List of nearest stars and brown dwarfs

This list covers all known stars, brown dwarfs, and sub-brown dwarfs within 20 light-years (6.13 parsecs) of the Sun. So far, 131 such objects have been found. Only 22 are bright enough to be visible without a telescope, for which the star's visible light needs to reach or exceed the dimmest brightness visible to the naked eye from Earth, 6.5 apparent magnitude.[1]

Rotating 3D image of the nearest stars
Animated 3D map of the nearest stars, centered on the Sun. 3D red green glasses are recommended to view this image correctly.
A radar map of the positions and distances of all known sufficiently separate stellar objects within 9 light years (ly). Positions are marked (◆) around Sol according to their right ascension (clockwise in hours angle) and inward according to their declination, entered as lines (doted when negative) of their top-down viewed arcs between each's position and distance mark (▬). The marked distances are measured outward from the center with each ly represented by a concentric circle. For within 12 ly see this map.

The known 131 objects are bound in 94 stellar systems. Of those, 103 are main sequence stars: 80 red dwarfs and 23 "typical" stars having greater mass. Additionally, astronomers have found 6 white dwarfs (stars that have exhausted all fusible hydrogen), 21 brown dwarfs, as well as 1 sub-brown dwarf, WISE 0855−0714 (possibly a rogue planet). The closest system is Alpha Centauri, with Proxima Centauri as the closest star in that system, at 4.2465 light-years from Earth. The brightest, most massive and most luminous object among those 131 is Sirius A, which is also the brightest star in Earth's night sky; its white dwarf companion Sirius B is the hottest object among them. The largest object within the 20 light-years is Procyon.

The Solar System, and the other stars/dwarfs listed here, are currently moving within (or near) the Local Interstellar Cloud, roughly 30 light-years (9.2 pc) across. The Local Interstellar Cloud is, in turn, contained inside the Local Bubble, a cavity in the interstellar medium about 300 light-years (92.0 pc) across. It contains Ursa Major and the Hyades star cluster, among others. The Local Bubble also contains the neighboring G-Cloud, which contains the stars Alpha Centauri and Altair. In the galactic context, the Local Bubble is a small part of the Orion Arm, which contains most stars that we can see without a telescope. The Orion arm is one of the spiral arms of our Milky Way galaxy.


Stars and star systems within 12.5 ly.

The easiest way to determine stellar distance to the Sun for objects at these distances is parallax, which measures how much stars appear to move against background objects over the course of Earth's orbit around the Sun. As a parsec (parallax-second) is defined by the distance of an object that would appear to move exactly one second of arc against background objects, stars less than 5 parsecs away will have measured parallaxes of over 0.2 arcseconds, or 200 milliarcseconds. Determining past and future positions relies on accurate astrometric measurements of their parallax and total proper motions (how far they move across the sky due to their actual velocity relative to the Sun), along with spectroscopically determined radial velocities (their speed directly towards or away from us, which combined with proper motion defines their true movement through the sky relative to the Sun). Both of these measurements are subject to increasing and significant errors over very long time spans, especially over the several thousand-year time spans it takes for stars to noticeably move relative to each other.[2]

Based on results from the Gaia telescope's second data release from April 2018, an estimated 694 stars will approach the Solar System to less than 5 parsecs in the next 15 million years. Of these, 26 have a good probability to come within 1.0 parsec (3.3 light-years) and another 7 within 0.5 parsecs (1.6 light-years).[3] This number is likely much higher, due to the sheer number of stars needed to be surveyed; a star approaching the Solar System 10 million years ago, moving at a typical Sun-relative 20–200 kilometers per second, would be 600–6,000 light-years from the Sun at present day, with millions of stars closer to the Sun. The closest encounter to the Sun so far predicted is the low-mass orange dwarf star Gliese 710 / HIP 89825 with roughly 60% the mass of the Sun.[4] It is currently predicted to pass 0.1696±0.0065 ly (10635±500 au) from the Sun in 1.290±0.04 million years from the present, close enough to significantly disturb the Solar System's Oort cloud.[5]


#Visible to the unaided eye (apparent magnitude of +6.5 or brighter)
$Luminous star (absolute magnitude of +8.5 or brighter)
White dwarf
§Brown dwarf
&Sub-brown dwarf or rogue planet
*Nearest in constellation

