Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin (Shrewsbury, Shropshire, Anglaterra le 12 de februario 1809 – Downe, Kent, Anglaterra le 19 de april 1882) esseva un naturalista e biologo anglese.

Charles Darwin
Nascentia1809-02-12 (The Mount)
Decesso1882-04-19, 1882 (Down House)
Loco de reposoAbbatia de Westminster
CitataniaUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland[*]
Educate inChrist's College[*], University of Edinburgh Medical School[*], Shrewsbury School[*], Universitate de Cambridge, University of Edinburgh[*]
Occupationgeologo[*], explorator[*], travel writer[*], ethologist[*], naturalista[*], philosopho[*], scriptor, botanista[*]
Obras notabileOn the Tendency of Species to form Varieties; and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection[*], On the Origin of Species[*], The Voyage of the Beagle[*], The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex[*], The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals[*], Insectivorous Plants[*], The Power of Movement in Plants[*], The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms[*]
ReligionAnglicanismo, agnosticismo
ConjugeEmma Darwin[*]
InfantesAnne Darwin[*], Francis Darwin[*], William Erasmus Darwin[*], Henrietta Darwin[*], George Howard Darwin[*], Leonard Darwin[*], Horace Darwin[*], Charles Waring Darwin[*], Elizabeth Darwin[*], Mary Eleanor Darwin[*]
Parentesmatre Susannah Darwin[*] patre Robert Darwin[*]
Fratres/sororesErasmus Alvey Darwin[*], Caroline Darwin[*], Marianne Darwin[*], Emily Darwin[*], Susan Darwin[*]
PremiosRoyal medal[*], Copley Medal[*], Pour le Mérite for Sciences and Arts order[*], Pour le Mérite[*], Fellow of the Linnean Society of London[*], Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society[*], Fellow of the Royal Society[*], Baly Medal[*], Fellow of the Geological Society of London[*], Bressa Prize[*], Honorary doctor of Leiden University[*], Wollaston Medal[*], Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society Te Apārangi[*]
CommonsCharles Darwin


Charles Darwin ha studiate medicina al universitate de Edinburgh, post ha studiate theologia al universitate de Cambridge. Ab le anno 1831 usque al 1836 faceva un longe viage in America del Sud in le veliero Beagle commandate per Robert Fitzroy. Le historias de su diario de viage le faceva famose como geologo.

Edition del 1859 del Origin of Species

In le anno 1859 publicava le libro On the Origin of Species (Sur le Origine del species), in iste obra habeva formulate le Theoria del evolution, multe parte del observationes continite in le libro los habeva obtenite ex le sue viage al insulas Galapagos.

Le theoria del evolution de Darwin esseva simultanee e multe simile a le theoria del naturalista Alfred Russel Wallace su amico e correspondente. Le theoria del evolution habeva provocate multe scandalo inter le scientistas contemporanee e esseva propugnate per le scientista Thomas Henry Huxley.

Per le studios que tanto occupava Darwin ipse post le publication del Origine del Species, isto es, le explication del mechanismos de animales (e de vegetales), coloration, habitos, etc., como avantagiose al specie o a su ancestres, Charles Darwin pote esser considerate de haber fundate le scientia del bionomia, e simultaneemente de haber date nove stimulo e nove direction al morpheographia, physiologia e plasmologia, per unir los como contribuentes a un doctrina biologic commun: le doctrina del evolution organic ipse sed como parte del doctrina plus large de evolution universal basate super le leges del physica e del chimia. Le resultato immediate esseva un reconstruction del classification de animales super un base genealogic, e un investigation del disveloppamento individual de animales in relation al passos de lor gradual crescimento per le division de cellulas, con un vista a obtener evidentia de lor relationes genetic.

Le discoperta del evolution

Le interesse de Darwin per le evolution nasceva quando como studiante in le universitate de Edinburgh esseva discipulo del biologo R. E. Grant que le facite cognoscer le theoria de Lamarck super le variation del species, iste theoria esseva multe debattite in illes annos e etiam esseva tractate in le obra Zoonomia del medico Erasmus Darwin (le granpatre de Charles Darwin). Le Theoria de Lamarck in synthese affirma que le species vivente pote variar in le tempore pro adaptar se al ambiente gratias a le transmission del characteres acquirite, ergo illa theoria es de facto le precursor del darwinismo etiam se la mancava de bases solide empiric, e nonobstante post on ha essite emphatisate in illa alicun aspectos negativo como le affirmation dubitabile del transmission del characteres acquirite ab le phenotypo al genotypo cosa jammais exprimite con claritate per le studiose francese Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck. Sin dubita durante su viage de exploration naturalista, Darwin interpretava le variationes del species animal per ille observate al luce del theoria de Lamarck revisionante la al necessitate, de facto Darwin per le natura del sue studios al universitate de Cambridge esseva ducite a verificar un theoria scientific vetere plus tosto que crear de illa un nova. Sol quando Darwin habeva observate le fauna del insulas Galapagos se habeva demandate pro le rationes e le causas de un tal magne variation de forma in le species animal que se evolve, e lo esseva tunc que ille videva le limite del theoria de Lamarck e initiava a elaborar un proprie theoria del evolution. Le theoria del evolution de Darwin affirma que le generation de nove species es determinate per micro variationes inter individuos del mesme specie e per le selection natural del individuos les plus adequate in le lucta pro superviver, sed ab le puncto del generation del variationes Darwin restava obscur affirmante antea que illos es debite al caso e postea que le variationes es causate per le influxo del ambiente similarmente al doctrina de Lamarck. In illes ipse annos le abbate Gregor Mendel studeva le leges del hereditate del characteres attribuente les al recombinationes del genes continite in le cellulas sexual, ma iste labor scientific esseva incognite per Darwin.

