
This category contains Wikipedia essays — project pages on Wikipedia-related topics, but with no official status. Pages tagged with {{essay}} categorize here if they are in the Wikipedia namespace and into Category:User essays if they are in userspace. Please use more specific templates where appropriate:

Essays in the Wikipedia namespace may be edited by anyone. Essays in the User namespace are normally edited only by the user that hosts the page and are categorized with Category:User essays, usually via {{user essay}}. User essays may be moved categorically into the Wikipedia namespace and this category if they are frequently referenced, as evidenced by becoming an evolving expression of multiple editors. Wikipedia essays may be moved into userspace (or deleted) if they are found to be unhelpful or to contradict a settled point of policy.

Additional essays may be found in the WMF-wide meta:Category:Essays. For non-Wikipedia-related essays, as article topics, see Category:Essays.







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