Hello! I'm SpicyCheese. I frequently visit Wikipedia as a source of knowledge for academic purposes, investigating topics, people, or objects, and sometimes for my own enjoyment. I would consider myself a huge nerd, lol.

I consider myself a general history buff, but I specialize in articles related to U.S and Bolivian politics on this site as I am a citizen of both countries. However I am not unfamiliar with general Latin American politics. I consider myself very well versed in U.S presidential and electoral history. I'm kinda proud to say that I've memorized the name of every single U.S president and the time they served since I was a kid, and recently I've practiced on memorizing every single U.S vice president who has served as well. Still don't believe I'm a nerd? :P

I consider myself a very opinionated person but I only make objective and neutral edits to pages. Usually I will make edits on pages that I feel are cluttered, unclear, or disorganized. I also aim to promote formatting consistency between articles on related topics. And that's pretty much it!


This user is interested in the history of Latin America.

This user is interested in the life and times of Julius Caesar.
This user is interested in
the life and times of
Frederick the Great.
This user is an activist.
This user reserves the right to question authority.
This user opposes Imperialism.
This user supports the rights of all people to resist colonisation and imperialism.
This user believes in the power of nonviolence.
This user strongly supports animal rights.
This user believes the world would be a better place if everyone had access to a quality, free education.
This user is an autodidact in a wide range of subjects that they never took in school or college.