The classes of the stars and brown dwarfs are shown in the color of their spectral types (these colors are derived from conventional names for the spectral types and do not necessarily represent the star's observed color). Many brown dwarfs are not listed by visual magnitude but are listed by near-infrared J band apparent magnitude due to how dim (and often invisible) they are in visible color bands (U, B or V). Absolute magnitude (with electromagnetic wave, 'light' band denoted in subscript) is a measurement at a 10-parsec distance across imaginary empty space devoid of all its sparse dust and gas. Some of the parallaxes and resultant distances are rough measurements.[6]

Known star systems within 20 light-years (6.13 parsecs)
(ly (±err))[7]
(Ep J2000, Eq J2000)[6]
MassMagnitude (mV[6] or mJ)Parallax

[6][note 1]
Notes and additional
SystemStar or (sub-) brown dwarfMApp.Abs.
Solar SystemSun (Sol)$0.0000158N/AN/AG2V[6]1−26.74#4.85N/Aeight recognized planets and more dwarf planets
Alpha CentauriProxima Centauri (C, V645 Centauri)4.2465
Cen*14h 29m 43.0s
−62° 40′ 46″
flare star, two confirmed planets (b, 2016, and d, 2022)[9][10] and a third disputed planet (c, 2019)[11][12]
Rigil Kentaurus (A)$4.3441
14h 39m 36.5s
−60° 50′ 02″
one directly imaged habitable-zone planet candidate (Candidate 1) (2021)
Toliman (B)$14h 39m 35.1s
−60° 50′ 14″
K1V[6]0.9091.34#5.71planet b refuted in 2015
Barnard's Star (BD+04°3561a)5.9629
Oph*17h 57m 48.5s
+04° 41′ 36″
flare star, largest-known proper motion,[14] one refuted planet (b)[15][16]
Luhman 16
(WISE 1049−5319)
Vel*10h 49m 18.9s
−53° 19′ 10″
L8±1[17]0.03210.7 J14.2 J501.557
nearest brown dwarfs
WISE 0855−0714&7.430
Hya*08h 55m 10.8s
−07° 14′ 43″
Y40.003-0.01025.0 J28.2 J439.0
sub-brown dwarf
Wolf 359 (CN Leonis)7.8558
Leo*10h 56m 29.2s
+07° 00′ 53″
flare star, has 1 candidate & 1 refuted planet[15][20]
Lalande 21185 (BD+36°2147, Gliese 411, HD 95735)8.3044
UMa*11h 03m 20.2s
+35° 58′ 12″
two known planets (2019, 2021)[21]
Alpha Canis MajorisSirius (A)$8.7094
CMa*06h 45m 08.9s
−16° 42′ 58″
brightest star in the night sky
Gliese 65 (Luyten 726–8)A (BL Ceti)8.724
Cet*01h 39m 01.3s
−17° 57′ 01″
flare star (Archetypal member)
B (UV Ceti)M6.0Ve0.10012.9915.85
Ross 154 (V1216 Sagittarii)9.7063
Sgr*18h 49m 49.4s
−23° 50′ 10″
flare star
Ross 248 (HH Andromedae)10.3057
And*23h 41m 54.7s
+44° 10′ 30″
flare star
Ran (Epsilon Eridani)$10.4749
Eri*03h 32m 55.8s
−09° 27′ 30″
three circumstellar disks,
one confirmed planet (AEgir, 2000) and one candidate (c, 2002)[23]
Lacaille 9352 (Gliese 887)10.7241
PsA*23h 05m 52.0s
−35° 51′ 11″
two planets, b and c, with equivocal evidence for a third in the habitable zone (2020)[24]
Ross 128 (FI Virginis)11.0074
Vir*11h 47m 44.4s
+00° 48′ 16″
flare star, one planet (b) (2017)[25]
EZ Aquarii
(Gliese 866, Luyten 789-6)
Aqr*22h 38m 33.4s
−15° 17′ 57″
A & B flare stars
Alpha Canis MinorisProcyon (A)$11.402
CMi*07h 39m 18.1s
+05° 13′ 30″
61 CygniA (BD+38°4343)$11.4039
Cyg*21h 06m 53.9s
+38° 44′ 58″
First star (besides Sun) to have measured distance.[29]
