Sugarcane juice

liquid extracted from sugarcane

Sugarcane juice is the liquid extracted from pressed sugarcane. Especially, in places where sugarcane is grown commercially, it is a popular drink. Today, most sugarcane comes from Southeast Asia, India, Northern Africa, and Latin America. In Spanish-speaking countries, sugarcane juice is usually called Guarapo, or guarapa. In Portugese, it is called garapa. These names can also refer to palm syrup.

A glass of Sugarcane juice. Often it is served cold, or with other ingredients.

In the United States where processed sugarcane syrup is used as a sweetener in food and beverage manufacturing, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers "evaporated cane juice" to be a misleading term for "sugar" on product labels. The FDA regards "juice" as a liquid derived from fruits or vegetables, so the preferred term is "cane sugar".

In Brazil, laboratories use sugarcane juice to make ethanol fuel.[1]

