Thành viên:MGA73/NonFreeOldVersions.js

//<source lang=javascript>/*global $, mw *//** * This script is meant to make it easier to remove template when non-free old versions are removed. *  * To use it add this to you vector.js (or other) ---> importScript('Thành viên:MGA73/NonFreeOldVersions.js'); *  * URL: *  * It is based on some old code from * And I did not bother to clean it all up. * NowCommonsReview tagger * URL: * Credits: * MGA73, ZooFari, Krinkle and Magog the Ogre * * Based on by Patstuart */(function (window, $){    window.nonfreeoldversionsreview = "0.20 (2010-06-23)";    $.when(mw.loader.using( ["mediawiki.util"] ), $.ready.promise).then(function () {        if (mw.config.get("wgNamespaceNumber") === 6) {            var actions = [                // RemoveTemplate passed                {                    fn: function (){                        var needAppend = document.editform.wpTextbox1.value;                        document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = needAppend.replace(/\n{{([Oo]rphaned non-free revisions|[Tt]ập tin có phiên bản cũ không tự do)}}/g, "");                        document.editform.wpSummary.value = "Dời bản mẫu {{Tập tin có phiên bản cũ không tự do}} ([[Thành viên:MGA73/NonFreeOldVersions.js ]]).";                        document.editform.wpMinoredit.checked = true;                        document.editform.submit();                    },                    name: "RemoveTemplateOK",                    displayName: "Remove template"                },                // DoNotReduce failed                {                    fn: function (){                        var needAppend = document.editform.wpTextbox1.value;////                        var reason = window.prompt("Reason for failed NowCommons review:","");//                        /* on cancel button, actually cancel *///                        if (reason !== null) {                            document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = needAppend.replace(/\n{{([Oo]rphaned non-free revisions|[Tt]ập tin có phiên bản cũ không tự do)}}/g, "\n{{KTD-không giảm độ phân giải}}");                            document.editform.wpSummary.value = "Template {{Orphaned non-free revisions}} replaced with {{Non-free no reduce}}.";                            document.editform.wpMinoredit.checked = true;                            document.editform.submit();//                        }                    },                    name: "DoNotReduce",                    displayName: "Replace with a do not reduce"                }            ];            // [review] link inserter//            var html;//            if (mw.config.get("wgCategories").join("|").match(/Wikipedia files reviewed on Wikimedia Commons/)){//                // This page is in a reviewed category. Dont display links.//                html = "<small>Already reviewed</small>";////            } else { // This NowCommons page isn't reviewed yet. Show links.                html = (action){                    return "[" + $("<a></a>").attr("href", mw.config.get("wgScript") + "?title=" +                            encodeURIComponent(mw.config.get("wgPageName")) + "&action=edit&functionName=" +                  [0].outerHTML + "]";                }).join(" ");//            }            $("div.nonfreeoldversions-reviewme").css("text-align", "center").html(html);            // Link/Button maker            actions.forEach(function (action){                //functionNameString, buttonDisplayName, callback                if (mw.util.getParamValue("functionName") =={                    action.fn(true);                } else {                    var _href;                    var callback;                    if (["edit", "submit"].indexOf(mw.config.get("wgAction")) > -1){                        _href = "javascript:void(0);";                        callback = action.fn;                    } else {                        _href = mw.config.get("wgScript") + "?title=" + encodeURIComponent(mw.config.get("wgPageName")) + "&action=edit&functionName=" +;                    }                    // Add buttons                    [["cactions", "ca"], ["tb", "tb"]].forEach(function (actionData) {                        var node = mw.util.addPortletLink("p-" + actionData[0], _href, action.displayName, "ca-" + actionData[1], "", null, 0);                        if (callback) {                            $(node).click(callback);                        }                    });                }            });        }    });}(window, $));//</source>