B flare star, with possible planet or brown dwarf.[30]
Possible circumstellar disk.
B (BD+38°4344)$21h 06m 55.3s
+38° 44′ 31″
Struve 2398
(Gliese 725, BD+59°1915)
A (HD 173739)11.4908
Dra*18h 42m 46.7s
+59° 37′ 49″
flare stars, star B has 2 candidate planets[15]
B (HD 173740)18h 42m 46.9s
+59° 37′ 37″
Groombridge 34
(Gliese 15)
A (GX Andromedae)11.6191
And00h 18m 22.9s
+44° 01′ 23″
flare star, two known planets (Ab, 2014, and Ac, 2018)[31]
B (GQ Andromedae)M3.5V[6]0.1511.0613.30flare star
DX Cancri (G 51-15)11.6797
Cnc*08h 29m 49.5s
+26° 46′ 37″
flare star
Epsilon Indi
Ind*22h 03m 21.7s
−56° 47′ 10″
one planet (Ab) (2018)[32]
Ba§22h 04m 10.5s
−56° 46′ 58″
T1.0V0.06512.3 J[33]14.5 J
Bb§T6.0V0.05013.2 J[33]15.4 J
Tau Ceti (BD−16°295)$11.9118
Cet01h 44m 04.1s
−15° 56′ 15″
one debris disk
four confirmed planets (e, f, g, and h) (2012, 2017),
four candidate planets (b, c, d, and "i") (2012, 2019)
Gliese 1061 (LHS 1565)11.9839
Hor*03h 35m 59.7s
−44° 30′ 45″
has 3 known planets (2019)[34][35][36]
YZ Ceti (LHS 138)12.1222
Cet01h 12m 30.6s
−16° 59′ 56″
flare star, three planets (b, c, and d) (2017)[37]
Luyten's Star (BD+05°1668)12.3485
CMi07h 27m 24.5s
+05° 13′ 33″
two planets (b, c) (2017)[38] and two suspected planets (d, e) (2019)[39]
Teegarden's Star (SO025300.5+165258)12.4970
Ari*02h 53m 00.9s
+16° 52′ 53″
has 2 known planets (2019)[40][41]
Kapteyn's Star (CD−45°1841)12.8308
Pic*05h 11m 40.6s
−45° 01′ 06″
two refuted planets (b and c) (2014)[42][43]
Lacaille 8760 (AX Microscopii)12.9472
Mic*21h 17m 15.3s
−38° 52′ 03″
brightest M dwarf star in night sky, flare star
SCR 1845−6357A13.0638
Pav*18h 45m 05.3s
−63° 57′ 48″
18h 45m 02.6s
−63° 57′ 52″
T6[44]0.03[6]13.3 J[33]15.3 J
Kruger 60
Cep*22h 27m 59.5s
+57° 41′ 45″
B flare star
B (DO Cephei)M4.0V[6]0.17611.4113.38
DEN 1048-395613.1932
Ant*10h 48m 14.7s
−39° 56′ 06″
Ross 614
(V577 Monocerotis, Gliese 234)
A (LHS 1849)13.363
Mon*06h 29m 23.4s
−02° 48′ 50″
A flare star
B (LHS 1850)M5.5V0.11114.2316.17
UGPS J0722-0540§13.43
Mon07h 22m 27.3s
–05° 40′ 30″
T9[6]0.010-0.02516.52 J[49]18.45 J242.8
Wolf 1061 (Gliese 628, BD−12°4523)14.0500
Oph16h 30m 18.1s
−12° 39′ 45″
three planets (b, c, and d) (2015)[52]
Van Maanen's star (Gliese 35, LHS 7)‡14.0718
Psc*00h 49m 09.9s
+05° 23′ 19″
closest-known free-floating white dwarf,
third-known white dwarf
possible debris disk (1917)
Gliese 1 (CD−37°15492)14.1747
Scl*00h 05m 24.4s
−37° 21′ 27″
M1.5 V[6]0.45-0.488.5510.35230.0970
TZ Arietis (Gliese 83.1, L 1159–16)14.5780
Ari02h 00m 13.2s
+13° 03′ 08″
flare star, has one confirmed planet (b)[53]
Wolf 424
(FL Virginis, LHS 333, Gliese 473)
Vir12h 33m 17.2s
+09° 01′ 15″
flare stars
Gliese 687 (LHS 450, BD+68°946)14.8395
Dra17h 36m 25.9s
+68° 20′ 21″
possible flare star, two planets (b) (2014)[54] and (c) (2020)[55]
Gliese 674 (LHS 449)14.8492
Ara*17h 28m 39.9s
−46° 53′ 43″
one planet (b) (2007)[56]
LHS 292 (LP 731-58)14.8706
Sex*10h 48m 12.6s
−11° 20′ 14″
flare star
Gliese 440 (WD 1142-645, LP 145-141)‡15.1226
Mus*11h 45m 42.9s
−64° 50′ 29″
Gliese 1245A (G 208-44 A)15.2001
