Wikipedija diskusija:Projekt za předłohi

Letzter Kommentar: před 10 lětami von Tgr (WMF) in Abschnitt Please help making image templates machine-readable

Tuta diskusijna strona projekta słuži prašenjam na sobudźěłarjow projekta Projekt za předłohi.

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Please help making image templates machine-readable

Hi all,

you are getting this message because Media Viewer has been released, or will soon be released, to your wiki.MediaViewer relies on machine-readable templates to display image information such as description, author or license; other tools will probably follow soon.We need your help in ensuring that local license templates and the local equivalent of commons:Template:Information are machine-readable.The process of marking up templates is described at mw:Multimedia/Media Viewer/Template compatibility.If MediaViewer was not released on this wiki yet, you can enable it for testing under Preferences > Beta features.We are happy to answer any question, but do not have the means to follow each page where this message is sent, so please reply at mw:Talk:Multimedia/Media Viewer or my talk page. Thanks!

(If you are a tool author and interested in using machine-readable template data, check out mw:Extension:CommonsMetadata#Usage.)

--Tgr (WMF) (talk) 4. meje 2014, 20:08 (CEST)

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