Vedic period

ancient South Asian historical period

The Vedic period (Vedic age) c. 1500 – c. 600 BC is a period in the history of the Indian subcontinent between the end of the Indus Valley Civilization, and about c. 1200 BC.

Early Vedic culture
Late Vedic culture

It gets its name from the Vedas, which are religious texts. They contain some details of life during this period.[1] They are the main sources for understanding this period.

The Vedas were composed and orally transmitted by speakers of an Old Indo-Aryan language. They had migrated into the northwestern regions of the Indian subcontinent early in this period. The associated Vedic culture was tribal and pastoral until c. 1200 or 1100 BC, and centered in the Punjab.

The society then spread eastward to the Ganges Plain, becoming more agricultural and settled. The Vedic period saw the emergence of social classes, and developed into kingdoms known as the Janapada.[2][3] Archaeological cultures show phases of Vedic culture such as the Ochre Coloured Pottery culture, the Gandhara Grave culture, the Black and red ware culture and the Painted Grey Ware culture.[4]