Cyg19h 53m 54.2s
+44° 24′ 55″
flare stars
B (G 208-45)19h 53m 55.2s
+44° 24′ 56″
C (G 208-44 B)19h 53m 54.2s
+44° 24′ 55″
WISE 1741+2553§15.22
Her*17h 41m 24.2s
+25° 53′ 19″
T916.53 J18.18 J214.3
Gliese 876 (Ross 780)15.2382
Aqr22h 53m 16.7s
−14° 15′ 49″
four planets (d (2005), c (2001), b (1998), and e (2010))[58]
WISE 1639-6847§15.450
TrA*16h 39m 40.9s
−68° 47′ 46″
Y0.520.57 J22.10 J211.11
LHS 288 (Luyten 143-23)15.7586
Car10h 44m 21.2s
−61° 12′ 36″
Gliese 100215.8060
Cet00h 06m 43.8s
−07° 32′ 22″
two known planets (b & c, 2022)[60]
DEN 0255-4700§15.877
Eri02h 55m 03.7s
−47° 00′ 52″
Groombridge 1618 (Gliese 380)$15.8857
UMa10h 11m 22.1s
+49° 27′ 15″
flare star, one suspected debris disk
Gliese 412A15.9969
UMa11h 05m 28.6s
+43° 31′ 36″
B (WX Ursae Majoris)11h 05m 30.4s
+43° 31′ 18″
M5.5V[6]0.1014.4816.05flare star
AD Leonis16.1939
Leo10h 19m 36.4s
+19° 52′ 10″
flare star, 1 refuted planet (b[15] in 2020)[61]
Gliese 83216.2005
Gru*21h 33m 34.0s
−49° 00′ 32″
M1.5 V[6]0.458.6610.20201.3252
possible flare star, two planets; one confirmed (b (2008)),[62] and the other now refuted (c (2014))[63][64]
Gliese 682 (CD-44 11909)16.3328
Sco*17h 37m 03.7s
–44° 19′ 09″
M4 V0.2710.9512.45199.6944
has 2 disputed planets
Omicron2 Eridani
(40 Eridani, Gliese 166)
Keid (A)$16.3330
Eri04h 15m 16.3s
−07° 39′ 10″
K0.5 V0.844.43#5.93199.6911
has 1 known planet
B‡04h 15m 21.8s
−07° 39′ 29″
C04h 15m 21.5s
−07° 39′ 22″
M4 V0.203611.2412.74
EV Lacertae16.4761
Lac*22h 46m 49.7s
+44° 20′ 02″
M3.5 V0.3510.2211.70197.9573
record setting stellar flare observed
70 Ophiuchi (Gliese 702)A$16.7074
Oph18h 05m 27.4s
+02° 29′ 59″
K0 V0.904.21#5.66195.2166
B$18h 05m 27.5s
+02° 29′ 56″
K5 V0.706.01#7.46
Altair (Alpha Aquilae)$16.730
Aql*19h 50m 47.0s
+08° 52′ 06″
A7 IV-Vn1.790.77#2.22194.95
EI Cancri (GJ 1116, G 9-38)A16.800
Cnc08h 58m 15.2s
+19° 45′ 47″
M5.5 V0.1214.0615.50194.1443
BM V0.1014.9216.36
WISE J150649.97+702736.1§16.856
UMi*15h 06m 52.4s
+70° 27′ 25″
T613.74 J15.17 J193.5
GJ 3379 (G 99-49)16.9861
Ori*06h 00m 03.5s
+02° 42′ 24″
M3.5 V0.231211.3112.73192.0135
DENIS J081730.0-615520§17.002
Car08h 17m 30.1s
−61° 55′ 16″
T60.01513.61 J15.03 J191.8362
Gliese 445 (LHS 2459, G 254-29)17.1368
Cam*11h 47m 41.4s
+78° 41′ 28″
M3.5 V0.1410.7912.19190.3251
2MASS J15404342−510135717.3738
Nor*15h 40m 43.5s
−51° 01′ 36″
M7 V0.09015.2616.63187.7290
2MASS 0939−244817.41
Ant09h 39m 35.5s
−24° 48′ 28″
T8 V0.019–0.04815.61 J16.97 J187.3
binary brown dwarf
T8 V0.019–0.038
Gliese 3323 (LHS 1723, LP 656-38)17.5309
Eri05h 01m 57.4s
−06° 56′ 46″
M4 V0.170512.2213.57186.0466
has 2 known planets
Gliese 526 (Wolf 498, HD 119850)17.7263
Boo*13h 45m 43.8s
+14° 53′ 29″
M1 V0.288.469.78183.9962
Stein 2051 (Gliese 169.1, G 175-34)A17.9925
Cam04h 31m 11.5s
+58° 58′ 37″
M4 V0.25211.0412.33181.2730
B‡04h 31m 12.6s
+58° 58′ 41″
WISEP J111448.80-261828.2§18.20
Hya11h 14m 51.3s
−26° 18′ 24″
T7.50.029–0.04815.86 J17.12 J179.2
Gliese 251 (Wolf 294, HD 265866)18.2146
Gem*06h 54m 49.0s
+33° 16′ 05″
M3 V0.36010.0211.29179.0629
has 1 known planet
