
Kalsium mangrupa unsur kimiawi na tabel periodik nu lambangna Ca sarta wilangan atom 20. Kalsium is a soft grey alkaline earth metal nu dipaké salaku agén pangréduksi na ékstraksi thorium, zirconium, jeung uranium. Unsur ieu ogé mangrupa unsur kalima nu paling ngaleuyah na kulit Marcapada. Penting pikeun organisme hirup, utamana dina fisiologi sél.



Tabél Periodik - Tabél Periodik Euyeub
Ngaran, Lambang, NomerKalsium, Ca, 20
Dérét kimialogam alkali taneuh
Golongan, Periode, Blok2, 4, s
Warnabodas semu pérak
Beurat atom baku40.078(4)  g·mol−1
Konfigurasi éléktron[Ar] 4s2
Éléktron per cangkang2, 8, 8, 2
Pasipatan fisik
Dénsitas (dina h.r.)1.55 g/cm³
Dénsitas cairan dina t.l.1.378 g/cm³
Titik lééh1115 K
(842 °C, 1548 °F)
Titik golak1757 K
(1484 °C, 2703 °F)
Panas fusi8.54  kJ·mol−1
Panas panguapan154.7  kJ·mol−1
Kapasitas panas(25 °C) 25.929  J·mol−1·K−1
Tekanan uap
P(Pa)1101001 k10 k100 k
at T(K)8649561071122714431755
Pasipatan atom
Struktur kristalkubus museur beungeut
Wilangan oksidasi2
(oksida basa kuat)
Éléktronégativitas1.00 (skala Pauling)
Énergi ionisasi
1st: 589.8 kJ/mol
2nd: 1145.4 kJ/mol
3rd: 4912.4 kJ/mol
Radius atom180  pm
Radius atom (itung.)194  pm
Radius kovalén174  pm
Susunan magnétikparamagnétik
Résistivitas listrik(20 °C) 33.6 nΩ·m
Konduktivitas panas(300 K) 201  W·m−1·K−1
Ékspansi panas(25 °C) 22.3 µm/(m·K)
Laju sora (pelat ipis)(20 °C) 3810 m/s
Modulus Young20 GPa
Modulus Shear7.4 GPa
Modulus Bulk17 GPa
Nisbah Poisson0.31
Kateuasan Mohs1.75
Kateuasan Brinell167 MPa
Nomer régister CAS7440-70-2
Isotop penting
Artikel utama: Isotop kalsium
isoKAumur-nyatengahURÉU (MeV)HU
40Ca96.941%Ca stabil ngandung 20 neutron
41Casyn1.03×105 yε-41K
42Ca0.647%Ca stabil ngandung 22 neutron
43Ca0.135%Ca stabil ngandung 23 neutron
44Ca2.086%Ca stabil ngandung 24 neutron
45Casyn162.7 dβ-0.25845Sc
46Ca0.004%>2.8×1015 yβ-β-?46Ti
47Casyn4.536 dβ-0.694, 1.9947Sc
48Ca0.187%>4×1019 yβ-β-?48Ti

Ciri penting

Kalsium téh unsur teuas nu dimurnikeun ku jalan éléktrolisis kalsium fluorida, nu mun kaduruk seuneuna konéng-héjo, sarta ngabentuk nitrida bodas mun keuna ku udara. Dina cai, kalsium bakal jadi kalsium hidroksida.


Kalsium téh salah sahiji komponén penting katuangan, kurang asupanana bisa ngabalukarkeun gangguan formasi tulang jeung huntu. Tapi konsumsi kalsium gé ulah nepi ka loba teuing, sabab bisa ngabalukarkeun batu ginjal. Kalsium bisa diserep ku peujit mun aya Vitamin D.

Pikeun leuwih lengkep ngeunaan Ca dina kahirupan, mangga aos kalsium dina biologi.

Kalsium atawa kapur dina cai bisa nyieun masalah nyaeta ningkatkeun TDS. Cara meurunkan TDS air tanpa RO diantarana nganggo resin kation anion. Salah sahiji merekna nyaeta resin thermax tulsion T42-Na


(Latin calx, lime) Lime was prepared and used by the Romans as éarly as the 1st century, but calcium was not discovered until 1808. After léarning that Berzelius and Pontin prepared calcium amalgam by electrolyzing lime in mercury, Sir Humphry Davy was able to isolate the impure metal.


Calcium is the fifth most abundant element in the éarth's crust (forming more than 3%) and is an essential part of léaves, bones, teeth, and shells. Due to its chemical réactivity with air and water, calcium is never found in nature unbound to

Apatite is the fluorophosphate or chlorophosphate of calcium. Electrolysis of molten calcium chloride (CaCl2) can be used to isolate pure calcium. 

Isolation (* follow):
cathode: Ca2+* + 2e- --> Ca
anode: Cl-* --> ½Cl2 (gas) + e-


Quicklime (CaO) is used in many chemical refinery processes and is made by héating and carefully adding water to limestone. When CaO is mixed with sand it hardens into a mortar and is turned into plaster by carbon dioxide uptake. Mixed with other compounds, CaO forms an important part of Portland cement.

When water percolates through limestone or other soluble carbonate rocks, it partially disolves part of the rock and causes cave formation and characteristic stalactites and stalagmites and also forms hard water. Other important calcium compounds are nitrate, sulfide, chloride, carbide, cyanamide, and hypochlorite.


Kalsium boga genep isotop stabil, dua di antarana aya di alam: Ca-40 stabil jeung Ca-41 radioaktif nu umur-satengahna = 103.000 taun. 97% unsur ieu aya dina wujud Ca-40. Ca-40 téh turunan tina luruhna K-40, nu ogé ngahasilkeun Ar-40.

Baca ogé: gangguan métabolisme kalsium

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