}this.ifInit = function(w) {var sel = w.getSelection();this.range = sel ? sel.getRangeAt(0) : document.createRange();}this.ifMoz = function(e) {var code = e.which, avim = this.AVIM || this;var cwi = ( || event.srcElement).ownerDocument.defaultView;if(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || (e.altKey && (code != 92) && (code != 126))) return;avim.ifInit(cwi);var node = avim.range.endContainer, newPos;if (node && node.parentNode) {node.parentNode.normalize();avim.ifInit(cwi);node = avim.range.endContainer;} = avim.fcc(code);avim.saveStr = "";if(avim.checkCode(code) || !avim.range.startOffset || (typeof( == 'undefined')) return;node.sel = false;if( {avim.saveStr =;if(avim.range.startOffset != avim.range.endOffset) {node.sel=true;}try {node.deleteData(avim.range.startOffset,;} catch (e) {// IndexSizeError: Failed to execute 'deleteData' on 'CharacterData': The offset 249 is greater than the node's length (14). }}avim.range.setEnd(node, avim.range.endOffset);avim.range.setStart(node, 0);if(! {return;}node.value =;node.pos =;node.which=code;avim.start(node, e);node.insertData(, avim.saveStr);newPos = - avim.saveStr.length + avim.kl;avim.range.setEnd(node, newPos);avim.range.setStart(node, newPos);avim.kl = 0;    var sel = cwi.getSelection();        if (sel) {        sel.removeAllRanges();    sel.addRange(avim.range);        }if(avim.specialChange) {avim.specialChange = false;avim.changed = false;node.deleteData(node.pos - 1, 1);}if(avim.changed) {avim.changed = false;e.preventDefault();}}this.FKeyPress = function() {var obj = this.findF(); = this.fcc(obj.event.keyCode);if(this.checkCode(obj.event.keyCode) || (obj.event.ctrlKey && (obj.event.keyCode != 92) && (obj.event.keyCode != 126))) {return;}this.start(obj,;}this.checkCode = function(code) {if(((AVIMGlobalConfig.onOff == 0) || ((code < 45) && (code != 42) && (code != 32) && (code != 39) && (code != 40) && (code != 43)) || (code == 145) || (code == 255))) {return true;}}this.notWord = function(w) {var str = "\ \r\n#,\\;.:-_()<>+-*/=?!\"$%{}[]\'~|^\@\&\t" + this.fcc(160);return (str.indexOf(w) >= 0);}this.nan = function(w) {if (isNaN(w) || (w == 'e')) {return true;} else {return false;}}this.up = function(w) {w = w.toUpperCase();if(this.isKHTML) {var str = "êôơâăưếốớấắứềồờầằừễỗỡẫẵữệộợậặự", rep="ÊÔƠÂĂƯẾỐỚẤẮỨỀỒỜẦẰỪỄỖỠẪẴỮỆỘỢẶỰ", z, io;for(z = 0; z < w.length; z++) {io = str.indexOf(w.substr(z, 1));if(io >= 0) {w = w.substr(0, z) + rep.substr(io, 1) + w.substr(z + 1);}}}return w;}this.findIgnore = function(el) {var va = AVIMGlobalConfig.exclude, i;for(i = 0; i < va.length; i++) {if(( == va[i]) && (va[i].length > 0)) {return true;}}}this.findF = function() {var g;for(g = 0; g < this.fID.length; g++) {if(this.findIgnore(this.fID[g])) return;this.frame = this.fID[g];if(typeof(this.frame) != "undefined") {try {if (this.frame.contentWindow.document && this.frame.contentWindow.event) {return this.frame.contentWindow;}} catch(e) {if (this.frame.document && this.frame.event) {return this.frame;}}}}}this.keyPressHandler = function(e) {if(! {return;}if(!this.is_ie || this.ieVersion >= 10) {var el =, code = e.which;if(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {return;}if(e.altKey && (code != 92) && (code != 126)) {return;}} else {var el = window.event.srcElement, code = window.event.keyCode;if(window.event.ctrlKey && (code != 92) && (code != 126)) {return;}}if(((el.type != 