
如釋冰Let It Go,《冰雪奇緣》之曲也。克莉絲汀·安德森、羅培茲 勞勃·羅培茲為詞曲,女優伶伊迪娜·曼佐,為女旦,名艾莎Elsa作聲,唱歌。佈於癸巳年十一月廿五。《冰雪奇緣》,華特迪士尼動畫社之作品也。文言譯《如釋冰》、許曉雲唱之。


The snow glows white on the mountain tonight霜輒夜白,日暮盡蒼生遠。

Not a footprint to be seen獨遊偶影江水寒。

A kingdom of isolation山門內外蜃城孑然。

And it looks like I m the queen王於冰雪定蕭山。

The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside風掣千刃,寒嘯千載,慰我心安。

Couldn t keep it in, heaven knows I ve tried身得托滄海,血以薦軒轅。

Don t let them in, don t let them see勿近勿探,陰翳猶在。

Be the good girl you always have to be綱禮持之,也堪念存心善。

Conceal, don t feel, don t let them know昨日無常,今時無往,

Well, now they know然,盡矣說。

Let it go, let it go我如風,任去留。

Can t hold it back anymore休將鴻鵠比伏囚。

Let it go, let it go我如虹,任天闊。

Turn away and slam the door;且聽狂瀾度三秋。

I don t care what they re going to say毋言多,不敢同苟合。

Let the storm rage on一霰風攤破。

The cold never bothered me anyway唯我,敢挑隻身赴寒流。

It s funny how some distance makes everything seem small啼笑遠煙皆邈末,屋舍儼若蟻螻。

And the fears that once controlled me can t get to me at all時維往矣不勝惶恐,今非彼可製我。

It s time to see what I can do.To test the limits and break through適於旦夕,何以為兮。假我之力,驚剎天地。

No right, no wrong, no rules for me誰是誰非,方圓無稽。

I m free肆意行。

Let it go, let it go我如風,任去留。

I am one with the wind and sky浩蕩中天氣無咎。

Let it go, let it go我如虹,任天闊。

You ll never see me cry初晴乍逢霽雨後。

Here I stand and here I ll stay駕寒宮,劃地為樓,

Let the storm rage on不懼風蕭索。

My power flurries through the air into the ground力拔千鈞氣貫地,聚息攝魄冰。

My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around靈動珠齏騰霜起,重於游絲輕於絮。

And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast花晶盤鬱擷綺思,玉宇觀飛驚。

I m never going back, the past is in the past過眼翻覆往昔,何必執於歸去。

Let it go, let it go我如風,任去留。

And I ll rise like the break of dawn願化羲和驅夜魔。

Let it go, let it go我如虹,任天闊。That perfect girl is gone無暇過隙便無踪。

Here I stand in the light of day駕寒宮,向陽高聳。

Let the storm rage on一霰風攤破。

The cold never bothered me anyway唯我,敢挑隻身赴寒流。