LP 816-6018.3305
Cap*20h 52m 33.0s
−16° 58′ 29″
M3.5 V0.22411.5012.75177.9312
WISE 0350−5658§18.49
Ret*03h 50m 00.3s
−56° 58′ 30″
Y122.47 J23.70 J176.4
WISEA J183537.82+325945.418.5534
Lyr*18h 35m 37.9s
+32° 59′ 55″
M8.5 V0.05318.2719.50175.7930
Gliese 205 (Wolf 1453, HD 36395)18.6042
Ori05h 31m 27.4s
−03° 40′ 38″
M1 V0.5567.959.17175.3131
has 2 candidate planets
WISE J041521.21-093500.6§18.62
Eri04h 15m 19.5s
−09° 35′ 07″
T80.0315.34 J16.56 J175.2
Gliese 229 (HD 42581)A18.7906
Lep*06h 10m 34.6s
−21° 51′ 53″
M1.5 V0.5798.149.34173.5740
has 2 known planets
T6 V0.05814.01 J15.21 J
Alsafi (Sigma Draconis)$18.7993
Dra19h 32m 21.6s
+69° 39′ 40″
G9 V0.854.67#5.87173.4939
Ross 47 (Gliese 213)18.8883
Ori05h 42m 09.3s
+12° 29′ 21″
M4 V0.3511.5712.76172.6762
Gliese 570
(Lalande 27173, 33 G. Librae)
Lib*14h 57m 28.0s
−21° 24′ 56″
K4 V0.8025.64#6.79169.8843
BM1.5 V0.558.309.45
T7.50.0515.32 J16.47 J
Gliese 693 (Luyten 205–128)19.2078
Pav17h 46m 32.4s
−57° 19′ 09″
M3 V0.2610.7611.91169.8042
Gliese 754 (Luyten 347–14)19.2724
Tel*19h 20m 48.0s
−45° 33′ 30″
M4 V0.17312.2313.37169.2351
has 1 candidate planet
Gliese 908 (Lalande 46650, BR Piscium)19.2745
Psc23h 49m 12.5s
+02° 24′ 04″
M1 V0.378.9810.12169.2163
Gliese 752 (Wolf 1055, HD 180617)A19.2922
Aql19h 16m 55.3s
+05° 10′ 08″
M2.5 V0.469.1010.24169.0615
has 1 known planet
B (VB 10)19h 16m 57.6s
+05° 09′ 02″
M8 V0.07517.4518.59very small and very dim red dwarf
Gliese 588 (CD-40 9712)19.2996
Lup*15h 32m 12.9s
−41° 16′ 32″
M2.5 V0.439.3110.45168.9965
has 2 candidate planets
Eta Cassiopeiae (Gliese 34)Achird (A)$19.3314
Cas*00h 49m 06.3s
+57° 48′ 55″
G3 V0.9723.46#4.60168.7186
BK7 V0.577.518.65
36 Ophiuchi (Gliese 663)Guniibuu (A)$19.4185
Oph17h 15m 20.9s
−26° 36′ 09″
K1.5 V0.855.07#6.20167.9617
B$17h 15m 21.0s
−26° 36′ 10″
K1 V0.855.08#6.21
C$17h 16m 13.4s
−26° 32′ 46″
K5 V0.716.32#7.45
YZ Canis Minoris (Ross 882, Gliese 285)19.5330
CMi07h 44m 40.2s
+03° 33′ 09″
M4 V0.30811.1912.30166.9769
WISE 1541−2250§19.54
Lib15h 41m 51.6s
−22° 50′ 25″
Y0.50.01120.99 J22.10 J166.9
GJ 1005 (Luyten 722-22, G 158-50)A19.577
Cet00h 15m 28.1s
−16° 08′ 02″
M3.5 V0.17911.6012.71166.6
distance uncertain: 16.28±0.75, 17.91±0.67, 17.0±1.5, 16.26±0.76, 17.26, 19.695±0.095 ly
BM V0.11214.0215.13
HR 7703 (279 G. Sagittarii, HD 191408, Gliese 783, IRAS 20079-3614)A$19.609
Sgr20h 11m 11.93s
–36° 06′ 04″
K2.5 V0.655.31#6.41166.3272
BM4 V0.2411.5012.60
82 G. Eridani (e Eridani, Gliese 139, HD 20794)$19.7045
Eri03h 19m 55.7s
−43° 04′ 11″
G8 V0.704.26#5.35165.5242
has 3 confirmed planets, 3 candidate planets, hot and cold dust disks
Gliese 268 (Ross 986, QY Aurigae)A19.7414
Aur*07h 10m 01.8s
38° 31′ 46″
M4.5 V0.22612.0513.14165.2147
BM V0.19212.4513.54
Delta Pavonis$19.893
Pav20h 08m 43.6s
−66° 10′ 55″
G8 IV1.0513.55#4.62163.9544
has 1 candidate planet
Psc01h 36m 56.5s
+09° 33′ 47″
T2.50.01213.25 J14.32 J163.4478
rogue planet, 12.7 MJ
2MASS 0937+2931§19.96
Leo09h 37m 34.9s
29° 31′ 41″
T70.04014.65 J15.71 J163.39
SystemStar or (sub-) brown dwarfDistance
(ly (±err))[7]
(Ep J2000, Eq J2000)[6]

