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Gangi þér vel!

--Cessator 19:04, 20 febrúar 2007 (UTC)

Don't speak Icelandic? Post {{user is-0}} on your user page or put it into your Babel box.


Hi. I was wondering, in stead of writing just small stubs, we rely need more then that for an article. I know that you don't write Icelandic, but at Wikipedia:Stubbur it is explained that stubs need to be at least a few sentanses. Sometimes a "one liner" is a good head start for other contributors. But when you write so many stubs with just one line, it's to much for a small comunity of contributors like here to keep up. I hope you understand. --Steinninn 18:39, 9 júlí 2007 (UTC)

I understand. I am just learning Icelandic so I write only stubs. But I will try to improve them. I hope that I'm helpful here. Ikkefast 20:32, 9 júlí 2007 (UTC)
Witaj, i tak of course your helpful here Ikkefast, your intentions are bettering our wikipedia and we see that! :) Just the rules can differ from wiki to wiki. Keep up the good work! Dziekuje! --Játi 21:55, 9 júlí 2007 (UTC)

Opinber vefsíðan

Dzien dobry. For future reference, Opinber vefsíða means Official website. Please ask someone with Icelandic knowledge for a translation on their spjall or in the embassy page rather then placing English on the mainspace, since it is technically forever in the breytingaskrá. Thanks. --Játi 21:07, 11 júlí 2007 (UTC)

Dzień dobry. I still try to improve my Icelandic and my stubs, but I also found Official website in the article Victor Hugo. That's why I didn't translate it. I will be more carefull. Ikkefast 13:57, 12 júlí 2007 (UTC)
I'd say the biggest problem is not that it will stay in "breytingaskrá" forever, but that sometimes it stays in the actual article for a long time. We were lucky with the Madonna article that Játi changed it quickly. And remember, Be Bold. --Steinninn 14:13, 12 júlí 2007 (UTC)

Notandanafni þínu verður breytt

18. mars 2015 kl. 02:18 (UTC)


19. apríl 2015 kl. 08:59 (UTC)