'textarea') && (el.type != 'text' && el.type != 'search' && el.type != 'url')) || this.checkCode(code)) {return;} = this.fcc(code);if(this.findIgnore(el) || el.readOnly) {return;}if(!this.is_ie || this.ieVersion >= 10) {this.start(el, e);} else {this.start(el,;}if(this.changed) {this.changed = false;return false;}return true;}this.attachEvt = function(obj, evt, handle, capture) {if(this.is_ie && this.ieVersion < 10) {obj.attachEvent("on" + evt, handle);} else {obj.addEventListener(evt, handle, capture);}}this.keyDownHandler = function(e) {if(e == "iframe") {this.frame = this.findF();var key = this.frame.event.keyCode;} else {var key = (!this.is_ie || this.ieVersion >= 10) ? e.which : window.event.keyCode;}if (key == 123) {var control = document.getElementById('AVIMControl');if(control) = ( == 'none') ? 'block' : 'none';}}/** * Fires a fake onInput event from the given element. If preventDefault() is * called on the onKeyPress event, most textboxes will not respond * appropriately to AVIM's changes unless this method is called. * * @param target{object}A DOM node representing the textbox element. */this.updateContainer = function(target) {if (!target) return;var inputEvent = target.ownerDocument.createEvent("Events");inputEvent.initEvent("input", true, true);if (target.dispatchEvent) target.dispatchEvent(inputEvent);}}function AVIMInit(AVIM) {var kkk = false;if( && !AVIM.isKHTML) {if(AVIM.is_opera) {if(AVIM.operaVersion < 9) {return;}}for(AVIM.g = 0; AVIM.g < AVIM.fID.length; AVIM.g++) {if(AVIM.findIgnore(AVIM.fID[AVIM.g])) {continue;}if(AVIM.is_ie && AVIM.ieVersion < 10) {var doc;try {AVIM.frame = AVIM.fID[AVIM.g];if(typeof(AVIM.frame) != "undefined") {if(AVIM.frame.contentWindow.document) {doc = AVIM.frame.contentWindow.document;} else if(AVIM.frame.document) {doc = AVIM.frame.document;}}} catch(e) {}if(doc && ((AVIM.up(doc.designMode) == "ON") || doc.body.contentEditable)) {for (var l = 0; l < AVIM.attached.length; l++) {if (doc == AVIM.attached[l]) {kkk = true;break;}}if (!kkk) {AVIM.attached[AVIM.attached.length] = doc;AVIM.attachEvt(doc, "keydown", function() {AVIM.keyDownHandler("iframe");}, false);AVIM.attachEvt(doc, "keypress", function() {AVIM.FKeyPress();if(AVIM.changed) {AVIM.changed = false;return false;}}, false);}}} else {var iframedit;try {AVIM.wi = AVIM.fID[AVIM.g].contentWindow;iframedit = AVIM.wi.document;iframedit.wi = AVIM.wi;if(iframedit && (AVIM.up(iframedit.designMode) == "ON")) {iframedit.AVIM = AVIM;AVIM.attachEvt(iframedit, "keypress", AVIM.ifMoz, false);AVIM.attachEvt(iframedit, "keydown", AVIM.keyDownHandler, false);}} catch(e) {}}}}}AVIMObj = new AVIM();//function AVIMAJAXFix() {//var a = 50;//while(a < 5000) {//setTimeout("AVIMInit(AVIMObj)", a);//a += 50;//}//}//AVIMAJAXFix();//AVIMObj.attachEvt(document, "mousedown", AVIMAJAXFix, false);AVIMObj.attachEvt(document, "keydown", AVIMObj.keyDownHandler, true);AVIMObj.attachEvt(document, "keypress", function(e) {var target = || event.srcElement;var doc = target && target.ownerDocument;var wysiwyg =(doc.designMode && doc.designMode.toLowerCase() == "on") ||(target.contentEditable && target.contentEditable.toLowerCase() == "true");if (wysiwyg) return AVIMObj.ifMoz(e);var a = AVIMObj.keyPressHandler(e);if (a == false) {if (AVIMObj.is_ie && AVIMObj.ieVersion < 10) window.event.returnValue = false;else e.preventDefault();AVIMObj.updateContainer(target);}}, true);