Hi there. My userpage is currently undergoing a much-needed renovation, so apologies if it looks weird.

This user really likes Code Lyoko, and doesn't care that 90% of people call it a kids' show.

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My WikiProject Wikify Stats

  • Total articles: 4

Motto of the Day

Today's motto...
I'll be back

Nominate one today!-->

About me
This user's favourite colour is blue.
The bearer of this is a Wikipedian who shall be permitted to freely edit Wikipedia.

My time here at Wikipedia

1+1=3This user dislikes
narrow-minded behaviour.
This user understands biological evolution.

This user rejects all kinds of Marxist thinking.
This user is a civil libertarian.
This user strongly believes in freedom of speech.
LifeThis user is Pro-Life
This user is against the ban on smoking in public places.
This user supports drug policy reform; knowing that prohibition is immoral, counterproductive, illiberal and doesn't work.
   User:ChristTrekker/War On Drugs FAIL   User:ChristTrekker/War On Poverty FAIL   User:ChristTrekker/War On Terror FAIL
This user does not use drugs, but figures people should be able to use recreational drugs in their own home if they're responsible about it.
This user supports Unschooling.
This user opposes removing guns from the civilian populace.
This user opposes gun control.
This user rejects feminist dogma in all its forms.
This user believes the First Amendment was written to protect freedom of religion, not abolish it. 
This user believes if you're old enough to go to war, you're old enough to drink alcohol.
According to the World's Smallest Political Quiz, this user is* a Political Libertarian
(Personal Freedom: 100; Economic Freedom: 100).

This user believes in logic.
This user supports secessionist and autonomist groups so long as a majority of the people living within the region in question support secession or further autonomy, that it is achieved through nonviolent means only and that the minority that do not support independence are treated with respect.
