
Fascism is a radical authoritarian naitionalist poleetical ideology.[1][2] Fascists seek tae rejuvenate thair naition based on commitment tae the naitional community as an organic entity, in which individuals are bund thegither in naitional identity bi suprapersonal connections o ancestry, cultur, an bluid.[3] Tae achieve this, fascists purge forces, ideas, fowk, an seestems deemed tae be the cause o decadence an degeneration.[3] Fascists advocate the creation o a totalitarian single-pairty state that seeks the mass mobilization o a naition throu indoctrination, pheesical education, discipline an faimily policy (sic as eugenics).[4][5] That state is led bi a supreme leader who exercises a dictatorship ower the fascist muivement, the government an ither state institutions.[6] Fascist governments forbid an suppress opposition.[7]