[6][note 1]
Notes and additional
DesignationMagnitude (mV[6] or mJ)

Distant future and past encounters

Distances of the nearest stars from 20,000 years ago until 80,000 years in the future
Visualisation of the orbit of the Sun (yellow dot and white curve) around the Galactic Centre (GC) in the last galactic year. The red dots correspond to the positions of the stars studied by the European Southern Observatory in a monitoring programme.[71]

Over long periods of time, the slow independent motion of stars change in both relative position and in their distance from the observer. This can cause other currently distant stars to fall within a stated range, which may be readily calculated and predicted using accurate astrometric measurements of parallax and total proper motions, along with spectroscopically determined radial velocities. Although predictions can be extrapolated back into the past or forward into the future, they are subject to increasing significant cumulative errors over very long periods.[2] Inaccuracies of these measured parameters make determining the true minimum distances of any encountering stars or brown dwarfs fairly difficult.[72]

One of the first stars known to approach the Sun particularly close is Gliese 710. The star, whose mass is roughly half that of the Sun, is currently 62 light-years from the Solar System. It was first noticed in 1999 using data from the Hipparcos satellite, and was estimated will pass less than 1.3 light-years (0.40 pc) from the Sun in 1.4 million years.[73] With the release of Gaia's observations of the star, it has since been refined to a much closer 0.178 light-years (0.055 pc), close enough to significantly disturb objects in the Oort cloud, which extends out to 1.2 light-years (0.37 pc) from the Sun.[74]

Gaia's third data release has provided updated values for many of the candidates in the table below.[75][76][77][78]

