List of European countries by population

This list of European countries by population comprises the 51 countries and 5 territories and dependencies in Europe, broadly defined, including Cyprus, Kazakhstan, Turkey, and the countries of the Caucasus.

European countries by population in 2023
  More than 100 million
  Between 30 and 100 million
  Between 10 and 30 million
  Between 3 and 10 million
  Between 1 and 3 million
  Between 0.3 and 1 million
  Less than 0.3 million

The most populous European country is Russia, with a population of over 144 million. Turkey, with a population of about 85 million, straddles both Europe and Asia, with most of its population living within its Asian part; though within its territory in Europe, some one-tenth of its population is situated.[1] Excluding Turkey, Germany is the second-most populous country on the continent, with a population of about 84 million.


The ranking here is according to the national figures, which may be estimates or somewhat out of date so the ranking of countries that are very close in population is approximate. The United Nations estimates are those published in the UN's World Population Prospects as of 2023,[2] which are based on censuses, population registers, surveys, and other statistics.[3] This list also includes the partially recognized country of Kosovo.

  European Union member states

See also

