University Health Network

hospital network in Toronto, Canada

University Health Network (UHN) is a group of hospitals in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It does research and teaches people about health. It is the biggest health research group in Canada. It got the most money for research in Canada. From 2015 to 2022, it was the best research hospital in Canada.

The group has three main hospitals. These are Toronto General Hospital, Toronto Western Hospital, and Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. It also has a place for people to get better after they are sick or hurt, called the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute. And it has a school, called The Michener Institute, where people learn about health sciences and leadership. In the year from 2019 to 2020, over 39,000 people stayed in the hospital. Almost 121,000 people went to the hospital for emergencies.


The UHN started from many hospitals joining together over time. In 1986, Toronto Western Hospital and Toronto General Hospital became one hospital, called The Toronto Hospital. In 1998, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre joined this hospital. In 1999, the hospital got the name University Health Network. In 2011, the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute joined. This helped patients get better after they were sick or hurt. All four hospitals work with the University of Toronto. They help teach doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers. In 2016, The Michener Institute joined the UHN. This school was first made in 1958. It was the first part of the UHN that wasn't a hospital.


UHN and another group, called Sinai Health System, work together on a program. This program helps patients get the right antibiotics. It also fights against diseases becoming resistant to antibiotics. The program is led by a doctor who specializes in infectious diseases. His name is Andrew Morris. He started the program in 2009.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, UHN got a grant of $323,981. The grant was from the Public Health Agency of Canada's Immunization Partnership Fund. This money was to help personal support workers and their patients get the COVID-19 vaccine.