This user uses Avast Antivirus.
This user contributes using a PC.
This user contributes while using Winamp.
This user is proud to be a nerd, although they prefer not to brag and often go(es) incognito without a pocket protector.
XThis user used Xfire with the username username.

FxThis user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
rvbThis user is a Red vs. Blue fanatic.
DonutThis user believes that it's not pink; it's lightish red!
OP8This user is from Omicron Persei VIII.
;)This user likes to wink a lot, usually by the combination of a parenthesis and semicolon, but sometimes with a pretty graphic.

This user plays games on the Wii console.
This user KNOWS that this is a lie. They just KNOW it.
CNCThis user enjoys playing any of the Command & Conquer games.


This user plays the Doom series.
This user is friends with Jasonb.
This user is friends with Nath85.