Stars that are known to have passed or will pass within 5 light-years of the Sun in the past or future[79][80][81]
Star nameHIP
Minimum distance
Date of approach
in thousands of years
Current distance
Stellar classificationMass in MCurrent
apparent magnitude
Current ConstellationCurrent
Right ascension
Gliese 710898250.167±0.0121296+24
62.248±0.020K7V0.4–0.69.6Serpens18h 19m 50.843s−01° 56′ 18.98″
HD 7977N/A0.478+0.104
246.74±0.60G0V~1.29.04Cassiopeia01h 20m 31.597s+61° 52′ 57.08″
Scholz's Star and companion brown dwarfN/A0.82+0.37
−78.5±0.722.2±0.2A: M9V
B: T5
A: 0.095
B: 0.063
18.3Monoceros07h 20m 03.20s−08° 46′ 51.2″
2MASS J0628+1845N/A1.61+0.28
272.28±0.80M2.5V0.2816.2Gemini06h 28m 11.593s+18° 45′ 12.91″
2MASS J0805+4624N/A1.610+0.099
238.1±1.0M3V0.2517.0Lynx08h 05m 29.038s+46° 24′ 51.78″
CD-69 2001N/A1.616+0.070
−1907±10332.61±0.55K4V0.6111.13Indus21h 40m 31.514s−69° 25′ 14.58″
HD 49995N/A1.70+0.23
439.74±0.59A: F3V
B: M1V
A: 1.48
B: 0.49
8.78Canis Major06h 50m 20.810s−18° 37′ 30.58″
2MASS J0621-0101N/A1.71+0.46
428.8±3.1G5V0.9611.9Orion06h 21m 34.807s−01° 01′ 55.01″
LSPM J2146+3813N/A1.8557±0.004884.59±0.1922.9858±0.0034M5V~0.1510.82Cygnus21h 46m 22.285s+38° 13′ 03.12″
2MASS J0455+1144N/A1.94+0.16
349.50±0.80M0V0.5015.3Orion04h 55m 21.427s+11° 44′ 41.25″
2MASS J0734-0637N/A1.950±0.021−554.6±3.3130.66±0.12M0V0.5012.9Monoceros07h 34m 39.097s−06° 37′ 12.21″
2MASS J1151-0313N/A1.98+0.20
125.88±0.41M3.5V0.2315.3Virgo11h 51m 37.434s−03° 13′ 45.24″
UCAC4 076–006432N/A2.042+0.034
212.41±0.15mid K~0.612.69Mensa06h 34m 29.385s−74° 49′ 47.12″
2MASS J0120+4739N/A2.25+0.17
237.56±0.66M3.5V0.2516.5Andromeda01h 20m 04.561s+47° 39′ 46.56″
TYC 6760–1510–1N/A2.46+0.19
102.89±0.16M1.5V0.5811.5Hydra15h 00m 09.536s−29° 05′ 27.67″
UCAC2 15719371N/A2.46±0.10−4282+70
280.80±0.26K4V0.6612.58Antlia09h 44m 09.884s−37° 45′ 31.09″
TYC 1662–1962–1N/A2.637+0.055
286.51±0.40Early K~0.810.95Vulpecula21h 14m 32.911s+21° 53′ 32.76″
HD 179939945122.65±0.173020±25334.32±0.88A3V1.77.23Aquila19h 14m 10.043s+07° 45′ 50.72″
BD-21 1529N/A2.701+0.059
−1660.1±6.3368.48±0.56G5V~0.959.67Canis Major06h 37m 48.004s−21° 22′ 21.94″
2MASS J1310-1307N/A2.79+0.59
433.0±2.6M2.5V0.3416.3Virgo13h 10m 30.804s−13° 07′ 33.55″
UPM J1121-5549N/A2.803±0.020−282.5+1.6
72.498±0.029M3V0.2913.5Centaurus11h 21m 18.136s−55° 49′ 17.77″
UCAC4 464–006057N/A2.812+0.052
932±11101.570±0.086Early M~0.411.73Taurus04h 09m 02.050s+02° 45′ 38.32″
UCAC4 213–008644N/A2.91+0.13
80.987±0.048M5.00.1716.4Puppis06h 21m 54.714s−47° 25′ 31.33″
Gliese 3649N/A3.016±0.024−520.4±3.154.435±0.023M10.4910.85Leo11h 12m 38.97s+18° 56′ 05.4″