Darwin retornate ab le viage in le Beagle remaneva affectate per un maladia tropical mysteriose contrahite per le punctura de un insecto in le Ande, iste maladia le dava discargas incessante de diarrhea constringente le a un vita confinate in le sue domo, per iste facto ille habeva renunciate a un occupation stabile pro dedicar se a le scriptura del sue textos scientific, lo es etiam per iste motivo que post renunciava a defender de persona le sue opiniones in le conferentias super le evolution. In le 1838 C. Darwin habeva modo de studer le modello mathematic super la dynamica del population del statistico anglese Thomas Malthus in Essay on the principle of population (Essayo super le principio del population) que ille applicava al populationes del animales pro dar le base de un theoria jam famose a su intuition del selection natural. Darwin durante su correspondentia con su amico le botanista A. R. Wallace, le communicava certemente multe de su ideas que ille esseva a maturar. De isto Wallace publicava in 1858 un articulo que designava jam de facto le nove theoria evolutive tunc Darwin se habeva precipitate a publicar in 1859 le obra de su vita On the Origin of Species (Super le origine del species), in ultra Wallace non revindicava su prioritate del discoperta etiam si ancora hodie illa theoria es denominate formalmente con le nomines del duo evolutionistas.

Le altere obra importante de Darwin es The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex (Le descendita del homine e le selection in relation al sexo) publicate in 1871 ubi se face le affirmationes scandalose que etiam le homine es subjecto al mesme leges del evolution a cui es submisse le animales, e que la specie human derivarea ab un antique specie de simia, e que per junta le specie human se debe classificar insimul al simias intra le ordine del primates. Lo es per iste obra que hodie Charles Darwin es recordate popularmente como ille que ha dicite que le homine descende ab le simia. Le reaction del opinion public moralista e bigot non tardava a comparar facente nascer le currente del Creationismo fundate super la lectura del Biblia a cuje se opponeva scientistas como T. H. Huxley per defender le pensamento evolutive. Le disveloppamento del evolutionismo applicate al populationes human conduceva al nominate Darwinismo social ideate per le philosopho positivista anglese Herbert Spencer (e amico de C. Darwin) e per le medico e physiognomista Francis Galton (e cosino de C. Darwin), le exitos de tal doctrina deveniva un forma de racialismo e eugenetica que in illes annos se conciliava ben con le pensamento eurocentric del periodo del grande conquestas colonial. Etiam Karl Marx appreciava il darwinismo.

Obras publicate

Como un autor britannic, le majoritate de su obras esseva publicate in le lingua anglese.

  • 1835: Extracts from letters to Professor Henslow (privately printed, not for public sale)
  • 1836: A LETTER, Containing Remarks on the Moral State of TAHITI, NEW ZEALAND, &c. – BY CAPT. R. FITZROY AND C. DARWIN, ESQ. OF H.M.S. 'Beagle.'
  • 1838-43: Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle
  • 1839: Journal and Remarks (The Voyage of the Beagle)
  • 1842: The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs
  • 1844: Geological Observations of Volcanic Islands
  • 1846: Geological Observations on South America
  • 1849: Geology de A Manual of scientific enquiry; prepared for the use of Her Majesty's Navy: and adapted for travellers in general., John F.W. Herschel ed.
  • 1851: A Monograph of the Sub-class Cirripedia, with Figures of all the Species. The Lepadidae; or, Pedunculated Cirripedes.
  • 1851: A Monograph on the Fossil Lepadidae; or, Pedunculated Cirripedes of Great Britain
  • 1854: A Monograph of the Sub-class Cirripedia, with Figures of all the Species. The Balanidae (or Sessile Cirripedes); the Verrucidae, etc.
  • 1854: A Monograph on the Fossil Balanidæ and Verrucidæ of Great Britain
  • 1858: On the Tendency of Species to form Varieties; and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection (Extract from an unpublished Work on Species)
  • 1859: On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
  • 1862: On the various contrivances by which British and foreign orchids are fertilised by insects
  • 1868: Variation of Plants and Animals Under Domestication
  • 1871: The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex
  • 1872: The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals
  • 1875: Movement and Habits of Climbing Plants
  • 1875: Insectivorous Plants
  • 1876: The Effects of Cross and Self-Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom
  • 1877: The Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the Same Species
  • 1879: "Preface and 'a preliminary notice'" in Ernst Krause's Erasmus Darwin
  • 1880: The Power of Movement in Plants
  • 1881: The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms


  • 1887: Autobiography of Charles Darwin (Edited by his son Francis Darwin)
  • 1958: Autobiography of Charles Darwin (Barlow, unexpurgated)


Wikimedia Commons ha files multimedia de: Charles Darwin
  • 1887: Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, (ed. Francis Darwin)
  • 1903: More Letters of Charles Darwin, (ed. Francis Darwin e A.C. Seward)