
subspecies o the Canidæ faimily, frequently kept as a pet

The domestic dug (Canis lupus familiaris or Canis familiaris) is a usually furry, carnivorous[5][6][7] canid carnivoran mammal. The dug, thit is sib tae the wouf, wis the first domesticatit beast[8][9] an haes been widely kept as a wirkin, huntin, an pet companion. It is estimatit thare are atween 700 million an ane billion domestic dugs, makin them the maist abundant member o order Carnivora.[10][11]

Domestic dugs
Temporal range: At least 14,200 years aby – present[2]
Selection o the different breeds o dug
Conservation status
Scientific classification e
Species:C. lupus
Subspecies:C. l. familiaris[1]
Trinomial name
Canis lupus familiaris[1]
Linnaeus, 1758

Canis familiaris Linnaeus, 1758[3][4]

Their lang association wi humans haes led dugs tae be uniquely attuned tae human behaviour[12] an thay are able tae thrive on a stairch-rich diet that wad be inadequate for ither canid species.[13] New resairch seems tae shaw that dugs hae mutations tae equivalent genetic regions in humans whaur chynges are kent tae trigger heich sociability an somewhit reduced intelligence.[14][15] Dugs vary widely in shape, size an colours.[16] Dugs perform mony roles for fowk, sic as huntin, herdin, pullin laids, pertection, assistin polis an militar, companionship an, mair recently, aidin handicapped individuals an therapeutic roles. This influence on human society haes gien them the sobriquet "man's best friend".
