Libra (astrology)

seventh astrological sign in the present zodiac

Libra is an astrological sign, related to the constellation Libra, in the Southern Hemisphere near Scorpius and Virgo. In the tropical zodiac, the Sun meets Libra from September 23 to October 23, and in the sidereal zodiac, it ends on November 15. Libra, (The Scales of Balance), is the only symbol of the zodiac that is inanimate (it is not represented by an animal or person). The opposite sign to Libra is Aries.

Spirit of Libra

The corresponding month in the Babylonian calendar is Tišritum, made for Shamash (the Sun).


Libra's symbol, like the scales, is the only symbol in the zodiac that is not represented by an animal or person.

The Zodiac Sign of Libra


In mythology a Libra is related to the Greek Goddess of love, Aphrodite,[1] the Greek mythology Libra is also related to the Greco-Roman goddess Aphrodite/Venus and sometimes also the goddesses Eris/Discordia & Harmonia/Concordia,Dike, Themis, Hera/Juno, Ishtar, Freyja, Persephone, Frigg and Forsetti the god Xolotl.

Traditional relationships with Libra

Libra People
