Azumi people

People of ancient Japan


The Azumi were a clan and tribe of warriors in Japan during the Jōmon period. They are known for their culture and beliefs, which are considered one of the earliest sea religions in Japan. They lived in Northern Kyushu and were active from the early 3rd to 7th centuries. They were great sailors, and had a big navy.,[1] . They lived in an area called Chikuzen, which is now part of Fukuoka Prefecture. The Azumi people used their knowledge of tidal changes, weather patterns, and star constellations to explore and navigate the sea successfully. They followed the sea God, Watatsumi, and a powerful deity named Isora, who provided them with spiritual guidance in their daily lives.[2]

Shikaumi Jinja

Shikaumi Shrine is their ancestral shrine. The shrine is taken care of by a priest who is believed to be a descendant of the Azumi clan. The biennial gojinkosai ceremony held at the shrine is recognized as an intangible cultural property by the prefecture..[3] The shrine, incorporates a deer motif in its rituals and designs. The deer motif is significant to the Azumi people and their beliefs, and is a common feature in the historic culture of the region.[2]
