Harsunan Kenya


with short description]]Kenya is a multilingual country. 

Manyan Harsunan Kenya kuda biyu, Swahili and English sune akafi amfani dasu lingua francas; duk da haka, gami da masu magana da yare na biyu, Swahili an fi jin Turanci fiye da Ingilishi.[1] Swahili shine harsunan Bantu language na asalin gabacin Afrika da turacin da aka gada daga turawa British colonial rule.


Page from the Kikuyu publication Muigwithania (1929).

According to Ethnologue, there are a total of 68 languages spoken in Kenya. This variety is a reflection of the country's diverse population that includes most major ethnoracial and linguistic groups found in Africa (see Languages of Africa).

Languages spoken locally belong to three broad language families: Niger-Congo (Bantu branch) and Nilo-Saharan (Nilotic branch), spoken by the country's Bantu, Nilotic populations and the Cushitic, Afroasiatic language family respectively. The Arab ethnic minority speak languages belonging to the separate Afroasiatic family, with the Hindustani and British residents speaking languages from the Indo-European family.[2]

Kenya's various ethnic groups typically speak their mother tongues within their own communities. The two official languages, English and Swahili, are used in varying degrees of fluency for communication with other populations. Today, English is the official language in Kenya, while Swahili enjoys the status of the national language.

British English is primarily used in Kenya. Additionally, a distinct local dialect, Kenyan English, is used by some communities and individuals in the country, and contains features unique to it that were derived from local Bantu languages such as Kiswahili and Kikuyu.[3] It has been developing since colonisation and also contains certain elements of American English. English is widely spoken in commerce, schooling and government.[4] Peri-urban and rural dwellers are less multilingual, with many in rural areas speaking only their native languages.[5]

Harsuna da Dangoginsu

Manyan Harsuna

Lord's Prayer in Swahili, a Bantu language that alongside English serves as a lingua franca for many in Kenya.

The 2019 census reports the largest communities of native speakers in Kenya as follows:

  • Bantu
    • Kikuyu 8.1 million
    • Kamba 4.7 million
    • Luhya 10 million
      • (incl. Bukusu 1.2 million)
    • Gusii 2.7 million
    • Meru 2.0 million
    • Mijikenda/Giriama ca. 1 million
  • Nilotic
    • Dholuo 5.0 million
    • Kalenjin languages 4.6 million
      • (Kipsigis 1.9 million, Nandi 940,000)
    • Maasai 1.2 (1.9 million including Tanzania)
    • Turkana 1.0 million
  • Cushitic
    • Oromo (over 48 million incl. Ethiopia)
      • Borana, 3.4 million speakers in 2010
      • Orma, 659,000 speakers in 2015
    • Somali 2.8 million (22 million incl. Ethiopia and Somalia)

kananan Harsuna

Languages spoken by the country's ethnic minorities include:

  • Afroasiatic languages
    • Cushitic[6][7]
      • Rendille, 60,000 speakers in 2015[8]
    • Semitic
      • Arabic
  • Indo-European
    • Hindi
    • English
  • Bantu
    • Swahili


External links

Samfuri:Languages of KenyaSamfuri:Kenya topicsSamfuri:Africa in topicSamfuri:English official language clickable map