
This user is an advocate of democracy.
This user reserves the right to question authority.
This user supports recycling.
This user supports protection of the environment.
This user supports the
use of green energy.
This user supports the use of nuclear energy.
LifeThis user is Pro-Life
DualThis user uses an AMD Dual Core processor.Core
This user opposes removing guns from the civilian populace.
This user believes the First Amendment was written to protect freedom of religion, not abolish it. 
PCThis user believes political correctness was created in good intentions, but is often overused, misused, or taken way out of context.
This user finds censorship offensive.
North American UnionThis user supports the idea of a North American Union.Canada
United States of America
United Mexican States
This user wants to reform the United Nations.
This user is a proud contributor to Uncyclopedia.
This user enjoys playing Grifball.
CS:SThis user plays CS:S.
This user likes