Google Street View

technology featured in Google Maps and Google Earth that provides panoramic views from positions along many streets in the world
(Redirected from Street view)

Google Street View is a feature that is used by Google Maps and Google Earth to show various streets throughout the world. Urban areas have the most pictures; many rural areas have none. The program was launched on May 25, 2007[1] and now has 48 countries with full or partial coverage.

One of the cars that takes the pictures for Google Street View
A man on a Google Street View bicycle
Google Street View car in Genova, Italy
Google Street View car in Portugal
Google Street View car on display in France


As of 10 August 2014

With coverage

Country or territoryYear added
 Åland Islands2010
 British Indian Ocean Territory2013
 Czech Republic2009
 Hong Kong2010
 Isle of Man2011
Midway Islands2012
 New Zealand2008
 San Marino2012
 South Africa2010
 South Korea2012
 United Arab Emirates2013
 United Kingdom2009
 United States2007

Planned coverage

Country or territoryContinent
 Cambodia (public streets)Asia
 Malaysia (public streets)Asia
 Philippines (public streets)Asia
 Austria (public streets)Europe
 Luxembourg (public streets)Europe
 Argentina (public streets)South America
Unofficially announced
 Kyrgyzstan (public streets)Asia
 Laos (public streets)Asia
 Mongolia (landmarks)Asia
 Pakistan (landmarks)Asia
 United Arab Emirates (public streets)Asia
 West BankAsia
 Faroe Islands (public streets)Europe
 Guernsey (public streets)Europe
 Montenegro (public streets)Europe
  • Countries in bold symbolize countries with full coverage.


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