
在数学中,柔化函数(英語:mollifier)是某种特殊的光滑函数。在分布理论中,柔化函数和某个不光滑的目标函数(可以是广义的函数)的卷积将是光滑的,因此通过取一系列的柔化函数,我们可以以卷积的方式来“逼近”目标函数。直觉上,给定某个不光滑的函数,它和柔化函数卷积之后变得“柔滑”了。比如说一个有“棱角”的函数,和柔化函数的卷积将会使得“棱角”被“磨圆”,但这个卷积函数的形状仍然和原来的(广义)函数“大致”一样。最早提出柔化函数概念的数学家是Kurt Otto Friedrichs[1]




  • Friedrichs, Kurt Otto, Morawetz, Cathleen S. , 编, Selecta, Contemporary Mathematicians, Boston-Basel-Stuttgart: Birkhäuser Verlag: 427 (Vol. 1); pp. 608 (Vol. 2), 1986, ISBN 0-8176-3270-0, Zbl 0613.01020 . A selection from Friedrichs' works with a biography and commentaries of David Isaacson, Fritz John, Tosio Kato, Peter Lax, Louis Nirenberg, Wolfgag Wasow, Harold Weitzner.
  • Sobolev, Sergei L., Sur un théorème d'analyse fonctionnelle, Recueil Mathématique (Matematicheskii Sbornik), 1938, 4(46) (3): 471–497, Zbl 0022.14803 (俄语) . The paper where Sergei Sobolev proved his embedding theorem, introducing and using integral operators very similar to mollifiers, without naming them.