Ross 248N/A3.0446±0.007738.500±0.09610.3057±0.0014M6V0.13612.29Andromeda23h 41m 54.99s+44° 10′ 40.8″
2MASS J1921-1244N/A3.08+0.21
376.46±0.73K6V0.6912.46Sagittarius19h 21m 58.124s−12° 43′ 58.61″
Proxima Centauri708903.123±0.01528.65±0.274.24646±0.00028M5Ve0.1511.05Centaurus14h 29m 42.949s−62° 40′ 46.14″
TYC 9387–2515–1N/A3.220+0.081
401.96±0.54K1V0.8611.45Mensa06h 18m 54.643s−80° 19′ 16.54″
Alpha Centauri ABA: 71683
B: 71685
4.321±0.024A: G2V
B: K1V
A: 1.100
B: 0.907[82]
A: -0.01
B: +1.33
Centaurus14h 39m 36.495s−60° 50′ 02.31″
Gliese 445575443.3400±0.005146.341±0.06517.1368±0.0017M40.15?10.8Camelopardalis11h 47m 41.377s+78° 41′ 28.18″
2MASS J1638-6355N/A3.37+0.29
468.5±4.2K2V0.8212.44Triangulum Australe16h 38m 21.759s−63° 55′ 13.16″
2MASS J0542+3217N/A3.43+0.75
884.6±2.4A: G4V
B: K0V
A: 1.01
B: 0.85
12.80Auriga05h 42m 38.349s+32° 17′ 29.85″
2MASS J0625-2408N/A3.700+0.082
−1874±14534.88±0.93K/M~0.512.91Canis Major06h 25m 42.744s−24° 08′ 35.02″
Barnard's Star879373.7682±0.003111.735±0.0135.96290±0.00044sdM40.1449.54Ophiuchus17h 57m 48.498s+04° 41′ 36.25″
BD+05 1792N/A3.965±0.040−962.7±3.0239.73±0.33G2V1.078.58Gemini07h 48m 07.037s+05° 27′ 22.51″
2MASS J2241-2759N/A4.05±0.16−2810+37
411.06±0.76K7V~0.512.28Piscis Austrinus22h 41m 50.996s−27° 59′ 47.04″
2MASS J1724-0522N/A4.15+0.26
489.5±1.3K0V0.8612.73Ophiuchus17h 24m 55.056s−05° 22′ 11.45″
StKM 1–554N/A4.217+0.036
151.97±0.19M0V0.6512.17Orion05h 14m 01.871s+05° 22′ 56.26″
Gliese 3379N/A4.227±0.024−157.43+0.93
16.9861±0.0027M3.5V0.1911.31Orion06h 00m 03.824s+02° 42′ 22.97″
2MASS J1936+3627N/A4.23+0.62
671.6±3.4G5.5V0.9512.2Cygnus19h 36m 57.294s+36° 27′ 57.71″
2MASS J0710+5228N/A4.303±0.039507.6+3.8
90.949±0.050M3V0.3312.52Lynx07h 10m 52.167s+52° 28′ 18.49″
HD 146248N/A4.341+0.040
−1141.5±3.7334.87±0.47G2/3IV1.239.47Triangulum Australe16h 19m 27.875s−64° 50′ 34.38″
2MASS J1724+0355N/A4.37±0.121991+38
254.99±0.26G8V0.8512.54Ophiuchus17h 24m 34.633s+03° 55′ 26.75″
StKM 1–1456N/A4.396±0.0431240.2+6.9
144.934±0.095A: K5V
B: M8V
A: 0.81
B: 0.09
10.58Hercules17h 17m 31.118s+15° 34′ 55.35″
Zeta Leporis272884.43+0.33
72.81±0.40A2Vann2.03.55Lepus05h 46m 57.341s−14° 49′ 19.02″
Lalande 21185540354.6807±0.005521.973±0.0338.30437±0.00068M2V0.397.52Ursa Major11h 03m 20.194s+35° 58′ 11.55″
HD 68814403174.724+0.090
−2242±13259.85±0.30G6V0.989.57Hydra08h 13m 57.112s−04° 03′ 12.56″
2MASS J1941-4602N/A4.814+0.050
66.848±0.033M4-M6~0.1512.4Telescopium19h 41m 53.18s−46° 02′ 31.4″
Schematic view to scale of past and future close approaches of stars to the Sun (Up to 4.5 light-years)

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