
ସୂଚନା: ବଦଳଗୁଡ଼ିକ ଦେଖିବା ପାଇଁ ଆପଣଙ୍କୁ ହୁଏତ ନିଜ ବ୍ରାଉଜର କ୍ୟାସ ବାଇପାସ କରିବାକୁ ପଡ଼ିପାରେ ।

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/** Sort iw-links according to a preference table *******************************************  * *  First revision was imported from http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Interwiki-links.js *  Original description [[:no:Wikipedia:Sortering av interwiki-lenker]] * */appendCSS('.iw-focus {font-weight: bold} .iw-babel {font-style: italic}')var wgDebugIWlang;var wgUseUserlanguage;var wgAddLangHints;var wgInterwikiDone = false;var wgDefaultLangPrefs = []; // make sure we in fact has a arrayvar wgLangPrefs;if (typeof wgLangPrefs == 'undefined') wgLangPrefs = Array();wgLangPrefs.push(wgUserLanguage); // choose and adjust lists for prefered languagesif (mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {    wgLangPrefs = wgLangPrefs;}else {    wgLangPrefs = wgDefaultLangPrefs;}var wgLangIWlinks = Object();for (i=0;i<wgLangPrefs.length;i++) {    wgLangPrefs[wgLangPrefs[i]] = 1;    wgLangIWlinks["interwiki-" + wgLangPrefs[i]] = 1;} // get data structures for naming and sorting of languages// this will block any languages that isn't definedvar wgLanguages = { 'ne' : true, 'or' : true };if ( mw.config.get('wgUserName') == null ? wgUserLanguage != mw.config.get('wgContentLanguage') : true ) {    if ( wgLanguages[ wgUserLanguage ] )        importScript('MediaWiki:User-lang-' + wgUserLanguage + '.js');}var wgLangNames;if ( typeof wgLangNames != 'object' ) wgLangNames = Object();  function sortIWlinks(a,b){   try {      return wgLangNames[ wgUserLanguage ][ a.className.split(' ')[0] ][ 1 ] - wgLangNames[ wgUserLanguage ][ b.className.split(' ')[0] ][ 1 ];    }    catch (e) {        /* just skip this if its happens to fail, but then the link might be placed a bit random */    }} $( function () {    if (wgInterwikiDone) return;    wgInterwikiDone = true;    if ( typeof wgDebugIWlang != 'undefined' && wgDebugIWlang ) return; // bail out for debugging     // reorganize wgLangNames so we can use it for sorting    var j = 0;    var ta = Array();    for (x in wgLangNames[ wgUserLanguage ]) {        ta.push(x);    }    for (i=0;i<ta.length;i++) {        wgLangNames[ wgUserLanguage ][ 'interwiki-' + ta[i] ] = [ wgLangNames[ wgUserLanguage ][ ta[i] ], j ];        wgLangNames[ wgUserLanguage ][ ta[i] ] = [ wgLangNames[ wgUserLanguage ][ ta[i] ], j ];        j++    }     // if we don't have anything from wgLangNames we give up    if (!j) return;     // locate iw-links, and the container    var container = document.getElementById("p-lang");    if (!container) return;    var ul = container.getElementsByTagName("ul");    if (!ul) return;    if (ul.length != 1) return;    ul = ul[0];    var c = container.getElementsByTagName("li");    if (!c) return;     // loop over the iw-links, translate names and    // separate those we know how to sort from the rest    // and add babel links    var childs = Array();    var keeps = Array();    var adds = Array();    for (i=0;i<c.length;i++) {        if (wgLangNames) {            var s = c[ i ].className.split(' ')[0];            if (0>s.indexOf('interwiki-')) continue;            s = s.replace(/^.*?interwiki-/, '');            s = s.replace(/\s.*$/, '');            var a = c[ i ].getElementsByTagName("a");            // localize language names            try {                if ( typeof wgUseUserLanguage != 'undefined' && wgUseUserLanguage                     && typeof wgLangNames[ wgUserLanguage ] != 'undefined' ) {                    if ( typeof wgLangNames[ wgUserLanguage ][ s ] != 'undefined'                         && typeof wgLangNames[ wgUserLanguage ][ s ][ 0 ] == 'string' ) {                        if (a.length) a[0].innerHTML = wgLangNames[ wgUserLanguage ][ s ][ 0 ];                    }                }            }            catch (e) { /* just skip this */ }                        // add hints for language names            try {                if ( typeof wgAddLangHints != 'undefined' && wgAddLangHints                     && typeof wgLangNames[ wgUserLanguage ] != 'undefined' ) {                    if ( typeof wgLangNames[ wgUserLanguage ][ s ] != 'undefined'                         && typeof wgLangNames[ wgUserLanguage ][ s ][ 0 ] == 'string' ) {                        //c[ i ].setAttribute( 'title', wgLangNames[ wgUserLanguage ][ s ][ 0 ] );                        a[0].setAttribute( 'title', wgLangNames[ wgUserLanguage ][ s ][ 0 ] + ' — ' + decodeURIComponent(a[0].getAttribute('href').replace(/^.*?\/wiki\/(.*)$/, '$1')).replace(/_/g, ' '));                    }                }            }                        catch (e) { /* just skip this */ }                                    // check if we have any odd link}            try {                if ( typeof wgUseUserLanguage != 'undefined' && wgUseUserLanguage                     && typeof wgLangNames[ wgUserLanguage ][ s ] != 'undefined'                     && typeof wgLangNames[ wgUserLanguage ][ s ][ 1 ] == 'number' ) {                    childs.push(c[ i ]);                    //wgLangNames[ c[ i ].className ] = wgLangNames[ wgUserLanguage ][ s ];                }                else {              adds.push(c[ i ]);                }            }            catch (e) { /* just skip this */ }        }        else {      childs.push(c[ i ]);        }    }     // sort the childs according to definitions used by sortIWlinks    if ( typeof wgUseUserLanguage != 'undefined' && wgUseUserLanguage         && typeof wgLangNames[ wgUserLanguage ] != 'undefined' ) {        childs = childs.sort(sortIWlinks);    }     // reinsert those we didn't know how to sort into the list of children    for (i=0;i<adds.length;i++) {      childs.push(adds[ i ]);    }     // move one block to the top    try {        // separate out those that shall be moved to the top        for (i=0;i<childs.length;i++) {            // the following test fails if there are several classes for the actual child            if ( typeof wgLangIWlinks[ childs[i].className.split(' ')[0] ] != 'undefined' && wgLangIWlinks[ childs[i].className.split(' ')[0] ]) {                keeps.push(childs[i]);            }        }         // reorganize the list of children        var n = childs.length;        for (i=childs.length-1;i>=0;i--) {            if ( typeof wgLangIWlinks[ childs[i].className.split(' ')[0] ] != 'undefined' && wgLangIWlinks[ childs[i].className.split(' ')[0] ] ) {                childs[i].className += ' iw-focus';            }            else {                keeps[--n] = childs[i];            }        }    }    catch (e) { /* just skip this */ }     // remove all existing children and reinsert from our own list    if (keeps.length) {        var child;        while (child = ul.firstChild) {            ul.removeChild(child);        }        for (i=0;i<keeps.length;i++) {            ul.appendChild(keeps[i]);        }    }    // }    // catch (e) { /* just skip this */ }});