Prostitution in Bangladesh

Sex work and its regulation in Bangladesh

Prostitution is legal and regulated in Bangladesh.[1] Bangladeshi prostitutes often suffer poor social conditions[2][3] and are frequently socially degraded.[4][5][6]

Legal status of prostitution across Asia.
  Decriminalization – No criminal penalties for prostitution
  Legalization – prostitution is legal and is regulated in some cases
  Abolitionism – prostitution is legal, but organized activities such as brothels and pimping are illegal; prostitution is not regulated
  Neo-abolitionism – illegal to buy sex and for 3rd party involvement, legal to sell sex
  Prohibitionism – prostitution illegal
  Legality varies with local laws

Policy and law

Prostitution is legal in Bangladesh, but the Bangladesh constitution provides that the "State shall endeavor to prevent gambling and prostitution." Various provisions of different laws prohibit child prostitution, forced prostitution, solicitation and the keeping of unlicensed brothels.

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